Posted by
zacharythax May 23, 2009 -
You always hear on Howard Stern and in the pages of Maxim lot of stuff badmouthing the country that helped the good ol' US of A win the American Revolution AND gave us the Statue of Liberty (ahem).
They also gave us
OSS 117
Music Box Films (2006) D: Michel Hazanavicius
S: Jean-François Halin
Michel Hazanavicius
P: Eric Altmeyer
Nicolas Altmeyer
If Mel Brooks in his prime decided to spoof James Bond and were French, the result might look like this. The cinematographer deserves a major ass-kissing for making this look like a technicolor production from the 50's.
OSS117 is the most arrogant repressed homo on earth sent to Cairo to chase some kind of McGuffin, patronizes the incredulous locals, engages in a lot of cryptic talk, gets caught impersonating a musician, bangs a few hot broads, beats up a mouzzin for waking him up, gets captured by Nazis in the pyramids where the bad guys have a huge bat-cave setup with videocasette recorders but they have to wait for the tubes to warm up (!) and it ends with a sexy catfight. With Jean Dujardin, Bérénice Bejo,Aure Atika and Philippe Lefebvre. A sequel is promised in 2009.