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    • May 13, 2010 9:21 AM CDT
    • My list would be real similar... I'd pull Nicholson's Joker, Nurse Ratchet, The Headless Horseman and Dennis Hopper, but add

      (J.E. Freeman??? Is that his name?) Eddie Dane from Miller's Crossing
      "Why Would Einstein want to talk to a gorilla? So I grabbed the gorilla... And I made him Talk..."

      Jack Palance as Jack Wilson from Shane
      (Can't recall a quote... But his best scene involved him slowly putting his gloves on and coldly gunning down a rancher. )

      Lee Van Cleef as Angel Eyes The Good The Bad And The Ugly
      "When I'm paid, I always follow my job through. You know that."

      Tererance Stamp as General Zod in Superman I & II
      "This "Super" man is nothing of the sort. I have deduced his weakness. He ACTUALLY cares for these humans." or of course "Kneel before Zod"

    • May 12, 2010 5:05 PM CDT
    • My additions:
      #11 Cruella De'ville from 101 Dalmations
      "Poison them! Drown them! Bash them on the head!" - and these are puppies we are talking about...101 cute little puppies

      #12 Calvera - The Magnificent Seven
      "If God didn't want them sheared...He would not have made them sheep."

      #13 Police Captain Hank Quinlan - A Touch of Evil
      "That wasnt no miss, Vargas. That was just to turn you
      round, so I dont have to shoot you in the back. Unless youd
      rather run for it."

    • May 12, 2010 1:02 PM CDT

    • #1: Dennis Hopper as Frank Booth in Blue Velvet
      "Hieneiken? Fuck that shit! Pabst Blue Ribbon!"
      #2 Clancy Brown as the Kurgan in Highlander
      "Ramirez was an Effete snob. He died on his knees. I took his head and raped his woman before his blood was cold!"
      #3 James Earl Jones/Richard Prowse as Darth Vader, Star Wars IV and V (the other movies sucked!)
      "I find your lack of faith disturbing"
      #4 James Earl Jones as Thulsa Doom in Conan the Barbarian
      "contemplate this on the tree of woe! Crucify him!"
      #5 Kjell Nilsson as the Humongus in Road Warrior
      Toady: "Greetings from The Humungus! The Lord Humungus! The Warrior of the Wasteland! The Ayatollah of Rock and Rolla!"
      #6 Louise Fletcher as Nurse Ratched in one flew over the cukoo's nest
      "You know, Billy, what worries me is how your mother's going to take this."
      #7 Arnold Schwarzenegger as the Terminator in Terminator
      "your clothes... give them to me, now."
      #8 Jack Nicholson as the Joker in Batman
      "And now, folks, it's time for "Who do you trust!" Hubba, hubba, hubba! Money, money, money! Who do you trust? Me? I'm giving away free money. And where is the Batman? HE'S AT HOME WASHING HIS TIGHTS! "
      #9 Christopher Walken as the Headless Horseman in Sleepy Hollow
      #10 Maurice Evans as Dr. Zaius in Planet of the Apes
      "You are right, I have always known about man. From the evidence, I believe his wisdom must walk hand and hand with his idiocy. His emotions must rule his brain. He must be a warlike creature who gives battle to everything around him, even himself. "

    • May 11, 2010 2:55 PM CDT
    • I love wasting valuable work time looking at cool sickle stuff!!!!

    • May 11, 2010 2:52 PM CDT
    • I have been receiving Norman's fine publication for several years. The Buckingham Squares heartily endorse this lame-ass biker zine.

    • May 10, 2010 2:42 AM CDT
    • Michael Kaiser said:

      One of the most talented people to ever grace the airwaves!!

      If you do podcasts subscribe to the Phil Hendrie Show Flashback. Essential fer all Phil Phans.
      I have the flashback subscribed on facebook, but I wasn't aware you could listen to or download any of this stuff! I need to check it out, thanks!

    • May 9, 2010 11:38 PM CDT
    • One of the most talented people to ever grace the airwaves!!

