Good evening, Naz! I'm delighted to get your friend request; I haven't really got into exploring all the different aspects of the Hideout, yet. Are you Captain Sensible in disguise (wasn't Naz Nomad and the Nightmares an offshoot/alter ego of the Dam... more
Good evening, Naz! I'm delighted to get your friend request; I haven't really got into exploring all the different aspects of the Hideout, yet. Are you Captain Sensible in disguise (wasn't Naz Nomad and the Nightmares an offshoot/alter ego of the Damned)?
I, too, loved the Anti Nowhere League; one of my earliest gig memories was being saved by a mate from being crushed on the dancefloor of a tiny club in Norwich at at ANL gig in Norwich in 1983. Ah, those were the days! Who can argue with the sheer poetry of a song like "So What?"? Genius.