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  • Topic: Favourite sports?

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    • May 5, 2010 6:48 PM CDT
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      So, whats everyone into?
      I love Rugby Union, Cricket (all forms of it), a bit of Rugby League and I failed my 2nd year of university cause I watched to much Ice Hockey.
    • July 22, 2011 12:23 PM CDT
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      I'm a huge baseball fan. Oddly enough,  a lot of musicians  from the original NYC late 70's Punk Scene (which I came out of), were really into baseball. I grew up in Queens, close to Shea, so I was a Mets fan. I've been in Los Angeles for many years now & live close to Dodger stadium, & I'v e been a Dodgers fan. I guess I have something for Bankrupt Baseball teams? lol!


      I'm boycotting the Dodgers though until there's a regime change. Frank McCourt has dragged the team into the mud & he's gotta go.  I mean really, The Dodgers in Last Place??? The Giants World Series champs?? Can it get any worse??

    • July 19, 2011 8:25 AM CDT
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      I don't know why I hate on the Patriots, I just do.  I think I'm more of a Giants fan.
    • July 18, 2011 2:21 PM CDT
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      Well then the Patriots should be your football team.  Don't be a hater like the rest of the country.


      Anyone else watch Friday Night Lights around here?  Best show on TV and very sad to see it go.  Altho the finale wasn't as good as I'd hoped.  Get the DVD if you're into small town America and/or football.  It's also repeating from Episode 1 on ESPN and/or ESPN.

    • July 18, 2011 1:56 PM CDT
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      I love watching basketball, (American) football, and occasionally baseball.  Even though I live in Arkansas, I love the Boston Celtics and Red Sox.  I don't really have a particular football team that I root for though.  I also love skateboarding, even though I'm a bit too heavy to participate.
    • July 15, 2011 11:56 AM CDT
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      I'm runing and fitness to be easy for motocross racing.
    • April 16, 2011 2:37 AM CDT
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      My favorite sports to watch is a toss up between baseball and soccer, but my favorite participatory sports is running half marathons and cycling.  I just was in the very hot Go St. Louis half marathon [13.1 miles].
    • June 16, 2010 5:56 AM CDT
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      I'm a huge American football fan. Can turn on any game and enjoy it but obviously being from Boston, am a Patriots fan (and was a long time Giants fan too growing up in VT and for many years here until the Patriots became a dynasty). Basketball is next, soccer, hockey, tennis, swimming, lacrosse............And then there's baseball.
    • May 5, 2010 10:51 PM CDT
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      1. Baseball (and corkball)
      2. Ice Hockey

      I really couldn't care less about others, although I've played both basketball and soccer... they're just not sports that I enjoy watching others play.

      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

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