I collect stench I like to read, I'm made of money and flaming hot funions, and I enjoy cock fighting without roosters.
Favorite Music
gun club, mummies, dead milkmen, the monks, the trashmen, dickies, devo, the ramones, the seeds, the cramps, gg allen and the jabbers, the gories, black lips, hasel atkins, bassholes, bad brains, I love a lot of classical, old negro spirituals, anything really that has originality, spunky funky junk, and sounds how wet garbage smells.
Favorite Movies
the shining, Rocky 111,the golden Porkeys collections, Back to the Futures, the 7 year itch, texas chainsaw massacures, anything by Alfred Hitchcock, Jaws, The Butcher Boy, good the bad and the ugly, bladerunner, chinatown, road warrior, old boy, much others
Other Hobbies/Interests
dumpster diving for dead babies