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    • July 18, 2011 1:56 PM CDT
    • I love watching basketball, (American) football, and occasionally baseball.  Even though I live in Arkansas, I love the Boston Celtics and Red Sox.  I don't really have a particular football team that I root for though.  I also love skateboarding, even though I'm a bit too heavy to participate.

    • July 15, 2011 11:56 AM CDT
    • I'm runing and fitness to be easy for motocross racing.

    • July 18, 2011 4:15 AM CDT
    • AWesome rides MAX WEDGE!


      How's that flame throwing organ treating ya? Man that things cool.

      Coolest car i ever had was a 66 caddy hearse. Working on a 85 honda aero 50 now for fun.


      you guys should bring KD down to FL, you guys would kill down here!

    • July 15, 2011 11:32 PM CDT
    • Maybe the easiest way would be to develop a mobile site?

      Is there anything in the Ning software/code/whatever for that?

    • July 15, 2011 2:24 PM CDT
    • nice 150 Super there.  my mate had one in metallic brown.  quite fast for a 150

      I'll stick a pic up when I find it together with my current scoot (Lambretta GP200)

      regards, Col

    • July 15, 2011 1:42 PM CDT
    • I love it!

    • July 15, 2011 8:10 AM CDT
    • Also known as Goober hats, Jughead or Jaghead caps, Whoopee caps, inverted fedoras, etc. I love these things. Always wanted one. So last night I plunked down the $22.95 and ordered a black one from the KingPin. I plan on putting some of my favorite buttons on it, the likes of which no button beanie has probably ever seen. Yeah, I'll probably get some stares when I wear it (and my wife will probably think I'm fuckin' nuts), but, ya know, like that's not ever happened before! Ha.

      But the real reason for me starting this topic was I wanted to share this blog post that details the history of the button beanie. I thought it was a perfect post for Talkin' Trash. Check this out:

      And check out this beautiful customized original from the '30s (maybe even earlier):

      See more pics of that one here:

      Any of you have one of these? If not, you should get one. Let's start a movement. Let's bring back the button beanie!

    • July 13, 2011 7:46 AM CDT
    • Amazing game.

    • July 13, 2011 7:45 AM CDT
    • Left 4 dead, dead rising, dead space was fuckin amazing,i would add fear.

    • July 12, 2011 11:33 AM CDT
    • Interesting, though I wouldn't know what to think of him doing a "box office" friendly superhero movie. I'm not saying he couldn't pull it off, it just wouldn't seem to be his genre. I'm curious to know if "Deadpool" is an alive project, and will Ryan Reynolds play him? Would there even be a need for that now? I'm guessing they could have somebody else play him since he's disfigured and all...

      josta59 said:

      Yeah, speaking of dark, did you know Robert Rodriguez signed on briefly to direct Deadpool? I was so excited. Though I'm much more interested in his original stories than in Sin City, so I don't know what I would've thought of his Deadpool.

    • July 12, 2011 11:24 AM CDT
    • Yeah, speaking of dark, did you know Robert Rodriguez signed on briefly to direct Deadpool? I was so excited. Though I'm much more interested in his original stories than in Sin City, so I don't know what I would've thought of his Deadpool.

    • July 12, 2011 11:20 AM CDT
    • I think with today's technology, a Spawn film in the right hands would be good. It's a dark enough backstory, and if a writer with an understanding for the character was hired, it could be grand. There is demand for darker comic book films, so I think it would need to have the envelope pushed due to the subject matter. One reason that fans were divided on "Ghost Rider" was because it wasn't dark enough.

      josta59 said:

      My enjoyment was partly due to the soundtrack, which is still a very unique album, and partly due to its being part of a double feature with Event Horizon at our local drive-in. I went alone and had an insanely good time, completely sober. Great memory.

    • July 12, 2011 11:13 AM CDT
    • My enjoyment was partly due to the soundtrack, which is still a very unique album, and partly due to its being part of a double feature with Event Horizon at our local drive-in. I went alone and had an insanely good time, completely sober. Great memory.

    • July 12, 2011 11:07 AM CDT
    • I had high hopes for that flick, especially since I was intrigued by Spawn's origin (I never read the comics). But honestly, it took all I had to get through the whole thing. He looked cool though! It was about as disappointing as "The Shadow" and "Darkman" (which technically isn't a comic book film, but he did get his own series and a cult following)>

      josta59 said:

      I remember really enjoying the Spawn film when it came out, but I just now watched the trailer again, 14 years later, and hmmm...maybe I've seen too many movies to still think that's cool.

    • July 12, 2011 9:05 AM CDT
    • I remember really enjoying the Spawn film when it came out, but I just now watched the trailer again, 14 years later, and hmmm...maybe I've seen too many movies to still think that's cool.

