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    • June 26, 2010 7:06 PM CDT
    • Don't worry, there are plenty of 'tards out there living really kick-ass lives. My first wife...was 'tarded. She's a pilot now. Johnny Paradox said:

      Alright guys, can we take it easy? This is my girlfriend. She's dyslexic and her spelling/grammatical errors are not her fault. I'm not trying to tell you guys what to do, I'm just asking you to lay off a little. I love her a lot and I'm really trying not to sound like an asshole here but I do get protective.



    • June 26, 2010 6:59 PM CDT
    • Yes, I have had talks with her about this. It's not that she thinks she is smarter than everyone, I believe she is referring to the masses of preppy kids that she and I both have to deal with at school and such. However I can't speak for her. Ah well, I'll try to get her to tone it down a bit either way. kopper said:

      Very gallant of you, Johnny, but I gotta say she brought this on herself. I've been running this network for four years now and I've never seen a member bio where the person rambles on about how smart they are (or how much smarter they think they are than everybody else, yadda yadda yadda). Sorry, but you can't blame a superiority complex on dyslexia.

      Also, spell check has been known to work wonders for dyslexic people. Hell, even browsers have that functionality now. I'm sure she's smart enough to use that!


      Johnny Paradox said:
      Alright guys, can we take it easy? This is my girlfriend. She's dyslexic and her spelling/grammatical errors are not her fault. I'm not trying to tell you guys what to do, I'm just asking you to lay off a little. I love her a lot and I'm really trying not to sound like an asshole here but I do get protective.



    • June 26, 2010 6:06 PM CDT
    • Very gallant of you, Johnny, but I gotta say she brought this on herself. I've been running this network for four years now and I've never seen a member bio where the person rambles on about how smart they are (or how much smarter they think they are than everybody else, yadda yadda yadda). Sorry, but you can't blame a superiority complex on dyslexia. Also, spell check has been known to work wonders for dyslexic people. Hell, even browsers have that functionality now. I'm sure she's smart enough to use that! kopper Johnny Paradox said:

      Alright guys, can we take it easy? This is my girlfriend. She's dyslexic and her spelling/grammatical errors are not her fault. I'm not trying to tell you guys what to do, I'm just asking you to lay off a little. I love her a lot and I'm really trying not to sound like an asshole here but I do get protective.



    • June 26, 2010 5:15 PM CDT
    • Alright guys, can we take it easy? This is my girlfriend. She's dyslexic and her spelling/grammatical errors are not her fault. I'm not trying to tell you guys what to do, I'm just asking you to lay off a little. I love her a lot and I'm really trying not to sound like an asshole here but I do get protective.



    • June 26, 2010 4:05 PM CDT
    • Yeah, I've lived in quite a few flop houses and it always turns into a giant shit streak. Cometbus is pretty good stuff. kopper said:

      I used to love to read of Aaron Cometbus's travels, hopping trains and dumpster-diving for food. It was fantastic, captivating stuff. Closest thing to a modern-day Kerouac I've ever found. But I never wanted to live like that. My wife and I stayed at the Naked Aggression punk house in Madison, Wisconsin sometime in the early '90s (coincidentally, I met Aaron at some outdoor punk show while we were there), and it was the most disgusting house we'd ever been in.

      Alex Patton said:
      I traveled around the U.S. on the down and out for a while. If you want to know what the life style is like save yourself some time and go buy the cheapest bottle of whiskey you can find (nothing over 10 U.S. $ for a fifth), gather together the stupidest, most idiotic, and smelliest people in your town, and sit in a giant pile of dog shit while you all ask passerbys for their left over ham sandwiches. That's pretty much what it is. It sucks. Also, everywhere you go there are Insane Clown Posse fans and being privy to just one of their conversations is enough to bring anyone to suicide. You should also consider the depressing amount of neo-hippies that will be run across. The days of the Jack Kerouac On The Road life are dead. If you did squat the only accomplishment that would really be possible is realizing that it sucks and getting an apartment before you get Hepatitis A, B, or C.

