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  • Early 1970's

    GETTING INTO HEAVEN (1970) D/W: Edward L. Montoro More Something Weird stupidness with Uschi Digard who seduces a nerdy nervous cop, romps naked in fields and screws an old guy. "Heaven" in the title is her character's name. Get it? THE NIGHT VISITOR (1971) Max Von Sydow makes a daring escape from a...

    I just saw this in a theater on the big screen in 2012 (!?) Three very Italian-looking tough hussies do a Dadaist theater piece. The butch Albina heckles them, throws tomatoes and starts a big prison brawl. There's lesbian shower scenes (as required by statute 43:3425 of the exploitation code) where...

    This 45 minute documentary doesn't have a whole lot of new revelations and seems to have been quickly slapped together to cash in on the release of Gods and Monsters. There are interviews with Sarah Karloff and Dwight Frye's son. If you didn't know about the influence of German expressionism on the ...
  • MICKEY ONE (1965)

    It's been called "the best movie Warren Beatty ever starred in." It's a very arty and well done almost surreal crime story about a drunk comedian from Detroit who wakes up and finds out he owes the mob an unspecified but really huge sum of money. He runs, becomes a hobo and ends up in Chicago. In a ...
  • THE RAVEN (2012)

    The great John Cusack as Edgar Allen Poe and the plot straight outta Theater of Blood! This doesn't have a whole lot to do with the poem. It's about a serial killer recreating Poe's own stories--"Murders in the Rue Morgue", "The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar", "Masque of the Red Death" etc. The B...

    As weird as you'd expect--cartoons from the guy who brought us The Beast, Immoral Tales, and Dr. Jeckyll and Miss Osbourne. Some of you out there might be old enough to remember the International Animation Festival with Jean Marsh on PBS. This stuff might have showed up on there in the '70's. The fi...

    No great shakes low budgeter about a guy (Kevin Corrigan) who works at a humiliating loser job at an ice cream parlor (they make him dress up like an ice cream cone) and has horrifying flashbacks of being tortured by arsehole jocks from high school in abandoned building. He's a also a (very believab...
  • WILD HONEY (1972)

    It's a true achievement of director Don Edmunds that he make a movie so chock full of nudity and wierdness and STILL make it so mind-numbingly dull. An OK looking farm girl boffs a motorcycle guy in a barn, then masturbates while an evangelist is preaching on the radio, showing her full 70's bush, w...
  • LUNA (1979)

    This had been a holy grail of mine for years. You see, in the 70's a lot of films were just plain hard to see and so you heard things and it ricocheted about in your imagination for months, sometimes years building your visions and expectations up. I think it was on Sneak Previews that I first heard...
  • LOCKOUT (2012)

    Great tense humorous action space! In the near future a cynical, wisecracking tough guy Snow (Guy Pearce) is after the proverbial Mcuffin in an aluminum briefcase. After a spectacular chase scene with a little parkour, helicopters crashing on an urban highway and finally ditching the McGu...