    • July 11, 2011 10:01 PM CDT

    • I seriously doubt Wesley Snipes would be considered at this point, anyway. I can't place the actors you're naming off, but I believe what you say. Who knows if a Black Panther film will ever get made? It's been stuck in development hell along with Iron Fist, Ant Man, Sub-Mariner, and others.
      Rockin Rod Strychnine said:

      I don't want to see him as Black Panther.  It's like getting Nick Cage as Ghost Rider.  My choice for Black Panther would be the actor who was in 40 Year Old Virgin and currently was No Ordinary Family (which I actually enjoyed despite being light weight) as the co star to Michael Chiclis(?)  Even better, I was watching this show called Undercovers on NBC last year and they had this German actor but of African descent.  He was quite good, I thought.

    • July 11, 2011 9:58 PM CDT
    • I think I remember that, actually. Given the popularity of Conan, it doesn't surprise me that Marvel would have done that...

      Aldyth Beltane said:

      Oddly, Conan *did* appear in the Spider-Man title Marvel Team-Up, in which Conan was somehow magically transported to modern New York.  MTU had some of the most improbably crossovers imaginable.

      (I am oddly disturbed that I recall this particular bit of trivia.)

      joey fuckup said:

      With Spiderman being the THE flagship character for Marvel, I think the only comic book series he didn't appear in was "Conan the Barbarian". He crossed paths with everybody, and I think back in the '70's (for the most part), Spiderman had 5 different titled series. I read a rumor some time back that a fourth Spiderman movie would involve Morbius, and Blade would appear in it as well. Apparently Marvel was interested in breathing life back into the Blade franchise. There was even an industry insider joke that Wesley Snipes would portray him again because he needed the money. (Referring to his tax evasion troubles). Snipes has said that he has no desire to play Blade again, citing his displeasure with filming "Blade: Trinity". I do know that at one time, he was being considered to play Black Panther for the big screen.

    • July 11, 2011 1:31 PM CDT
    • I don't want to see him as Black Panther.  It's like getting Nick Cage as Ghost Rider.  My choice for Black Panther would be the actor who was in 40 Year Old Virgin and currently was No Ordinary Family (which I actually enjoyed despite being light weight) as the co star to Michael Chiclis(?)  Even better, I was watching this show called Undercovers on NBC last year and they had this German actor but of African descent.  He was quite good, I thought.

    • July 11, 2011 1:26 PM CDT
    • Oddly, Conan *did* appear in the Spider-Man title Marvel Team-Up, in which Conan was somehow magically transported to modern New York.  MTU had some of the most improbably crossovers imaginable.

      (I am oddly disturbed that I recall this particular bit of trivia.)

      joey fuckup said:

      With Spiderman being the THE flagship character for Marvel, I think the only comic book series he didn't appear in was "Conan the Barbarian". He crossed paths with everybody, and I think back in the '70's (for the most part), Spiderman had 5 different titled series. I read a rumor some time back that a fourth Spiderman movie would involve Morbius, and Blade would appear in it as well. Apparently Marvel was interested in breathing life back into the Blade franchise. There was even an industry insider joke that Wesley Snipes would portray him again because he needed the money. (Referring to his tax evasion troubles). Snipes has said that he has no desire to play Blade again, citing his displeasure with filming "Blade: Trinity". I do know that at one time, he was being considered to play Black Panther for the big screen.

    • July 11, 2011 11:16 AM CDT
    • With Spiderman being the THE flagship character for Marvel, I think the only comic book series he didn't appear in was "Conan the Barbarian". He crossed paths with everybody, and I think back in the '70's (for the most part), Spiderman had 5 different titled series. I read a rumor some time back that a fourth Spiderman movie would involve Morbius, and Blade would appear in it as well. Apparently Marvel was interested in breathing life back into the Blade franchise. There was even an industry insider joke that Wesley Snipes would portray him again because he needed the money. (Referring to his tax evasion troubles). Snipes has said that he has no desire to play Blade again, citing his displeasure with filming "Blade: Trinity". I do know that at one time, he was being considered to play Black Panther for the big screen.

    • July 10, 2011 10:57 PM CDT
    • I had a Marvel Team-Up that had "Tomb of" Dracula as a guest star.  He and Spider-Man never really crossed paths except Dracula bumping his shoulder into Peter Parker because there was no room to get by (this all took place on a boat) but this was the early 70s when a lot of plots were tried and just ended up looking stupid.

    • July 11, 2011 7:34 PM CDT
    • Dyonisus Records in 2005 released a soundtrack played by a Swiss band called Stereophonic Space Sound Unlimited.The  movie of this soundtrack is inspired to the life of Jo Siffert. Honestly don't know much about them; both, the band and the race car driver of the '60's /'70's era.
      If someone is o r has been a fan and would spend two words about it, please get in.