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    • March 7, 2008 1:33 AM CST
    • I bought an 80G iPod Classic to have my own soundtrack and drown out cellphone abusers on the bus, but I'll listen to music on anything. Vinyl, 8-track, wax cylinder...I'm indifferent.

    • February 18, 2008 11:37 AM CST
    • I prefer vinyl at home, but for on the go, my iPod is the best player I've ever had. I've got a 30 gig one and it's full. I can it in my pocket at work. It's a big step up from CDs.

    • February 17, 2008 12:33 PM CST
    • I stopped using my MP3 player while cycling unless I'm on a bike trail or something. There's too many idiots driving cars and you have to be aware of them. The iPod is a must for the train/bus though. I find myself using it increasingly at home just because it's so easy. I'll hook up my computer or iPod to the stereo and listen to songs i own on vinyl that are on a shelf not three feet away. I have never paid for an MP3. As long as there are public libraries, friends' CDs, and soulseek, I probably never will.

    • February 16, 2008 9:29 AM CST
    • I always listen to the iPod when I'm on my bike. And driving too; but plugged into the portable CD which, in turn, is connected to the stereo via one of those cassette converter things. High technology it aint.

      I was very anti-iPod at first but I've been converted. I'd never buy an MP3 track in a million years but I stick all my CDs on it. I'm also tempted by one of those turntables that converts vinyl to MP3.

      The ipod is most needed on the bus and train to block out all the arseholes, kids, mobile phones, screaming babies and other assorted unpleasantness.

    • February 16, 2008 7:01 AM CST
    • yeh, they might be listening to one as well.

    • February 16, 2008 5:52 AM CST
    • one of the best ever inventions

    • February 16, 2008 5:27 AM CST
    • I use my MP3 player for the bike ride too and from work. I listen to the Garage punk podcasts and whatever bands i feel like

    • February 15, 2008 4:57 PM CST
    • Vinyl is great and I will probably always buy it. But you cannot deny the convenience and inexpensiveness of MP3s. 90% of the music I have obtained in the last two years has been in MP3 form, 9.99% has been on vinyl, I think I bought 2 CDs in the last two years, and that was a year and a half ago.

    • February 15, 2008 4:37 PM CST
    • A guy I know used to have a Cadillac he inherited from his grandfather that had one of those under the dash record players. The way it works is there's a spring that mashes the record up against the needle so it doesn't skip when the car drives. Apparently it worked pretty well but it would wear out the records so that they were virtually unlistenable after only a few plays. The little van that drives around on records, they used to have those at store called Ingenuities in Chesterfield Mall in the mid-eighties. Minus the bling though. I've told people about it and nobody ever believed me. I haven't seen one in twenty years. Look. There are dozens of videos on Youtube.

    • February 15, 2008 2:02 PM CST
    • i enjoy my ipod when im on holiday and ive got no other means to blast some of my favourite tunes on, also in the summer i can listen to it to blot out all the crap the neighbours blast out with their stereo in the garden.

    • March 3, 2008 7:31 PM CST
    • I'm sick of talking about exploitation film in general

      "Have you seen this?"

      "Naw man..."

      "Have you seen this?"

      "Nope, have you seen this?"

      "I haven't, what about THIS?"

      "Yeah, I didn't like it."

    • February 29, 2008 6:26 PM CST
    • Unfortunately the only Czech filmmaker I can talk about is surrealist animator Jan Švankmajer.
      I was turned onto his work by a friend many years ago and shortly after went out with a SFX artist who was greatly influenced by his work.

      Maybe now is the time to find some works by other Czech auters?

    • February 25, 2008 12:14 AM CST
    • I'm tired of talking about exploitation film at since you girls seen jackshit ('cept creeming yourself over fakeass crap like Death Proof), so now lets talk rare arthouse features. This grim and visually stunning Czech historical epic is one of the most impressive films I've ever laid my eyes on. Two family clans duke it out in the 13th century in the grey times of paganism and christianity. There's plenty of violence, nudity, wolves, hawks, snowy hills, and surreal images that evokes the very best of Kurosawa, Jodorowsky and Tarkovsky. It's out on dvd for the 1st time ever. "Marketa Lazarova" has been voted the best Czech movie ever. Anyone familar with other films by Frantisek Vlácil?

    • February 29, 2008 3:11 AM CST
    • Mental Film ! For those of you who have yet to see it lookout for the unexpected 'guitar' feature ! And also the demented gangster/club owner running around in his pvc underpants !!!

    • February 23, 2008 7:02 PM CST
    • That is a great movie. Have you played the drinking game on it? You will be shit faced within 5 mins. LOCK AND LOLL!!!!!
      P.S The movie is almost as fucked up as their live show, but live, you get bled on.

    • February 26, 2008 6:47 PM CST
    • This might have been asked a thousand times but what is everyone reading now? I'm read Jupiter's Travels by Ted Simon. Its a true story about a guy who drives around the world on his motorcycle. It started out a bit slow but I'm really enjoying the bit where he is in Africa. Anyone else?

    • February 24, 2008 10:56 PM CST
    • Bummer, I would really have liked to have seen PTA get up there and say something...

    • February 20, 2008 11:56 AM CST
    • I was just starting to get convinced that the Coen brothers were burning out, what with the Ladykillers and Intolerable Cruelty, but all that changed with No Country.

      No Country and There Will Be Blood are pretty much tied in my opinion and I'm (for once) looking forward to the Academy Awards to see what happens.

    • February 20, 2008 9:51 AM CST
    • Yeah Both were great! the coen brothers have this great reputation, and really live up to it. normally directors like that burn out or at leat have a pinacle, but they keep making cool movies.

    • February 23, 2008 6:59 PM CST
    • I always wanted to read it but figured I missed the boat since I'm no longer a teenager. Franny and Zooey translates better to adulthood. I recommend it.

    • February 23, 2008 6:41 PM CST
    • Valley of the Dolls
      I just finished it and it was beautiful trash. Anyone have any thoughts on it? Love it? Hate it? Set women back or forward on the feminist line?

    • February 15, 2008 11:26 PM CST
    • I went to a drive-in a few years ago in San Luis Obispo, CA that was built between 2 cemeteries. The movie playing that night was "Hannibal". Ha!