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    • April 17, 2011 12:09 PM CDT
    • Orange (or any fresh citrus) juice, home pressed. Combined with green tea in large amounts (supposedly helps liver & kidneys to cleanse) as a starter... common knowledge, lots of fluid.


      Then I have different remedies like russian root, ginger & herbals that are/feels refreshing. Since I tend to drink til like 6 in the morning I go thru' the day after dazed & mellow. While using the above & slowly come back, it's perfect to sleep it off at nite.


      And keeping busy, NOT laying around feeling sorry for one self is important (to me) so I rather try to have some stuff around to fix with. Well, not to brain-demanding chores that is!


      Cheers / Tobba Z /

    • April 17, 2011 8:45 AM CDT
    • Do you guys have special recipes for hangovers?I have a couple of methods like to have a tomato juice (bloody mary also works fine!), or eat some feta cheese, also have a big cup of yogurt.....

      Tell me some!

    • April 17, 2011 1:14 AM CDT
    • PBR with one or two shots of Wild Turkey. Keeping it klassay babies!

    • April 15, 2011 11:50 AM CDT
    • Best cheap beer in the world - Yuengling!  We can't get it in Maine, but fortunately for me we have an office in PA so I have my guys bring cases back when the visit the mothership.

    • April 16, 2011 12:56 PM CDT
    • I can fully vouch for Wild Zero - that is one of the most enjoyable movies I have seen this millennium. It's pretty easy to find the DVD for less than $20, and totally worth it. Starring Guitar Wolf - that should be enough to hook you all right there. Plus zombies, motorcycles, UFOs, a laser sword, and general insanity... Just watch it. Truly, it is the best "Rock'n'Roll JET Movie" of all time.


      I will nominate a movie that could not be more different, stylistically: Dead Man (1995), Jim Jarmusch's existential western. Not usually my kind of thing, but this movie is...different. I've shown to some people (like my wife) who were not into at all and generally ended up falling asleep, but I thought it was amazing. Starring Johnny Depp and Gary Farmer, with Iggy in a small (hilarious) roll, and Gibby Haynes has a cameo. Neil Young provides the soundtrack - just Neil's guitar, heavily reverbed, with no lyrics. Very atmospheric, this is a case where the soundtrack really enhances the movie. Simply awesome. Netflix has it, and DVDs can be found for under $10 (check

    • April 16, 2011 12:02 PM CDT
    • I would imagine that Most the folks round her have figured out by now that HOLLYWOOD couldn't pull an original thought out it's ass if'n it's stinkin' life depende upon it. For All those Who may "GET" it, what's to follow is a simple film link list (Divx) of films That I Feel ARE "QUALITY". Just my simple reasearchings..................


       Wild Zero (2000)


    • April 16, 2011 11:50 AM CDT

      Catfish Jones said:

      Fucking South Park hit the nail square on the head with the Facebook episode. I don't care about the vast majority of people on there, and there really is nothing more annoying than being bombarded with irrelevant e-mails from groups that you are only tacitly involved with in the first place. 


    • April 16, 2011 2:48 AM CDT
    • While I generally have grown to really dislike social network sites, I have ocassionally run into this. Before someone auto matically adds you to something like this, I would think he/she would wonder whether he/she would want this to happen to him. ... sorry if there are any typos, my daughter damaged the "h" key [it got stock] with her hunt and peck style typing!

    • April 15, 2011 1:50 PM CDT
    • I'm a bit confused, what exactly would be the difference between facebook and shoeboek?

    • April 14, 2011 5:06 PM CDT
    • You' re right.

    • April 14, 2011 5:02 PM CDT
    • While we're hating at Facebook, I'm wondering whether anyone's got the Hideout player working on their FB profile/page/whatever?

    • April 14, 2011 2:36 PM CDT
    • Fucking South Park hit the nail square on the head with the Facebook episode. I don't care about the vast majority of people on there, and there really is nothing more annoying than being bombarded with irrelevant e-mails from groups that you are only tacitly involved with in the first place. 


