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    • June 25, 2010 7:16 PM CDT
    • Man, this place is great - full of people who are into what I'm into! Personally I roll 60's style with slotcars. I'm not a big fan of the modern magnet sticking superspeed machines - I like the cars to go slow enough to see, slide around in the corners and be a difficult pain in the arse to handle and maintain. Heaps more fun. I run the smallest scale, HO - Thunderjet 500's - we live in a tiny house. 1:32 scale that you're looking at is probably the best if you've got a bit of space, those Carrera hotrods look cool, I've got a couple of 'em - take out the magnets and they are super fun. Never had much experience with digital - into the the old style of many lanes at once. The slotcar world is a massive & confusing mess ... took me about a year of googling and reading forums to get my head around it all. There are seriously just as many websites and forums into slotcars as guitars - with as many styles and fights. Slot Car Illustrated Forum is one of the nicest to noobs places. Any question you have about slotcars will be answered there. smell the ozone baby!

    • June 25, 2010 6:55 PM CDT
    • I'm partial to the original Beatnik Bandit - I've got a slotcar version of it. We just ordered some Ed Roth decals - the family is still running the merch so it was great to receive a package from Ed "Big Daddy" Roth !

    • June 25, 2010 6:55 PM CDT
    • Might I recommend a dictionary, then, Ms. Smartypants? Xaphan said:

      bro... ive read EVERYTHING in smarter than almost anyone my age.. and ive out-smarted my english teacher.. dosent get any better than that.

      Ross Jesus Navaro Richards said:
      lived on a bus for 2 years around UK and europe m8, its not fuckin romantic at all! all it does is make u think fuck, wish i listened to myself.. Course i was watching Hawkwind most of the time lol.. i SUGGEST u study m8, if your bored, sit in your room head in book, then in a couple of years you intelligent freak u, u can then choose where in the world u wanna work/doss, especially if u have language skills... then u can sit under a fuckin great big cactus, (like me) typing this to someone else who is thinkin the same lol!

      serious, its shit m8! does nuthin for the pysche at all. all that time u gonna spend with no purpose..

    • June 25, 2010 5:22 PM CDT
    • bro... ive read EVERYTHING in smarter than almost anyone my age.. and ive out-smarted my english teacher.. dosent get any better than that. Ross Jesus Navaro Richards said:

      lived on a bus for 2 years around UK and europe m8, its not fuckin romantic at all! all it does is make u think fuck, wish i listened to myself.. Course i was watching Hawkwind most of the time lol.. i SUGGEST u study m8, if your bored, sit in your room head in book, then in a couple of years you intelligent freak u, u can then choose where in the world u wanna work/doss, especially if u have language skills... then u can sit under a fuckin great big cactus, (like me) typing this to someone else who is thinkin the same lol!

      serious, its shit m8! does nuthin for the pysche at all. all that time u gonna spend with no purpose..

    • June 25, 2010 9:13 AM CDT
    • ....Listen to the guy with the wig. You might learn something. I absolutely cannot agree more with the statement below . Start a band, a religion, a movement - but just sitting on your arse 'cause you think it's cool not to pay rent is a waste of time and certainly NOT punk. Wolfi said:

      squatting without political purpose and/or actual need for housing space is just fucking stupid, it ruins the signification of squatting. Wanna have a more interesting life? Get a hobby, read a book or go to disneyland.

    • June 25, 2010 7:54 AM CDT
    • Oh wait, I forgot. Crusties don't wash their underwear. That's why they're crusties. Never mind.

    • June 25, 2010 7:53 AM CDT
    • But washing your underwear in a bucket of water you stole from someone else's garden hose with the remnants of a bottle of laundry detergent you found while dumpster-diving is PUNK, man. C'mon. Mike Humsgreen said:

      "but if i cant break in and just live ther i think il just get the most crappyist looking house ever and just live ther" So you would consider renting instead of squatting but getting a shit rental? Sounds kind of massochistic. My student house was with 4 others, a pile of shit with mould up the walls and a heating system that failed if you forgot to top it up (in Bangor North Wales). Hats off to any squatters and homless because seeing your breath in your living room while your wet clothes hang up on the landing is crap enough for one year.

