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    • November 13, 2008 11:56 AM CST
    • I read A Feast of Snakes last month, buying the book the day after I heard about Crews, and was wowed. What an incredible book. I've got a copy of The Gospel Singer but I'm caught up with some other books at the moment. Can't wait to get to it. I can't believe it took me so long to hear about Crews!

    • October 12, 2008 2:51 AM CDT
    • Yeh the Classic crews collection and gospel singer are fantastic... I think Crews was influenced by Flannery O'Connor too "A good man is Hard to Find" is a good place to start with her... If you haven't already...

    • November 13, 2008 11:50 AM CST
    • TCM is pretty amazing...uncut, commercial-free movies in letterbox...FOR FREE (if you have cable)'s like free film school. Billy Liar is great...young Julie Christie...ooooooooohhhhhhh!

    • November 13, 2008 11:44 AM CST
    • Turner Classic Movies is the best channel on television, hands down. I love it so much. I've got Suspiria set up to DVR along with Billy Liar following shortly thereafter (British New Wave I've never seen because, to my knowledge, it's out of print, at least in the states), This Sporting Life on Tuesday, Diabolique later in the month, so on, so forth.. TCM Underground I always forget about, but recently getting DVR will alleviate this problem. I'm not a big horror geek, but I have caught some good stuff. Mudhoney comes to mind. That was a few years ago.

    • November 12, 2008 7:57 AM CST
    • I've been burning some of those movies, like "2000 Maniacs". I think this series was a long time overdue, but yeah it's the greatest.

    • November 12, 2008 12:47 AM CST
    • Sounds awesome! If only I had TCM. :(

    • November 11, 2008 4:14 PM CST
    • Is anybody else enjoying the fact that Turner Classic Movies is now showing trashy movies once a week in their otherwise "classic" movie schedule? Or that they showed Tim Carey's awe-inspiring jaw-droppingly brilliant "The World's Greatest Sinner" for the first time on television (I believe) on Oct. 24th? Or that they showed the classic drive-in double feature of "Blood Feast" & "2000 Maniacs" the following week?
      They're gonna be showing Dario Argento's trippy "Suspiria" next Friday, Herschel Gordon Lewis's pasted together noggin' scratcher "Monster A-Go-Go" (with a great frat-punk theme song by Herschel's son) coupled with the awful "Giant Spider Invasion" on the 21st, then "The Harder They Come" on the 28th, trash auteur Brad Ginter's (he also made the maggot classic "Flesh Feast") truly-must-be-seen-to-be-believed one man show "Blood Freak" on Dec. 26th and in a show of supreme taste (or lack of) they're showing the nutty "Sonny Boy" on Jan. 2nd, 2009.
      I'm layin' it you pickin' it up?

    • October 9, 2008 3:05 PM CDT
    • Get hold of some Ester-C - it's Vitamin C but works better that the usual sort. Used to be able to get it in powder but seems you can only get pills now. Take 5 of 'em in a big glass of water before you crash. Doesn't completely fix it but definitely makes waking up less painful. And lay off the house red.... oh ghod....

    • October 9, 2008 2:44 AM CDT
    • well i have several b movies trailers(soundclips) and have watched my fair share, i could send the sound files to anyone who is interested, NOT MUSIC but the trailers. as for music, that is a bit tough to find here in greece...

    • September 25, 2008 4:25 PM CDT
    • Hail, Twitcher. Good to see something happening in here after so many months (I know, Kopper, my fault too).

      My personal pinnacle of the confluence of politics and rock is best embodied by Rush, as in "Freewill" and "The Trees".

      However, having said that, Kopper can attest to the fact that I had my own heavy DK phase years ago. I just moved away from my days of swallowing class warfare rhetoric and went in search of themes of true freedom. In other words, I realized that rich people weren't holding me down, but poor people were holding me back. I was never quite able to listen to DK's and others the same way anymore. Still love the music, though, and the energy of raw punk. Put me in the column of people who would say, "shut the fuck up and jam, already!".

    • September 21, 2008 3:12 PM CDT
    • I would generally say yes, I'm OK with it, but sometimes I just want some rock n roll too. I also dug the DKs when I was young, but sometimes you'd just want Jello to shut up and sing a fucking song. I always love a more nuanced song, say something like "Fort USA" by the Weirdos. I also love a little politically incorrect rock n roll too. The best are the bands who can write something with a message but aren't too uptight to write something like "Let's Fuck" (DOA). With that said, there are other times when "Gooba Gabba Goobba Gabba" is about as deep as I want to get.

    • September 12, 2008 3:45 PM CDT
    • A friend of mine posted this on a local email list recently: Rock'n'roll and politics go hand in hand. It may not be at the top of the list but it's definitely a viable topic. 1) Romance/sex (good or bad) 2) Rock and Roll (music, band, life on the road, record companies) 3) Partying/dancing 4) Social/political commentary 5) Horror/sci-fi 6) Jail/police 7) Sports/leisure (Surfing especially) 8) Cars 9) School 10) Crappy jobs/financial problems Religion? In my opinion that should be off the list since Rock and Roll is the devil's music. Now that I think of it, the devil comes up in alot of Rock and Roll so I guess religion is a viable topic. Hail, Satan!

    • September 10, 2008 10:46 PM CDT
    • Hey folks! I'm sorta new here but trying to get more active on the Hideout. I'm also a news and politics fiend, so this seems like a good place to start a-postin'...

      So what do you all think about rock 'n' roll and politics converging? Some of my favorite music as a youngster was very political - Dead Kennedys was my introduction to punk and my first live show. And there is the old line of thought about the political being personal and vice versa; given the general countercultural vibe of most of the bands around these parts, it seems to me like a natural fit.

