Bernard Watts → on45or33: Hi,
I have the Danish CD by Baby Woodrose of BLOWS YOUR MIND! I could trade you if you can't find the LP. I would trade it for something off yer list.
Bernard Watts
Springfield, Missouri
April 16, 2009
Bernard Watts → Jamie: I can trade you a CDR of Beat Italiano. A guy who lives in Texas made it for me but I never listen to it. He made a copy of the songlist so I would send that also. I'll take another CDR comp in trade.
Bernard Watts
Springfield, Missouri USA
April 8, 2008
Bernard Watts → Jamie: A CDR of some of the songs you mentioned would be OK with me. Gimme the go-ahead and I can send Beat Italiano to you--Bernard
April 10, 2008
Bernard Watts → Jamie: I guess you sent a message but I can't find it, I'm doin' something wrong that I need to figure out==Bernard