    • June 25, 2010 1:14 AM CDT
    • "but if i cant break in and just live ther i think il just get the most crappyist looking house ever and just live ther" So you would consider renting instead of squatting but getting a shit rental? Sounds kind of massochistic. My student house was with 4 others, a pile of shit with mould up the walls and a heating system that failed if you forgot to top it up (in Bangor North Wales). Hats off to any squatters and homless because seeing your breath in your living room while your wet clothes hang up on the landing is crap enough for one year.

    • June 25, 2010 12:32 AM CDT
    • and how many of those were actually worth a damn? just "doing it" but putting out crap doesn't really impress me.

    • June 24, 2010 11:52 PM CDT
    • That's true. I know of a few who have done it, but very very few.

    • June 24, 2010 11:30 PM CDT
    • The only homeless people who I ever knew that could do something with music were at least couch surfing, had a PO Box, and not stuck on the street. Ghosts Run Wild/Thee Haints said:

      All I can say is, I tried hitchhiking around, found myself homeless and all that stuff when I was younger...and I thought it was complete hell. But if you are that interested in it, go find out for yourself. I know some people love it. I sure don't.

      Also if you really care about music (which you must since you're on this site) and want to be anything other than a fan you are gonna have a really tough time starting a band, doing a zine, having a record label or whatever your interests are in that kind of situation.

      Not saying it can't be done while homeless/squatting because some do.. but it sure makes it a lot harder.

    • June 24, 2010 10:42 PM CDT
    • All I can say is, I tried hitchhiking around, found myself homeless and all that stuff when I was younger...and I thought it was complete hell. But if you are that interested in it, go find out for yourself. I know some people love it. I sure don't.

      Also if you really care about music (which you must since you're on this site) and want to be anything other than a fan you are gonna have a really tough time starting a band, doing a zine, having a record label or whatever your interests are in that kind of situation.

      Not saying it can't be done while homeless/squatting because some do.. but it sure makes it a lot harder.

    • June 25, 2010 3:46 PM CDT
    • I watched Magnolia and Mulholland Drive all the way through and was just as disappointed as anyone could be. Mulholland Drive didn't even have an ending. It's like they fired the writer of the first 90 minutes and hired a guy for the last 30 minutes but he din't read any of the previous scenes.

      I like watching a lot of the comedies that have come out since 1997 or 98 and movies that came out during the 70s and early 80s but can't stand anything inbetween them unless they have something going for them. Movies I hate? The Porky's series, Police Acadamy, all the American Pies that go straight to DVD.

    • June 25, 2010 11:22 AM CDT
    • ixnayray said:

      Kopper, it saddens me that you could'nt sit through Harley Davidson & The Marlboro Man. It's a winner. I really mean that. Maybe you can find it in your heart to give it another try someday?
      No, I remember people recommending that movie to me way back when, so I rented it, started watching it, and my wife and I just looked at each other and were like, WTF?

    • June 25, 2010 10:35 AM CDT
    • It's a tie between "Beast With a Million Eyes" ((1955)) and "Magnolia" ((1999)).

    • June 25, 2010 10:13 AM CDT
    • The thing with me is that I can sit through practically anything BUT I really could'nt handle the TRANSFORMERS movie from a couple of years back. Never before have I been so bored with so much going on and so much money vomiting from the screen. And yet i'll sit through any Jess Franco movie.

      Kopper, it saddens me that you could'nt sit through Harley Davidson & The Marlboro Man. It's a winner. I really mean that. Maybe you can find it in your heart to give it another try someday? I actually watched the "sequel/remake" to Gone In 60 Seconds", it was awful... but really, what did I expect?

    • June 25, 2010 10:04 AM CDT
    • I can't think of any David Lynch flicks that didn't make me physically sick... Haven't seen much though. But the worst gotta be Mulholland drive. Oh, and E.T. is pretty bad as well.

    • June 25, 2010 8:55 AM CDT
    • What movies were so bad (not bad in a "good bad" sorta way) that you couldn't even finish watching them? This has only happened to me a few times. Usually (probably because of my love of trashy '50s & '60s b-movies) I've learned to stomach most anything, but once in a while I'll start watching a movie that is just so cheesy, so ridiculous, or so BAD that even I have to turn it off and watch something else. I also like to call these "GTFO" movies... or movies that you'll keep around and put in when you want unwanted house guests to "Get The Fuck Out."