      Still, for every politically conscious group like MC5 or The Lord High Fixers in my collection, there are plenty of sex-drugs-rock-and-rollers like The Makers (when they were listenable) and The Mummies right next to them.

      So, do lyrics about class warfare and injustice make you cringe, or do you appreciate a good proletariat ranting? My favorite music tends to have a little bit of both worlds; The Von Zippers' "The Crime Is Now!" is an almost-perfect blend of social awareness and bad-ass rockin'. What do ya'll think?

    • September 25, 2008 10:19 AM CDT
    • Hey- I had a 64' t-bird for a while, similar to the one on page one-but hard top. Finest ride EVER, til it died (meaning needed more repairs than my college student ass could afford). So I sold it, cried, and moved on.

      Incredible ride tho, had a 390 in it that, when hit just right, would take off like a hydrofoil. and it FLOATED. when you drove. Maroon paint with black leather interior, still miss it, but still couldn't afford to fix it up, so, as they say, I like to think its in a better place.

    • September 23, 2008 8:50 PM CDT
    • WOO HOOO - last year i came in 2nd yee haaw

    • September 22, 2008 7:39 AM CDT
    • I decided to leave the Syracuse Bulldogs and coach the Headhunters this year. Thought a change of scenery might do me good. Drop the puck!

    • September 17, 2008 9:29 PM CDT
    • The league is set up in Yahoo. It's called The Garage Punk Penalty Box-just like last year. The draft is Tuesday 9/23 so fire off a request for an invite at

    • September 8, 2008 5:16 PM CDT
    • kopper said:

      Alright, I'll do it again. I rarely have time to look at this stuff, but what the hell. Did you set it up yet, Alex? If so, post the link.
      I'll set something up by the weekend

    • September 8, 2008 4:15 PM CDT
    • Saanich Sockeyes are puttin' on the foil........

      Send me an invite.

    • September 8, 2008 2:19 PM CDT
    • Alright, I'll do it again. I rarely have time to look at this stuff, but what the hell. Did you set it up yet, Alex? If so, post the link.

    • September 18, 2008 11:26 AM CDT
    • Totally cool... I love erotic submissive reads... Whiel erotica is the topic... I was working on a painting and was super stoked to find richard kern doing a spread in Hustler's edition of TABOOO.. raad

    • September 13, 2008 4:38 PM CDT
    • I just noticed the ones at Home Depot are actually 18" deep. That's a little deeper than I would like to go for LPs, so I did some research online and found that actually sells a better unit: Gorilla Racks. Check this one out. It's black (not gray like the Home Depot Workforce shelves) and comes in 12" or 14" depths (that one is 34" wide by 14" deep by 72" tall), which would be much better for LP storage. Also, weight capacity is perfect at 250 lbs. per shelf. They also have one that is 30"x12"x60". I think I'm going to order one of these myself. And, again, you would just cut 1"x12" pieces of wood to fit in the sides (you can get these at Home Depot and can cut the wood for you there, too) to hold your records in.

    • September 9, 2008 5:18 PM CDT
    • Yeah I used the wrench provided and seemed sturdy enough. I have friends who swear by them and one who doesn't.

      I think I'm going the Kopper route and getting the Home Depot ones. In fact my brother is going to give me a few of them... his company is getting rid of some - what perfect timing!!

      Now I can get my LPs off the floor and start organizing again! I removed them in a mad panic at 4am and just got them away from the collapse before they got damaged...

      I wish I would have taken a photo of it. I'll take a photo of the collapsed "side" and post it.

    • September 9, 2008 11:41 AM CDT
    • kopper said:

      I highly recommend the heavy-duty garage-style shelves from Lowe's or Home Depot like this one, but I think we found 'em for about $35-40 each. Maybe they were just on sale back then, who knows. These are the ones that have particle board platforms and the rest is a sturdy black metal frame. They are about 14-15" deep and they're rated at 500-600 lbs per shelf, so there's no fear of 'em bending or collapsing. The ends are open, so you take a 12" x 1" boards and cut pieces to fit in the ends to hold the records in (so they don't fall out the sides). So, yer records are only against wood, so the spines/edges are fine. They're about 3' wide, so they hold a couple hundred LPs per shelf. The top of them fits 7" storage boxes (the long white comic book boxes) perfectly. Depth is perfect and four fit across perfectly. If you have multiple shelves, they're even sturdier when you bolt them together.
      Those are almost exactly the same shelves that i've got my records on....had them for at least 20 years, maybe more and they've held up amazingly. Even had a flood many years back, and the water came up to the bottom shelf (talk about luck!!) and all that happened was a little bit of rust on the bottom of the support can see pix of the shelves in the pix on mypage...

    • September 8, 2008 2:07 PM CDT
    • I highly recommend the heavy-duty garage-style shelves from Lowe's or Home Depot like this one, but I think we found 'em for about $35-40 each. Maybe they were just on sale back then, who knows. These are the ones that have particle board platforms and the rest is a sturdy black metal frame. They are about 14-15" deep and they're rated at 500-600 lbs per shelf, so there's no fear of 'em bending or collapsing. The ends are open, so you take a 12" x 1" boards and cut pieces to fit in the ends to hold the records in (so they don't fall out the sides). So, yer records are only against wood, so the spines/edges are fine. They're about 3' wide, so they hold a couple hundred LPs per shelf. The top of them fits 7" storage boxes (the long white comic book boxes) perfectly. Depth is perfect and four fit across perfectly. If you have multiple shelves, they're even sturdier when you bolt them together.