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  • Recording Session Chatter

    Thought some of you might enjoy some "Recording Session Chatter" between takes. I have included a short piece during the recording of "Only By Your Own" in July, 2007. The group was laying down the instrumental tract for the song. The vocal track was recorded at a later date. Rock On!!
  • The Brymers - Song Playlist

    I thought some of you would like to hear a few cuts from our summer recording session. "Do You Think You Love Me" was written by Jim Mellick and myself about six months ago. "Only By Your Own" was written by Jim Mellick and Ken Valentine in 1965 and re-recorded this summer. The group thought a harmo...
  • The Brymers

    Just a note to thank all of the members of the forums and other such forums for your continued passion for the 60's music. Many of the 60's "rockers" like myself are continually amazed that you still enjoy the "sound." If any of you ever have any questions concerning various groups of...