Posted by
zacharythax April 26, 2009 -
Bitch all ya want about this, but it's hard enough to read Lovecraft never mind adapting him to the screen. This recent entry manages to keep up the heavy opressive atmosphere without getting bogged down.
Due to come out next month and starring Dean Stockwell from the much-maligned original. It's got its flaws, but it's also a lot better than you think. This movie walks the thin line between being a modern 21st century film with SUV's, cell phones and CGI yet still retaining that 70's cheesiness.
Dean Stockwell and his (hot) female partner are tough but not overbearing Cthulu experts called (after the catholic priests fail) to exorcise a young teenage girl and this opens up a chase for the McGuffin of the Necronomicon.
There's a levitating fat guy, tenacled monsters that have a mouth like the thing in Alien, belly dancers, gore and a barely recognizable Re-Animator's Jeffrey Combs melts Evil Dead style.
Filmed in Louisiana.