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    • June 22, 2010 8:32 AM CDT
    • I can't fuckin' stand Jägermeister... I've never understood its appeal. Tastes terrible to me. Like cough syrup. Blech! Why would anyone drink that shit?

      So anyway, is this Kümmerling stuff similar? If so, I'll want no part of it. ;)

    • June 22, 2010 7:01 AM CDT
    • I know where you are coming from. I typically avoid, for that reason, anything that DC releases as a film. I feel like they can't get out of their own way and end up destroying everything.

      Do you read Criminal bu Brubaker. It is in trade, but the single issues have essays at the end of each. Fascinating if you are into crime fiction, too.

    • June 21, 2010 8:29 PM CDT
    • Glad you appreciate it. Recently i heard someone is going on remake of Dario Argento's Suspiria,but don't remember his name... If you would be interested check my YouTube channel where I post some trash movie trailers and you will find some about them:

    • June 21, 2010 12:03 PM CDT
    • oh! Thanks for this explanation! FREDDI said:

      "A mano armata" is a term to indicate all those 70's italian movies into a sort of popular police genre.It is took off from the Mario Girolami homonymous film.It would be translated as "Armed robbery".Damiano Damiani,Carlo Lizzani,Fernando Di Leo,are others names of movie makers in this genre.
      In the same years it has been produced lots of titles in this peculiar movie-style.
      Then there were other famous tipycal italian productions as the "cheap horror" for movie makers as Lamberto Bava, Umberto Lenzi, Lucio Fulci,
      or "giallos" made famous by the first Dario Argento, Duccio Tessari, Sergio Martino.

      But they're three different main source inspirations.

    • June 21, 2010 2:43 AM CDT
    • "A mano armata" is a term to indicate all those 70's italian movies into a sort of popular police genre.It is took off from the Mario Girolami homonymous film.It would be translated as "Armed robbery".Damiano Damiani,Carlo Lizzani,Fernando Di Leo,are others names of movie makers in this genre. In the same years it has been produced lots of titles in this peculiar movie-style. Then there were other famous tipycal italian productions as the "cheap horror" for movie makers as Lamberto Bava, Umberto Lenzi, Lucio Fulci, or "giallos" made famous by the first Dario Argento, Duccio Tessari, Sergio Martino. But they're three different main source inspirations.

    • June 20, 2010 5:20 PM CDT
    • Well, that was inevitable. You can't stop progress. The "industry" has to learn to adapt to changing formats. Remember, even vinyl didn't exist at one time. It's always going to change/evolve, and the industry has to evolve with it... instead of trying to keep things the way they were for a short snapshot of time. Ross Jesus Navaro Richards said:

      yeah! and they thought turning the world digital was a great idea.

    • June 20, 2010 1:57 AM CDT
    • If they don't have us all scared into a corner, then how would be able to continue flogging overpriced shit to us. I mean I have to pay like 90 cent for a fucking song on Amazon. The only solution is to rip off the customers who listen to music for free.

      I have a friend who was recently stung for more than a grand for file sharing. The musicians that you hear about banging on about file sharing are generally corporate cocksuckers like Eminem and Lilly Allen. The could no more survive without a major record label than they could write a half decent song.

      With the internet now, no one needs a major to get listeners. You can make a song for next to nothing in a bedroom, and put it out for free for the world to find. It will be nice when the kiddies wake up to this fact and all the major record labels go out of business.

    • June 21, 2010 5:29 AM CDT
    • I'm kind of a fair weather/playoff basketball fan so it's not like I'm all defending the sport. But to say you got bored in 5 min when it was such a down and dirty game seems weird. And to Tim Doubledee, nothing was coming easy that nite with Kobe missing everything, most of the Celtics not being able to buy a basket, not getting Lakers' rebounds, etc. Whatever, I only have a couple more months til football season starts. kopper said:

      I tried to watch game 7, and I got bored with it after about five minutes. I just can't watch the NBA, and I've tried many times. College ball is OK, I can watch the March Madness stuff, but other than that, nah. I used to play a LOT of basketball in high school, but that was about the extent of it.

    • June 20, 2010 8:00 PM CDT
    • I went to HS in Oakland CA & played a lot of street ball myself, I had two uncles that played college ball. I have to admit that I'm still not use to the common mentality of how the Midwest generalizes NBA/Basketball, & I've been around here since 97'. I don't even know how long it has been since the Hawks were out here? At least I can still find a few cool peeps around here that know about great Rock N' Roll. Tim Doubledee said:

      I know what you mean about NBA. The last time I could even bring myself to get into it much was when I was in jr. high. After that, I got tired of seeing just about every shot go down, travelling not being called, palming the ball not being called (this was because I myself never got away with shit like that when I played--high school refs are much stricter), and just the overall seemingly easiness of the game for the athletes playing. I much prefer college ball, because the game doesn't seem so effortless for the guys (or gals) on the court. The atmosphere is much more authentic in the arena, as well.

      kopper said:
      I tried to watch game 7, and I got bored with it after about five minutes. I just can't watch the NBA, and I've tried many times. College ball is OK, I can watch the March Madness stuff, but other than that, nah. I used to play a LOT of basketball in high school, but that was about the extent of it.

    • June 20, 2010 2:08 PM CDT
    • I know what you mean about NBA. The last time I could even bring myself to get into it much was when I was in jr. high. After that, I got tired of seeing just about every shot go down, travelling not being called, palming the ball not being called (this was because I myself never got away with shit like that when I played--high school refs are much stricter), and just the overall seemingly easiness of the game for the athletes playing. I much prefer college ball, because the game doesn't seem so effortless for the guys (or gals) on the court. The atmosphere is much more authentic in the arena, as well. kopper said:

      I tried to watch game 7, and I got bored with it after about five minutes. I just can't watch the NBA, and I've tried many times. College ball is OK, I can watch the March Madness stuff, but other than that, nah. I used to play a LOT of basketball in high school, but that was about the extent of it.

