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    • May 19, 2010 8:35 PM CDT
    • "Beer with gin"???

      Now *that* I have never tried!

    • May 19, 2010 3:21 PM CDT
    • Yup. I'm a beer and bourbon type o' gal too.
      Tell me about your Blue Whale.

      Bottoms Up!

    • May 19, 2010 2:46 PM CDT
    • Hum, only beer with gin for me.
      Also i lke so much irish whiskey...

      Perhaps "Blue wale"....

      cheers !!

    • May 19, 2010 7:25 PM CDT
    • Booker's, like smoke flavored moonshine and equally potent, Glenmorangie Cellar 13, smooth:
      Getting closer to broke for the Booker's, but holy christ! Once a month, I swear to God.
      Anyone else made dark beer with pinon (a nut giving pine tree...) needles? Tastes like Lo... I mean Coca Cola.

    • May 19, 2010 6:31 PM CDT
    • aaaaaaaa Kross BEER FROM CHILE! man

    • May 19, 2010 6:24 PM CDT
    • 1. Pilsner Urquell

      3. Stone IPA
      4. Fuller ESB
      5. Sierra Blanca Wheatbeer
      6. New Belgium Skinny Dip
      7. Modelo especial
      8. Stella Artois
      9. Live Oak Heffeweisen
      10. Fin du Monde
      Bonus: Best mass produced American Beer: Pabst Blue Ribbon

    • May 19, 2010 6:04 PM CDT
    • speakeasy, Rob. Accept my friend request and I'll tell you privately...

    • May 19, 2010 5:26 PM CDT
    • What do you do with diol? Drink it?

    • May 19, 2010 5:31 PM CDT
    • If Stone IPA or Pale Ale seems heavy after awhile, try Stone Levitation. It tastes good and the alcohol content is normal.

    • May 19, 2010 2:53 PM CDT
    • Just yesterday i was jonsin' big time to get back into brewing, IPA was the first thing that came to mind, should be fairly easy. After that if i could approximate Anchor Steam and Spaten Munich Dark (the Optimator!) i would be thrilled. I usally start of with Papazian's Joy of Home Brewing for recipes and tweak them a little with good results. I suppose Worm's Way is still the place for ingredients.
      Btw, agreed on the O'Fallon 5 Day, damn fine stuff whenever i've had it on tap.

    • May 19, 2010 2:46 PM CDT
    • Darn it, brewing rocks. I only drank on these occasions, never had a hand in making in though, but would love to do so.
      Since I'm not living in the green countryside anymore, I don't have no space to get equipment permanently and start it up. I might as well try one of these brewing events, where you can work using the brewery's equipment.

    • May 19, 2010 5:28 PM CDT
    • I had the New Belgium Trippel last night for the first time. Normally, I don't care for New Belgium beers, but Trippel is pretty good for the price, compared to other Trippels.

    • May 19, 2010 3:22 PM CDT
    • Yeah Man!! You're the best beer geek 'round! DrunkMonkey said:

      I'm such a beer geek I blog about it
      Show-Me Beer

    • May 19, 2010 2:31 PM CDT
    • Hey Martha!

      BEER HOUND? That's me!
      I don't knock myself out with it anymore, but enjoy all the more since I don't, so...

      It's all about the freshness, cold and tall and I'm game. Dry tastes aren't always my taste, but the Czech beers are Killer: Kozel and the original Budweiser of course. Some Eatern Austrian stuff I dig: Ottakringer, Stigl, dark lagers are cool too.

      The Indie brewing thing you guys talk about is FANTASTIC, although it doesn't happen often enough where I live.

    • May 19, 2010 5:21 PM CDT
    • I always say that the closer wine taste like blood, the better. Spaghetti and red wine at campfire is the best.

    • May 19, 2010 3:18 PM CDT
    • oh-well, not toooo bad Bordeaux or Bourgogne ! But I prefer Bio Red Wine from Sicily : «Terzo Sogno» cheeeers ! MUSKRAT FROM PANAME said:

      Bordeaux or Bourgogne (Burgundy) ????

    • May 19, 2010 2:51 PM CDT
    • Bordeaux or Bourgogne (Burgundy) ????

    • May 19, 2010 4:52 PM CDT
    • If I had a #11 on the list it would be Lo Pan!

    • May 19, 2010 2:56 PM CDT
    • MAAAYBE kind of off, since he doesn't clearly take the part of the bad guy, but Nicolas Cage in the Werner Herzog version of Bad Lieutenant, was freakin kick ass! Most possibly everything he ever let out of his wrenched mouth made it a classic part in my eyes. He sacked every bad dude in that movie.

    • May 19, 2010 4:44 PM CDT
    • mardaleah said:

      I had a bottle of Irish Creme I wasn't sure to do with. Tastes funky to me. So I put a shot of the Irish Creme, a shot of Jameson over ice with milk. It's like a White Russian. Not sure what to call it though, McRussian? White Irish?
      Well, when I mix milk with vanilla vodka and Frangelico, I like to call it an Albino Russian...

    • May 19, 2010 3:04 PM CDT
    • I had a bottle of Irish Creme I wasn't sure to do with. Tastes funky to me. So I put a shot of the Irish Creme, a shot of Jameson over ice with milk. It's like a White Russian. Not sure what to call it though, McRussian? White Irish?

    • May 19, 2010 3:53 PM CDT
    • This is a pretty fun Facebook page that a bunch of us set up a while back about the game's weirdest, wackiest, most *out there* players, teams, owners, etc. Like it (or else)!


      Play ball.

    • May 19, 2010 2:38 PM CDT
    • Sounds cool, thanks! Spirit, Doc Savage, Spider... you got me! Perfect stuff for the ages! SCxMS said:

      I'm actually in the midst of writing a pulp. rather than going hard boiled I'm more akin to The Spider and the Spirit meets Doc Savage. I'll post a first chapter soon-ish

    • May 19, 2010 2:36 PM CDT
    • Hey yeah! That's so cool! How the Hell didn't I see that profile???? Devil Born Without Horns (written by Mike) and A Loud Humming Sound Came From Above, I have still to check out! Swell, thanks! I heard about "IHAVE FUN..." and "ROCK STARDOM" - I gotta get my mits on them ASAPly. More time to read: You say it! I still have a couple of things around: Some Kirby Comics and a BIG Luba collection by Gilbert Hernandez that I have only touched a couple of pages of. kopper said:

      Michael Lucas (Repent Records, Phantom Surfers, Knights of the New Crusade, etc.) writes! He's on the Hideout, too:

      Check out Devil Born Without Horns (written by Mike) and A Loud Humming Sound Came From Above... great pulp crime fiction! I also have Rock Stardom for Dumbshits but haven't started on it yet. I'm currently reading I Have Fun Everywhere I Go (Savage Tales of Pot, Porn, Punk Rock, Pro Wrestling, Talking Apes, Evil Bosses, Dirty Blues, American Heroes, and the Most Notorious Magazines in the World) by Mike Edison, and that's a GREAT book!

      I just wish I had more time to READ. :(