Posted by
zacharythax April 26, 2009 -
Remember Dennis Weaver from Steven Spielberg's first film Duel? Well this is kinda like it. A made-for-TV version of The Hills Have Eyes. I saw this years ago before VCR days and for a couple of decades wasn't sure whether I had actually seen this or just dreamed it. To my knowledge this has never been on tape or DVD.
A square normal family in a camper get terrorized by a bunch of evil hippies. The father (Weaver) is a complete wimp and that's what's so unsettling and scary about this. The Manson-looking gang just sort of step into their lives, ask a lot of nosy questions and walk right up to their camp helping themselves to their food and beer after running them off the road in an antique fire engine and a dune buggy.
Of course they finally get tough in the end and the cops show up, but until then there are some great cruel pranks with a blow-up love doll, hidden microphones and tape recorders.
The copy I saw had vintage 1984 commericals from a local station from Dallas, TX.
With a 21 year old Susan Dey in a bikini (!)