      If you do podcasts subscribe to the Phil Hendrie Show Flashback. Essential fer all Phil Phans.

    • May 8, 2010 4:58 PM CDT
    • I been listening since 1998.  He is the funniest, most brilliant talent on radio.  I don't get any stations that play him where I live so I stream his show from here:

      To tell you what his act consists of would spoil it!  He's not some neocon gasbag either, just a unique voice.
      I'm in the mountain time zone and he broadcasts live from 11-2 in my time zone.  If you like the Jerky boys or Junkyard Willie, you owe it to yourself to check him out!

    • May 8, 2010 1:27 PM CDT
    • To be honest 1 dollar although not much might have stopped me signing up on here, just for the hassle and that I wouldn't really know what the site is about. But I think I'll pop in a donation after payday this month because the podcasts fucking rock and got me into some good music. I imagine that the donation would be to an overseas American firm? I like the lottery idea a lot too.

    • May 7, 2010 10:08 PM CDT
    • Check's in the "virtual Mail"

      Look forward to checking in for the next year

    • May 5, 2010 6:43 PM CDT
    • I don't think you came across like you were groveling for money. But I do know that you seem to have a lot on yer plate with the foundation thingy for yer new wee ones thing, running this place, yer family, yer job. I mean a man needs time to sit and drink every now and then... maybe more of now and less of then... and less stress is less stress... anyway... I don't think you were groveling. kopper said:

      OK, I"m confused. I think I detailed what my options are in my previous post... didn't I? Gonna start charging new members $1 to join. Right now we get (on average) 5 new members a day. Obviously if I start charging to join, that will go down, but even if it goes down to just one new member per day, that alone will account for about $30/month, meaning I'd only have to make an additional $20 from ads. With Google ads I can probably make that much, maybe even a little more with increased traffic and ad clicks. If not, there's always the banner ads to make a little more, plus online donations via PayPal.
      I don't want to come across as grovelling for money here. This doesn't even happen until July, and we've already had several people donate $$ to the cause (through the PayPal donation button). So far I've collected $53, which is great! I also plan on sending out a broadcast message to the entire network which should also net me some more money. But all the donations will do is provide a cushion in the event that we don't pull in enough from ad sales and new member sign-ups. I hope this explains it a bit better than I did in my previous post.

    • May 5, 2010 12:07 PM CDT
    • Oh, don't worry chief, you explained yourself OK, no missunderstanding in how you going to finance that. Just thinking loud and not taking away from you. Trying to do my share, is all. Just concerned that option B): "...or, more likely, B) close the site entirely." will fall into place since you're no wishy washy dude when it comes to making stuff true that you said, if that finance doesn't realize itself to satisfying results. Call me a sissy, if ya want, I don' mind. ;) kopper said:

      OK, I"m confused.... I hope this explains it a bit better than I did in my previous post.

    • May 5, 2010 10:57 AM CDT
    • OK, I"m confused. I think I detailed what my options are in my previous post... didn't I? Gonna start charging new members $1 to join. Right now we get (on average) 5 new members a day. Obviously if I start charging to join, that will go down, but even if it goes down to just one new member per day, that alone will account for about $30/month, meaning I'd only have to make an additional $20 from ads. With Google ads I can probably make that much, maybe even a little more with increased traffic and ad clicks. If not, there's always the banner ads to make a little more, plus online donations via PayPal. I don't want to come across as grovelling for money here. This doesn't even happen until July, and we've already had several people donate $$ to the cause (through the PayPal donation button). So far I've collected $53, which is great! I also plan on sending out a broadcast message to the entire network which should also net me some more money. But all the donations will do is provide a cushion in the event that we don't pull in enough from ad sales and new member sign-ups. I hope this explains it a bit better than I did in my previous post.

    • May 5, 2010 3:57 AM CDT
    • Yeah true, but a little headstart craziness can't be wrong in this case, no? ;) High Lord Mardy Pune said:

      I don't really think we're at the 'save the hideout' part yet but every little bit helps.

