booze thanks.
booze thanks.
Maribel said:
Hell na, that's R&B, but it's good.I don't think this is rock'n'roll but I like Tanqueray and tonic
Scotch & Coke
Black Coffee or Mexican Coca-Cola
....uh Jameson on the rocks...PBR in the other hand.
I don't think this is rock'n'roll but I like Tanqueray and tonic
JB & Soda, Jack and Coke, Vodka 7...
Go Johnny, go.
Hell yeah! That's great! FIVE STARS BABYYYY!!!
Show some love for Johnny Bartlett, guitarist for surf/garage greats THE PHANTOM SURFERS by voting for him in the latest MAD MEN Casting Call: Thanks! kopper
A bit like the Elvis/Beatles thing huh? I've read a few more celines 'death on credit' , 'Castle to castle' and one more I can't remember off the top of my head... i dug them all but Journey is the best... I've been reading doctor strange lately too Strangely enough... Along with early fantastic four, frank millers daredevil stuff and a whole buncha helblazers... I started off reading Gorkys The Artomov Affair but got hooked onto reading DCs 'The Stranger' omnibus instead... Ray Mangum said:
Pigmeat said:I'm working my way thru a stack of Russian classics that I picked up at a charity shop for 10 pence each... So far Goncharovs "Oblomov" and Lermontovs "Hero of Our Time" come out on top... Thats discounting Dostoevsky who was by far the best russian writer... Tolstoy sucks ass...
Although I might quit the russians for awhile and pick up Celines "Jouney to the End of the Night" again...
Well, they say you're either a Dostoevsky fan or a Tolstoy fan, never both. I'm with you. I also love "Journey", but I haven't read any other Celine.
Wow, I posted in this thread like 9 months ago... Since then, I went on a total Thomas Liogtti kick - weird tales in a very dark and bleak mode. Pretty amazing. I am also super excited about Night Shade Books' Clark Ashton Smith series - 5 well-made hardback books reproducing all of Mr. Smith's fiction. the first 4 volumes are out, and I am most of the way through volume 1. CAS is a favorite author, and this definitive edition of stuff is fantastic. Strange fantasy and early sci-fi, like a more Romantic version of H.P. Lovecraft crosesd with some hallucinogenic substances. So, so good.
Yeah, he certainly knows how to step into shit, hahaha. Although it's so over the top I don't know how someone could really be pissed about it. But with religious people... you never know, most of 'em are pretty hardcore. I hear there are JESUS FREAK HIDEOUTS, that must be the place to be upset about that. Sorry... I couldn't help it, true believers! I guess that's the point of the strip really, not funny or expertly sharp but funny at that. Taking existing elements of cartoon history and turning their aesthetic upside down. Concept cartooning maybe? But don't take it from me, I don't know about such things. Fun it is! ...and certainly big to me... hahaha. Johnny Singles said:
It's not big. It's not clever. But it is pretty funny...
It's not big. It's not clever. But it is pretty funny... Although surely Ryan's in serious danger of getting lynched with this one:
wait... that's my own discussion...
HEY ALL CARTOON AND COMIC LOVERS! There are some links collected over at the R'N'R GRAPHIC ARTISTS group for a considerate waste of time on the internet! I have put up some stuff by the ever infamous JOHNNY RYAN! THE GHOULY GREAT SAM HITI! THE RAUNCHY PAUNCHY NATE FOX! MORE TO COME (...not what you think). If ya dig cartoons and rad art these guys are the address to hammer at! GO DIRECT: SAM HITI NATE FOX TOBY CYPRESS JOHNNY RYAN
YEP for realz! and it is the only one I would read, even though it's the bible! ...Sorry I'm not really into that religious stuff! Anyhow! HERE it is! Crumbs bible that he does is getting some shit for whatever reason. I guess this one should be awesome too! movingV said:
was there a whole Wolverton bible? I know he did the Revelations. Great stuff.
was there a whole Wolverton bible? I know he did the Revelations. Great stuff.
Yes the KUPPERMAN is gold! Seems we have a bit of a FANTAGRAPHICS theme going! Also in that vain, I totally dig the Noah vanSciver Stuffffff! The guys awesome! BLAMMO! There is the Basil wolverton Bible out (or isn't it yet???) Johnny Singles said:
I've currently slipped back into one of my periodic fan-boy obessions with Eric Powell's The Goon...
Amongst others I'm a big fan of the old-school style art in Michael Kupperman's Tales Designed to Thrizzle:
I picked up the first part of The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Century the other day - not so bad, but I'm thinking that it's not really going to work as a complete and rounded peice untill all the chapters are in (making the yearly release dates pretty irritating...)
Cold arsed, dry and empty - that's what this thread is!
Just like a trainstationbookshopnovel. just like PULP.
Get well kopper!
Hey Kopper, I've had operations on both knees (meniscus, too) and the recovery is kinda fast with the right care. Get well soon, young man! Best wishes!
piepsi said:
I second that! Get all good and going as quick as is possible!I hate torn somethings, especially in knees.
I hate torn somethings, especially in knees.