    • April 14, 2011 2:33 PM CDT
    • Good post. Welcome into the wonderful wild world of commenting.

      sidgirl said:

      This happened to me a few times, yeah, and I had no idea what was going on at first (I hate Facebook and only have a page because I'm expected to for work). Incredibly rude and annoying.


      Facebook sucks.



      (This is my first post here; I hope it's okay?)

    • April 14, 2011 1:14 PM CDT
    • This happened to me a few times, yeah, and I had no idea what was going on at first (I hate Facebook and only have a page because I'm expected to for work). Incredibly rude and annoying.


      Facebook sucks.



      (This is my first post here; I hope it's okay?)

    • April 13, 2011 2:11 PM CDT
    • Myspace is horrible. I went on it last week to update the account there and it was still just as poorly designed and clunky as ever.

    • April 13, 2011 1:32 PM CDT
    • It will be a while before Facebook gets as bad as Myspace is now. The general level of intelligence on Myspace seems a lot lower than any other site around, the forums are rubbish and the groups were mostly spam and trash before they got rid of them. Although there were one or two that were pretty cool. 


      Trick with Facebook is cut down your friends. If you don't talk to people in real life, over the phone or by email then don't have them on Facebook (unless you just want to sneak around their lives).

    • April 13, 2011 1:13 PM CDT
    • Okay, gotcha. I just didn't want to agitate anyone, so when I saw this, it seemed like a sparked up some tension. Facebook can be exasperating a lot of times, but I just shrug most of it off. Like I stated on Facebook, this site has MUCH MORE to offer than most or even any other sites regarding Rock 'N Roll. If I can be of help in any way in spreading the word about this site, let me know. From time to time, I post links to here, usually podcasts I listen to and I've posted my page's link so people can see how killer this place is. And yes, I, too, get a lot of event invites from bands in other countries and it sucks, 'cause it's sort of a tease knowing I can't go and I love the band, heh. I got the same 'event' shit on MySpace, which I haven't even bothered with in over a year. I don't even remember my password or info to log in.

    • April 13, 2011 12:59 PM CDT
    • Oh, it's not just you, man. This happens to me probably once a week! Seriously, it's the biggest pain in the ass and, as far as I can tell, there's no way to prevent it from happening again and again.

      And Steve, yeah, you're right. The events thing is also bad. It's gotten to the point that I just ignore ALL event invites because most of them aren't even events in my own town but halfway across the globe.

      Sean said:

      It bothered you that much to post an entire topic on here? Just figured you'd maybe find it interesting and didn't know it automatically added you. Some people like being involved in more than one or two groups, so I guess I thought you'd find it pretty cool. Had I known it would've annoyed you to the point of venting on here, I would not have sent the innocent invite. All you had to do is leave the group and say no thanks, not post a topic about it or message me about it.


    • April 16, 2011 2:37 AM CDT
    • My favorite sports to watch is a toss up between baseball and soccer, but my favorite participatory sports is running half marathons and cycling.  I just was in the very hot Go St. Louis half marathon [13.1 miles].

    • April 14, 2011 12:48 PM CDT

      I am a fan of Oban.  Laphroig is excellent as well but an acquired taste.

      Glenlivit 15 isn't bad either

    • April 13, 2011 12:52 PM CDT
    • Let me see if I got some stuff I want to post again, nah - just can't decide which dust filling I want with my rock taco - Sorry everyone!

      Ya got a point there man. Guys, try posting some stuff in this discussion you post nowhere else, It's supposed to be a more loose and sketchy thing here. Showcases of your stuff are very welcome in the SHOW ME YOUR WORK discussion, ok?

      This is the place to mess around.

      Lost Soul said:
      I may have posted this before but who fucking cares. It's a card I did ages ago but I forgot how much I like the kitty-kat. Please don't follow my blog or join my gang or anything like that.

      Isn't it about time we had some more bands asking for free artwork? I love to work for free because food is for wimps.