    • June 20, 2010 1:32 PM CDT
    • I tried to watch game 7, and I got bored with it after about five minutes. I just can't watch the NBA, and I've tried many times. College ball is OK, I can watch the March Madness stuff, but other than that, nah. I used to play a LOT of basketball in high school, but that was about the extent of it.

    • June 21, 2010 4:52 AM CDT
    • I have yet to watch the Thrill Killers :):)....thanx for the heads up :) Switchbladesister said:

      RIP, Dennis Steckler. He died the day before I wanted to find him at his store in Vegas and ask him about the mall-ification of Las Vegas. I talked to his daughter's boyfriend for a while at a New Beverly tribute screening at the New Beverly in LA. nice guy.I guess the daughter thought dad was kind of weird when she was growing up (or that his movies were, at least) but hopefully now she's catching on about how rad he was.

      altho I loved when Steckler was fun and goofy, my fave movie of his was probably "the thrill killers." or wild guitar. a toss-up.

    • June 21, 2010 2:15 AM CDT
    • RIP, Dennis Steckler. He died the day before I wanted to find him at his store in Vegas and ask him about the mall-ification of Las Vegas. I talked to his daughter's boyfriend for a while at a New Beverly tribute screening at the New Beverly in LA. nice guy.I guess the daughter thought dad was kind of weird when she was growing up (or that his movies were, at least) but hopefully now she's catching on about how rad he was.

      altho I loved when Steckler was fun and goofy, my fave movie of his was probably "the thrill killers." or wild guitar. a toss-up.

    • June 21, 2010 2:12 AM CDT
    • We just held the current world champs to a draw, I think it turned the football world on it's head.

    • June 21, 2010 2:10 AM CDT
    • I really like the Roller Derby. There's league's all over the country. They have jams in their cities that you can go to and every now and then you can catch an inter-city jam. When you first look at it it just looks like a bunch of women skating around smacking into each other but then as you start to work out the strategies that are used you appreciate how much of a sport it really is. The really cool thing is the seats they offer right on the floor by where they skate called suicide seats. I've never bought a ticket for those seats cause I don't feel like wearing one of the skaters at full speed and I heard that health and safety stopped them doing it cause someone might get hurt... umm yeah... that's why they call 'em suicide seats. I always get the feeling like I'm at a gig when I go, it's just so Rock n Roll, up in the Taranaki they have bands playing between the periods. It really gets the crowd going. All the Roller Derby over here is flat track Roller Derby as opposed to banked track Roller Derby.

    • June 20, 2010 2:22 PM CDT
    • There was actually an article in the local Cape Girardeau paper (Southeast Missourian) about women's roller derby here in the area. Several teams from semo and southern Illinois come out here to practice in the Arena building. The article was like last sunday or so, and then earlier this week I was driving home from Marion, Illinois via Carbondale, and lo and behold there in front of me was one of the ladies from the Southern Illinois Roller Angels (I could tell from all the stickers on the back of her station wagon). Tried to get beside her and give her a thumbs-up, but she was headed in a different direction. That is officially the closest I have knowingly been to a roller girl, since I also have never been to a match.

    • June 20, 2010 1:35 PM CDT
    • Do you have roller derby in your town? If so, have you ever been out to see it/support it? Just curious. I think it's pretty cool that St. Louis has the Arch Rival Roller Girls, but I admit that I've never once been out to see a match. I know they're pretty popular around here (at least they seem to be). I even heard something recently that someone's starting a MEN'S roller derby league here... WTF? Anyway, just thought I'd start a discussion about it here to see what everyone thinks.

    • June 20, 2010 9:56 PM CDT
    • Three Floyds (#1)

      New Belgium

      Anchor Steam





      Goose Island


      Lowenbrau, Stella, Amstel

      Tecate/Carte Blanca/Modelo

      Sierra Nevada

      Mickey's/Colt 45/Old English

      Red Stripe

    • June 20, 2010 1:41 PM CDT
    • I'd like to see some wrestling fans come out of the woodwork on here. Let's hear it!

      Check out the kinda wrestling action we have in St. Louis:

    • June 20, 2010 1:37 PM CDT
    • I think it started out as a group, actually. The group might still be around—not sure. Scott said:

      I meant that "I like" baseball freaks...since it's not a group (unless there is one now).

    • June 20, 2010 2:05 AM CDT
    • I wouldn't want to play that game during a marathon. klobbermeister said:

      I like playing "Hi, Bob!". You watch The Bob Newhart Show and drink everytime a character says, "Hi, Bob!".

    • June 19, 2010 6:53 PM CDT
    • I like playing "Hi, Bob!". You watch The Bob Newhart Show and drink everytime a character says, "Hi, Bob!".

    • June 19, 2010 7:59 PM CDT
    • I've been thinking about these e-reader things lately. A local book store chain has just released an e-reader, at a good price, and it looks kinda cool. but, like you stated above, it's not a book. It won't feel like a book, smell like a book or have the layout or tactile sensory thing going on that a book has. Much as I like the idea of being able to carry around all my books in one convenient package I don't like the idea of having to make sure that I remember to "charge my book up so it won't go flat" so I can keep reading or that if it gets stolen or breaks down I could lose all my books. I personally hate trying to read e-books off my computer, it's just not comfortable and that's got nothing to do with how I'm sitting it's got more to do with the whole should a book be a source of light thing.
      And I guess the biggest thing for me is that I can't go to a second hand book store or a book fair and 'dig' for cool old books, which I love doing, I can spend hours at a good second hand book store looking for treasure in the shelves and walk out without buying anything but having fun in the process.