    • May 5, 2010 1:36 AM CDT
    • <<It would be good if the podcasters could mention something in their podcasts, after all the podcasts are what this place is about.>> Will do! High Lord Mardy Pune said:

      Well, I just threw a regular donation into the monthly budget. I don't do facebook or myspace so this is pretty much the only place on the internet that I go to apart from twitter [no, that's not sad; it's just the way I roll]. I realize many people here won't be able to donate due to their circumstances but that shouldn't stop them trying to drum up support among others they talk to on here.
      I don't really think we're at the 'save the hideout' part yet but every little bit helps. If everyone who uses the hideout donated $1 there would be enough money in the pot to run this place for a while. It would be good if the podcasters could mention something in their podcasts, after all the podcasts are what this place is about.

    • May 5, 2010 1:13 AM CDT
    • Well, I just threw a regular donation into the monthly budget. I don't do facebook or myspace so this is pretty much the only place on the internet that I go to apart from twitter [no, that's not sad; it's just the way I roll]. I realize many people here won't be able to donate due to their circumstances but that shouldn't stop them trying to drum up support among others they talk to on here.
      I don't really think we're at the 'save the hideout' part yet but every little bit helps. If everyone who uses the hideout donated $1 there would be enough money in the pot to run this place for a while. It would be good if the podcasters could mention something in their podcasts, after all the podcasts are what this place is about.

    • May 7, 2010 9:54 PM CDT
    • I was there and saw planes fly into the WTC, both of them. Don't worry about the nuts. It happened

    • May 6, 2010 3:01 AM CDT
    • Thanks for the link. It really burned me out to do the flame war thing. I never try to argue with these people, but I thought I actually had some undeniable logic in my favor. I quite enjoyed Cockburn's article.

    • May 6, 2010 12:51 AM CDT
    • I always wonder why the conspiracy theory attitude is way more common among "underground", "indie", "punk" circles. I guess it's just a common personality trait. It's always uncomfortable and annoying when people that you like to hang out with start talking about stuff like this.

      The sad thing is I expect quite a few people on this site to post in favor of the conspiracy.

    • May 5, 2010 11:43 PM CDT
    • I know what you mean. Between the birthers on the right and the truthers on the left, we're becoming a national of jabbering, hateful dingbats. Here's a good essay by Alexander Cockburn at Counterpunch. He's a LEFTIST who's embarrassed by these clowns. Word of warning though -- there's no arguing with conspiracy nuts. Any evidence you have is obviously planted by the men in the shadows. And they have a great knack at making balloon animals out of logic.

    • May 5, 2010 9:19 AM CDT
    • I'm being ganged up on here:

      If you hate 9/11 conspiracy people and want to defeat them using the power of logic, I'm enlisting your aid!  Regeister, sign up, and back me up!
      I feel like I've been backed into a corner by drueling braindead zombies!

    • May 5, 2010 10:51 PM CDT
    • 1. Baseball (and corkball)
      2. Ice Hockey

      I really couldn't care less about others, although I've played both basketball and soccer... they're just not sports that I enjoy watching others play.

    • May 5, 2010 6:48 PM CDT
    • So, whats everyone into?
      I love Rugby Union, Cricket (all forms of it), a bit of Rugby League and I failed my 2nd year of university cause I watched to much Ice Hockey.

    • May 4, 2010 4:57 PM CDT
    • YEAH! So good! Wow, seven, ...I have some good reads to have then cause I have to catch up!. Looking forward to the following chapters, Andy. Andy Seven said:

      Well, I know you're following my serial "Crash Walker". I'm up to Chapter 7. It'll probably go up to 15-20 chapters and end by the autumn.

    • May 4, 2010 4:55 PM CDT
    • I'll do it!!! Thanks for stopping by and making it recent. Kent Gowran said:

      This thread is old, but, what the hell...
      I write stuff. It's not literature by a long shot, but some folks find it entertaining. If you throw "Horror Garage" and "Needle Mag Noir" into Google you'll find some magazines I'm in.