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John Battles: Caradist , Willkommen , mein freund. Wow , some of the bands on your list , I have'nt listened to in 20 years. Not all of 'em. I think I have all The Vietnam Veterans' albums , because they used to be easy to find in Chicago , cheap , for some reason.
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Personal Information
First Name
January 1, 1974
Relationship Status:
It's Complicated
Personal Details
I'm a hardworkin' man, living in the country with a wonderful family and who is the only one in this family that loves primitive "Rock 'N' Roll". When the rock is rolling all of them are in the need to shut their ears, but that’s not my problem.
No other interests, I'm to primitive.
Favorite Music
Tell-Tale Hearts, Revellions, Strollers, Reveberations, Vietnam Veterans, Space Cakes, Miracle Workers, Neumans, Stomach Mouths, Chesterfield Kings, Blackberry Jug, Cynics, Baby Woodrose, Royal Beat Conspiracy, Surfadelics, Lust-O-Rama, Cosmic Dropouts, Kwyet Kings, Maharajas, Kumari, Riots, Black Jetts, King Khan & His Shrines, Madrugada, Neil Young, Garage Gods, Satelliters, Dizzy Satellites, Hara-Kee-Rees, Slow Slushy Boys, Beach Bitches, Dr. Explosion, Higher State, Norvins, Royal Hangmen, Giant Robots, Riviera Playboys Mean-Things, Sound Explosion, Urges, Os Haxixins, Los Peyotes, Pandoras, Sick Rose, 99th Floor, Marshmallow Overcoat, Purple Merkins, Way-Outs, Evil-Thingies, Midways, Gruesomes, Glads, Worst, Forty-Fives, Greenhornes, A-Bones, Crimson Shadoes, Creeps, Cryptones, Dee Rangers, Defectors, Droogs, Slickee Boys, Fleshtones, Fuzztones, Goldstars, Ultra 5, Stepford Husbands, Gravedigger 5, the whole medway section, the whole 60s garage section (above all The Sonics), The Mods, The Surfers, The Punks, The Psychs, The Powerpoppers, The Billys and…and…and….
My time is too short and my brain is too small to consider everybody who is important on my musical map, and so I hope no one will be upset who is not on my list.
Favorite Movies
It's a Wonderful Life, Intouchables, Billy Elliot, James Bond (with Sean Connery), Crocodile Dundee, The Cider House Rules, Bienvenue chez les Ch'tis, Sonnenallee