    • June 26, 2010 3:52 PM CDT
    • I used to love to read of Aaron Cometbus's travels, hopping trains and dumpster-diving for food. It was fantastic, captivating stuff. Closest thing to a modern-day Kerouac I've ever found. But I never wanted to live like that. My wife and I stayed at the Naked Aggression punk house in Madison, Wisconsin sometime in the early '90s (coincidentally, I met Aaron at some outdoor punk show while we were there), and it was the most disgusting house we'd ever been in. Alex Patton said:

      I traveled around the U.S. on the down and out for a while. If you want to know what the life style is like save yourself some time and go buy the cheapest bottle of whiskey you can find (nothing over 10 U.S. $ for a fifth), gather together the stupidest, most idiotic, and smelliest people in your town, and sit in a giant pile of dog shit while you all ask passerbys for their left over ham sandwiches. That's pretty much what it is. It sucks. Also, everywhere you go there are Insane Clown Posse fans and being privy to just one of their conversations is enough to bring anyone to suicide. You should also consider the depressing amount of neo-hippies that will be run across. The days of the Jack Kerouac On The Road life are dead. If you did squat the only accomplishment that would really be possible is realizing that it sucks and getting an apartment before you get Hepatitis A, B, or C.

    • June 26, 2010 3:00 PM CDT
    • I traveled around the U.S. on the down and out for a while. If you want to know what the life style is like save yourself some time and go buy the cheapest bottle of whiskey you can find (nothing over 10 U.S. $ for a fifth), gather together the stupidest, most idiotic, and smelliest people in your town, and sit in a giant pile of dog shit while you all ask passerbys for their left over ham sandwiches. That's pretty much what it is. It sucks. Also, everywhere you go there are Insane Clown Posse fans and being privy to just one of their conversations is enough to bring anyone to suicide. You should also consider the depressing amount of neo-hippies that will be run across. The days of the Jack Kerouac On The Road life are dead. If you did squat the only accomplishment that would really be possible is realizing that it sucks and getting an apartment before you get Hepatitis A, B, or C.

    • June 26, 2010 4:40 AM CDT
    • Great thread.

      Xaphan - Just because you CAN type... it doesn't necessarily mean you SHOULD type. OK?

      I stand by my previous statement - Get a job because you clearly have too much free time on your hands. Then you can provide yourself with all the things that make life worth living. Like records, books, food, internet access... and clean underwear. When you have occupied yourself with these things you'll have less time to think about stupid shit like this.

    • June 26, 2010 3:45 AM CDT
    • Well, she likes to seem intellectuel
      And "she outsmarts her teacher when" she goes to school
      And the way she acts is so uncool

      You better tell that girl to shut up

    • June 26, 2010 12:12 AM CDT
    • You know I'm in babe. <3

    • June 25, 2010 8:19 PM CDT
    • I'm with Gringo...

      let the good times roll!

    • June 25, 2010 8:17 PM CDT
    • The worst thing that could happen is that you could end up in commune with smack shooting deadheads.

      I lived on the streets, not by choice, & I almost committed suicide.

      ...Then I bought a record player, fucking thing saved my life.

    • June 25, 2010 7:52 PM CDT
    • "origianal english vocabualry" She even spelled Intelligence wrong. The funny thing is Wolfi is Swiss. I know him. And he can see the misspelled words even though English is not his first language. I think she is doing enough damage on her own. I'm gonna just leave her to it and watch how it develops. This has become my favorite thread this week. Ms. Smartypants indeed. Wolfi said:

      well well well, I suggest you read your Bio again:
      about me, well, i would have to say i really don't like people with a low intellegence, for example not knowing what ethics or morality is. other than that im pretty hard headed, and strong willed but over all open minded. my style is D.I.Y. (do it yourself). i believe in anarchy and peace. i believe that two wrongs make a right only if the second wrong is to correct the first one. music is a big part of my life and im currently takeing on three bands, and managing one. i know almost everything there is to know about music in the early 70's through the early 90's and if you out smart me and rub it in my face that will only make me want to out smart you. i do believe that knowledge is very important (which i believe this generation is too incompetent to realize due to the fact of lack of common knowledge and origianal english vocabualry). if you want to know anything ealse just ask and il respond. thank you, and have a great life. yours truely, -Xaphan

      Xaphan said:
      bro... ive read EVERYTHING in smarter than almost anyone my age.. and ive out-smarted my english teacher.. dosent get any better than that.