      I'll start:

      Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man
      Gone in 60 Seconds & Gone in 60 Seconds 2 (no, I did NOT attempt to watch the sequel)

      There's another one that I had to walk away from but I can't remember the name. I think it may have been French, or foreign of some kind. A period piece that was set in the early 20th century... very arty with lots of dancing and costumes. It was just way too over the top for me. Anyone know what I'm talking about? It came out several years ago, maybe early 2000s.

      Anyway, what are your picks for worst movies ever?

    • June 25, 2010 2:45 PM CDT
    • I'm gonna have to make it out to St. Louis one of these days. I read a book recently by Larry Matysik who was the announcer for NWA wrestling in St. Louis back in the day that talked about some of the huge matches that have taken place there and legends like Harley Race and Bruiser Brody. Michigan has a wrestling history as well, but I haven't been to many local events. I went to a TV taping for a local promotion run by Ed Farhat Jr. son of the Original Sheik about five or six years ago, but they no longer have TV that I know of and now I think they only run shows sporadically in the Jackson County area. A lot of great wrestlers have come from Michigan though, including my personal favorites, the two toughest guys to ever step in the ring, The Steiner Brothers!

      I like WWE lately, I think they've been going back to a more old school wrestling style and I watch Raw, Smackdown, and NXT every week. I don't like TNA all that much. Aside from that, I've been watching a lot of classic Japanese matches on Youtube.

    • June 25, 2010 12:18 PM CDT
    • Yeah that's a good one. I do think it borders on "camp" though. I just felt that the violence was kinda played for laughs. It does feel like it was made by someone who was pretty insane though - and yeah, it sure is one grubby little flick. Zach B. said:

      Bloodsucking Freaks. I almost had to take a shower after watching that.

    • June 25, 2010 12:15 PM CDT
    • Hmmmm... Yeah the Coen Brothers have made some great ones. Blood Simple, Millers Crossing, Raising Arizona and The Big Lebowski being my personal favourites. Some of their later ones failed to grab me though. Burn After Reading and No Country For Old Men in particular. I'm looking forward to their remake of True Grit though. kopper said:

      I would have to say any Coen Brothers flick does it for me. I don't think they've ever disappointed me.

    • June 25, 2010 11:46 AM CDT
    • Bloodsucking Freaks. I almost had to take a shower after watching that.

    • June 25, 2010 11:24 AM CDT
    • I would have to say any Coen Brothers flick does it for me. I don't think they've ever disappointed me.

    • June 25, 2010 10:28 AM CDT
    • As a kid in the UK, for years I had to put up with reading about Italian Slashers, Cannibal Movies and alot of the Rape & Revenge flicks. We had a pretty messed up film rating system here so there wasn't much chance of getting to see films like The New York Ripper, etc. They banned and cut so many of these films.


      There was even a certain amount of controversy when Quentin Tarantino's "Reservoir Dogs" was released - It was actually banned from video here for a few years [and that wasn't even that long ago]. Sure, I was able to get my hands on all the sleazy trash on the underground pirate video circuit but then DVD came along, and with my trusty multi-region player I was finally able to watch all these mythical films in complete clarity and see what the fuss was all about.


      Usually, the films let me down. There was a selection of films though, that I believe truly lived up to their reputation. These are my personal favourites :


      The New York Ripper

      They Called Her One Eye

      Emmanuelle In America

      Cannibal Ferox

      Cannibal Holocaust

      Last House On Dead End Street

      A Cat In The Brain

      Zombie Flesh Eaters / Zombi 2


      So sickos, are there any that you think i've missed? Feel free to add any to the list...

    • June 25, 2010 9:12 AM CDT
    • I know I'd seen this but I had to look it up to refresh my memory about it. This was a good, early post-apocalyptic (dystopian) flick from 1975 starring a young Don Johnson. Pretty cool cult, sci-fi, black comedy movie. Some of my favorite movies are of the post-apocalyptic genre (if you wanna call that a genre). Mad Max, Road Warrior, Blade Runner, Deathrace 2000, Escape From New York (shot in St. Louis!), Logan's Run, Robocop and The Omega Man are some others. Ever seen Rollerball? That's a good one, too. I recently watched Escape From Los Angeles, and man, that movie blows. I had seen it before, years ago, and thought I liked it. But I quickly changed my mind. Cheesy as hell.