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    • September 10, 2011 11:18 AM CDT
    • I think when times are good the pound is worth about 1.4 or 1.5 dollars. To be honest everywhere in the West sucks so the pound is worthless and the Euro isn't much better so 1.6 isn't that crazy. For Brits it was way better a few years ago when the British economy was kicking arse while something was wrong with the American, then it was nearly 2 dollars to the pound and we could do some serious business.

    • September 8, 2011 9:14 AM CDT
    • Thanks for the reply, but I want to know fair (right?) late.  Now, 1 USD is about 78 Yen (It means USD is too cheap!!!), but if the American economy is recovered, 1 USD will be 90 - 100 Yen, and I think it's fair late.  As I said, now, 1USD is about 1.6 GBP, so if the American economy is recovered, how much GBP is worth 1 USD?  Or, how much GBP was worth 1 USD about a years ago?

      Sorry for my bad English!

    • September 8, 2011 8:21 AM CDT
    • I just ordered the August 2011 issue of the Guitarist magazine for the feature on the Belairs and Dick Dale.  It was 7.5 GBP (shipping included): $12, which is less than the $15.99 it sold for at Borders.

      The other night I ordered The Cramps - Live at Club 57 in 1979 CD from a small German record store for €17.69, which comes to $24.89.

    • September 8, 2011 7:41 AM CDT
    • I have some bucks in my Paypal! :(

    • September 7, 2011 5:06 PM CDT
    • Fortunately for me, pocket lint rarely changes dramatically in value ; )

    • September 7, 2011 9:30 AM CDT
    • Hi.

      Well, now as you know, USD is NOT strong!  Some years ago, a Dollar is worth 90 - 100 (Japanese) Yen, and a Dollar = 90 - 100 Yen is good rate for economics.  And now a Dollar is 1.60745 GBP.  So, how much GBP usually should be worth a Dollar for economics?

    • September 8, 2011 12:23 PM CDT
    • The Will Smith "I Am Legend" is pure blasphemy unto the name of Richard Matheson. I'm so tired of seeing people that don't have a REAL love for Horror/Sci Fi churning out conjibulated mish mash remakes.

      I LOVE "Last Man On Earth and "Omega Man", either one of which is a gazillion times better than "Fresh Prince Of Zombietown".

    • September 8, 2011 10:39 AM CDT
    • No, but I want to see a pic of your car!

    • September 8, 2011 10:32 AM CDT
    • There's gotta be a better shot of The Trashmen's van out there somewhere... but all I could find was this:

    • September 6, 2011 12:19 PM CDT
    • Excused!


      Here's one that I've never seen another photo of:

      Phantom Surfers - I believe this is an early 70's Ford Econoline

    • September 6, 2011 10:44 AM CDT
    • The Trashwomen: The car doesn't say "Trashwomen" on it, so they may not have actually used it for gigs, but I don't care. I just needed an excuse to post it somewhere. ;)

    • September 6, 2011 10:39 AM CDT
    • The Four Slicks (from Paris) Ford Falcon: I think the story was, they bought the car in California (or somewhere out west) and drove it across the country. It had "N.Y. or Bust" painted on the back... I remember them having it when they stopped and played a gig in St. Louis a few years ago.

    • September 6, 2011 10:36 AM CDT
    • The Mummies' Pontiac Hearse:

      The Mummies' Plymouth Valiant Wagon:

    • September 3, 2011 4:50 PM CDT
    • Post some pics of band cars here. I'll start with a few:


      The Go-Nuts "Nut Wagon" a Dodge "A" wagon, not sure what year.

      The Cormans - Dodge "A" Van. Again not sure what year, I wanna say this is an A 110, the longer one from later in the 60's.

    • September 8, 2011 3:50 AM CDT
    • Hey Kopper, I should ad that hat suits you just fine.

      Much finer than that greedy Reverend !  ;)

    • September 8, 2011 3:49 AM CDT
    • Reverend Horton Thief ???


    • September 6, 2011 10:02 AM CDT
    • It's weird how things like this pop up out of the blue after you start talking about 'em. I was just on Facebook and saw that one of my friends was wearing a Reverend Horton Heat button beanie. At first, I thought he'd just taken a patch and sewn it on one like I'd bought, but I did a quick Google search and found that the Rev is actually selling them on his site:

      Funny... his look *exactly* like the Kingpin beanie that I bought, but it has his patch sewn on it, and they're selling them for $38! Holy cow! That's some markup.

    • September 6, 2011 3:58 PM CDT
    • Just started wading through thread from top:

      Seen Jockey journal before, some good little articles included.

      El Diablo is new to me, and I'm glad it's been flagged up, some really good bikes to see on first look. I'll be going back when I've got a few spare minutes , which will probably turn into hours as I 'read' through each issue.


    • September 6, 2011 2:01 PM CDT
    • Always nice to ride-in shows full of a real mix of bikes.

      Wish we had more shows like this in the UK.


    • September 5, 2011 6:58 PM CDT
    • The Black bottle scotch whisky.  NOS.......Cheers.

    • September 3, 2011 2:31 AM CDT
    • sPhillys own Jacquin's Gin plus some sweet tea... i think. Who cares, getting drunk is all that matters.

    • September 4, 2011 7:50 AM CDT
    • nICE INDEED :)

    • September 3, 2011 10:10 PM CDT
    • How 'bout this cheeseball: No name alien from China. No idea what year it was manufactured.....

      "!Enter The Genericon!"


    • September 3, 2011 9:46 PM CDT
    • That is TRULY awesome, Michael! I have some crapulous toys that I'd rate on quite a different scale than our friend from Metaluna. Images enroute......

    • September 3, 2011 4:28 PM CDT
    • HRR - I think I've seen a black & white photo of this shop car with flames on it that looked great. Can't find it with a simple google search though. It's in one of my books I believe.