Hey guys.. You gotta be joking right? How in this world can you suggest a BIG MUFF or a RAT to someone asking for a 60es fuzz sound?! What do you play with those, NIRVANA? Pearl Jam?! Hello this is a GARAGE post! Gimme a break
Waveclipper said it right..v... moreHey guys.. You gotta be joking right? How in this world can you suggest a BIG MUFF or a RAT to someone asking for a 60es fuzz sound?! What do you play with those, NIRVANA? Pearl Jam?! Hello this is a GARAGE post! Gimme a break
Waveclipper said it right..very thorough.
The sound of the fuzz is in the original 60es pedals, or clones. To be spot on ...
Started collecting garage rock in 93, played garage ever since. I only like 60es garage, not 80es or 2000s. Collect musical instruments. Lived in france, england, japan..
Favorite Music
Pebbles, high in the mid 60es, 60es modular synth music, post punk, dance, acid house, stone roses, st. Christopher, my bloody valentine etc etc
Favorite Movies
Antonioni, bergman, hitchcock, mad men, friends