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  • Early DIY/lo-fi bands (before the Mummies)

    I owe this name-checking to the compilation Year of the Rats and the discography in the back of John Savage's fine book England's Dreaming. The Desperate Bicycles, Don't back the front TELEVISION PERSONALITIES - part time punks The Urinals - Hologram The Electric Eels-Jaguar Ride Rocket From T...
  • Don't Forget The Funnybone! Humorisk-like Punk Bands

    Thank God for the Ramones! Da bruddahs and their cousins the Angry Samoans always give us a reality check when we get too serious. Here are some descendants... Scratch Bongowax, (and here, and here) are an LA band from the 90s. If Head's ReeRee was Metal Mike's son, then these guys were his grands...
  • Book Alert! we never learn, by eric davidson (best o' 2011)

      This is a super and fun look back at the garage-punk underground of the 1990s. Recommended! Here is Pt. 2
  • Born Bad compilation songlist

    This is from a pretty cool site, Digital Meltdown, he has a reeal wide variety of music on it. Go check it out! If ya don't know what the Born Bad series was, it was 5 volumes of songs that the Cramps liked/covered/modified. Truly great 60s punk and rockabilly.
  • Motards, scientists, kent 3, etc.

    Here's my list (it's short). It's got the 1st Motards 45 and other cool shit.
  • Fun links (I hope!)

    Enjoy! Here's the history of the Saints (Aussie band), the Garage Hangover, WFMU's Beware of the Blog (search Pink Section, SF New Wave band), Crypt records (new look),The Fall Online, The Desperate Bicycles, complete anthology, Negativland, Detailed Twang, That's about it fer now!
  • (via detailed twang) jesus loves the Kent 3

    JESUS LOVES THE KENT 3 With every passing year, I become more of a KENT 3 fan, bordering on fanatic. I listen to their final three albums (“Stories of the New West”, “Peasant Musik” and especially “Spells”) every six months or so, and though I can’t say this about a lot of bands, with the KENT 3, I ...
  • Charles Lamey, The Snarl Meets the Psyche (60s Punk)

    (Monday, August 10, 2009) The following is an article I’ve scanned in, from a copy of Maximum Rock ‘n’ Roll (Issue 10 - Dec 1983). It was written by the anthologist Charles Lamey and the copyright remains with him. This article is published on this site in the knowledge that it is for reference onl...