      Ross Jesus Navaro Richards said:
      lived on a bus for 2 years around UK and europe m8, its not fuckin romantic at all! all it does is make u think fuck, wish i listened to myself.. Course i was watching Hawkwind most of the time lol.. i SUGGEST u study m8, if your bored, sit in your room head in book, then in a couple of years you intelligent freak u, u can then choose where in the world u wanna work/doss, especially if u have language skills... then u can sit under a fuckin great big cactus, (like me) typing this to someone else who is thinkin the same lol!

      serious, its shit m8! does nuthin for the pysche at all. all that time u gonna spend with no purpose..

    • June 25, 2010 7:43 PM CDT
    • In other words (and with spelling and grammar in check), this generation is too incompetent to realize that knowledge is important because of their lack of common knowledge of good old English vocabulary. WTF? You're a parody of yourself, then, my hard-headed friend. By the way, since you're espousing superior ethics and morality (not to mention intelligence) than the rest of your generation, how ethical and moral is it to break into a house and live there with 20 other people, illegally? Explain that one. Wolfi said:

      well well well, I suggest you read your Bio again and think about it:
      Bio: about me, well, i would have to say i really don't like people with a low intellegence, for example not knowing what ethics or morality is. other than that im pretty hard headed, and strong willed but over all open minded. my style is D.I.Y. (do it yourself). i believe in anarchy and peace. i believe that two wrongs make a right only if the second wrong is to correct the first one. music is a big part of my life and im currently takeing on three bands, and managing one. i know almost everything there is to know about music in the early 70's through the early 90's and if you out smart me and rub it in my face that will only make me want to out smart you. i do believe that knowledge is very important (which i believe this generation is too incompetent to realize due to the fact of lack of common knowledge and origianal english vocabualry). if you want to know anything ealse just ask and il respond. thank you, and have a great life. yours truely, -Xaphan Are you really that intelligent and do you really "out-smarted" your english teacher? Come on, you even wrote "intellegence"... (I never know if messages like that on the net are a kind of parody or just a joke of someone, but if not then... ouch)

    • June 25, 2010 7:36 PM CDT
    • Bro?? are you a kiwi?? cause if you are then saying you outsmarted yer english teacher is not really a claim to fame if you went through the kiwi education system... cause it's pretty shit eh. But speaking of squatting or crusties I have one word to sum it up: SCABIES!! Have fun... scratch scratch... Xaphan said:

      bro... ive read EVERYTHING in smarter than almost anyone my age.. and ive out-smarted my english teacher.. dosent get any better than that.

      Ross Jesus Navaro Richards said:
      lived on a bus for 2 years around UK and europe m8, its not fuckin romantic at all! all it does is make u think fuck, wish i listened to myself.. Course i was watching Hawkwind most of the time lol.. i SUGGEST u study m8, if your bored, sit in your room head in book, then in a couple of years you intelligent freak u, u can then choose where in the world u wanna work/doss, especially if u have language skills... then u can sit under a fuckin great big cactus, (like me) typing this to someone else who is thinkin the same lol!

      serious, its shit m8! does nuthin for the pysche at all. all that time u gonna spend with no purpose..

