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Craig Moore (of Gonn) with the Nevermores - Doin' Me In

Posted by The Nevermores
Craig Moore of the 60's garage rock band Gonn playing with the Nevermores at the Show-Me Blowout at Off Broadway St. Louis MO in October of 2007.
Posted August 6, 2014 - Filed in Music - #live  #nevermores  #gonn  #craig moore  #show-me blowout  #2007 
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  • køpper and Orange Rooftops like this
  • John Battles
    John Battles More people should have known about Gonn than they do , now , as of The Mid - Late 80's , but , even today , people who fancy themselves first - wave Garage Rock fans go , "Huh? Who?". Gonn is doing a free show in their native Keokuk , Iowa , soon. I jus...  more
    August 6, 2014 - 1 likes this
  • John Battles
    John Battles ....and this rocks like fuck.
    August 6, 2014 - 2 like this