    • June 25, 2010 7:24 PM CDT
    • well well well, I suggest you read your Bio again and think about it: Bio: about me, well, i would have to say i really don't like people with a low intellegence, for example not knowing what ethics or morality is. other than that im pretty hard headed, and strong willed but over all open minded. my style is D.I.Y. (do it yourself). i believe in anarchy and peace. i believe that two wrongs make a right only if the second wrong is to correct the first one. music is a big part of my life and im currently takeing on three bands, and managing one. i know almost everything there is to know about music in the early 70's through the early 90's and if you out smart me and rub it in my face that will only make me want to out smart you. i do believe that knowledge is very important (which i believe this generation is too incompetent to realize due to the fact of lack of common knowledge and origianal english vocabualry). if you want to know anything ealse just ask and il respond. thank you, and have a great life. yours truely, -Xaphan Are you really that intelligent and do you really "out-smarted" your english teacher? Come on, you even wrote "intellegence"... (I never know if messages like that on the net are a kind of parody or just a joke of someone, but if not then... ouch)

    • June 26, 2010 7:05 PM CDT
    • Ehm...I guess you know it as "Life is beautiful" FREDDI said:

      When it came out I really liked it.
      Along the years I changed my mind,actually I think it sucks.
      Though it's about a not easy theme:

      La Bella Vita - Roberto Benigni

    • June 26, 2010 1:11 PM CDT
    • Some movies that really irritate me are:

      St. Elmo's Fire - a bunch of yuppies graduate college and we're supposed to care.

      Home Alone - I'll never understand why people think this is so funny. That kid drove me to want to kill him.

      Dirty Dancing - Another one that was inexplicably popular, but nauseating to me.

      Titanic (1997) - I had to sit through this with my family once. They zoomed past all the sex scenes for the little kids, but they let them see everyone freeze to death in the water. I tried to sleep through most of it.

      Bloodsucking Freaks - I'll probably get dinged but I just think this thing is the most repulsive movie I've ever seen and I did see the whole thing. It was just gore with no point to it.

    • June 26, 2010 11:22 AM CDT
    • ANY Adam Sandler movie (esp. Little fucking Nicky!) and except Punch Drunk luv....I liked it....meh. And...*sigh*.....Carrot Tops Chairman of the Board! YECH! FEH!! Thee most unfunniestest movie EVERRRRR!!!! The only....ONLY thing cool in that movie was the Rat Fink poster hangin' on their door. My 2 cents worf.

    • June 26, 2010 10:44 AM CDT
    • Worse than worst (Average girlfriend's exhortations):

      Dancing with wolves-
      Almost everyone's Lars Von Trier-
      The Fountain-

      and recently:
      The Strangers-
      Gone baby gone-

    • June 26, 2010 10:25 AM CDT
    • When it came out I really liked it.
      Along the years I changed my mind,actually I think it sucks.
      Though it's about a not easy theme:

      La Bella Vita - Roberto Benigni

    • June 25, 2010 10:14 PM CDT
    • I Heart Huckabees

      Where The Wild Things Are with those mopey monsters who whined and peed all over themselves. Bleh!

    • June 25, 2010 8:04 PM CDT
    • The one about the retarded family with Gwynneth Paltrow and Bill Murray and those ugly Wilson Brothers (Owen?).
      And that unfunny Adam Sandler movie, directed by the same guy. Punch Drunk Love. I want my $10 back.

    • June 25, 2010 7:57 PM CDT
    • I got stuck watching Titanic with my family once, one of the most awkward and uncomfortable times of my life. They were sitting there crying 'n' shit and I'm going what the fuck did you just put me through?? Needless to say I haven't been to a family gathering in over ten years.

      There is one movie in particular that I hated with a passion: Snakeskin.

      A local movie that tried really hard to be an american road movie, man it sucked, worst part was one of my best friends was in it and he was raving about it and all I could say was "I liked the part where your head took up the entire screen"

      I have a generalized hatred of musicals and period dramas, even though I collect the soundtracks to musicals for some reason.

    • June 25, 2010 8:23 PM CDT
    • Congrats to the US Soccer team for making it through to the second round ahead of England! We got knocked out but we finished ahead of the current world champs who also got knocked out... Wha ha!