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    • July 15, 2012 9:27 AM CDT
    • Cool vid Mel, haven't seen that one before!

      And i still haven't left the garage since entering in the early 80's....saw as many of those bands as was possible back then, and bought as many records as i could afford. Still digging most of that stuff to this day as well as most of the new garagepunk stuff. We did a zine in the 80's/90's that covered the garage zine from a Canadian Gruesomes, 10 Commandments, UIC, Deja Voodoo etc. Even releasing some records and many compilation cassettes that came with the zine.

      Like John says about Plan 9, they were just amazing live, and each time you'd see them they would be different. First time we saw them they were straight 60's punk, next time some psych influences, then some jazz influences and last time more rock'n'roll. One of the best live bands from that era, but overlooked by many as they weren't straight 60's clones.

      Some of my fave bands from that era include; Miracle Workers, Crawdaddys, Gruesomes, Tell-Tale Hearts, Fuzztones, Fleshtones, Morlocks, Hypstrz, Barracudas, Plasticland, Brood and so many more....gotta go spin some vinyl now that i've whet may appetite!

      melissa scott said:

      Some of us were hanging out in the garage in the early '80's. And some of us never left ;) Check out this interview from Boston with the Prime Movers.

    • July 15, 2012 7:45 AM CDT
    • Some of us were hanging out in the garage in the early '80's. And some of us never left ;) Check out this interview from Boston with the Prime Movers.

    • July 15, 2012 12:51 AM CDT
    • I guess , by that , we'd be more like middle aged. I was around then , but , did'nt have the income to be buying a lot of untested product. I loved The Fleshtones from the word "Go". My Brother had their first album . I was hearing some of the Voxx stuff on George Gimarc's radio show in Dallas , like The Crawdaddys , Chesterfield Kings , and I was reading about those bands , as well as The Tell Tale Hearts  and others in some of the bigger rock mags , and maybe the exceptional New York Rocker , too. But , it seemes like that stuff peaked around '84 , but , it was'nt until '86 that I was getting caught up with more of it.....

      But , in Punk Rock TERMS , TWO YEARS WAS'NT A BIG DEAL. I MEAN , AGAIN , YOU HAD THE INNATE HIPNESS AND THE DISPOSABLE INCOME TO BUY 76 -77 PUNK ROCK RECORDS , OR YOU LISTENED TO IT WHEN YOU COULD , AND BOUGHT IT , LATER. SAME WITH GARAGE REVIVAL RECORDS......I LOVED THE PANDORAS' FIRST TWO RECORDS (THO , I FEEL THE BROOD LATER BEAT THEM AT WHAT USED TO BE THEIR OWN GAME.). For all the hatin' The Fuzztones get , they presented their thing in such a way that fans of just straight ahead Rock'n'Roll could get into it. That said , I think "Salt For Zombies" is their best release , and that was only , what ? 6 or 7 years ago?

      Plan 9 had something unique , especially in Eric Stumpo's exceptional vocals and lead guitar. They did'nt care if they were accepted into the clubhouse or not. I only saw them once, when live Garage shows were VERY rare , and they were great.     A little later , or about the same time , I liked The Nomads , Stems , Stomachmouths , Thee Fourgiven , Royal Nonesuch , Cynics , and English Garage /Trash bands (Pron. "Gare - edge") like The Stingrays , Vibes , Huns (American , based in England) , Milkshakes (Billy Childish , before someone named him God.), Prisoners , Tall Boys, X-Men , etc.          Now , some of this stuff I still like , but , some of these bands that tried too hard to sound like The Pebbles Reissues , not so much. If you look around , The Fuzztones were'nt the only band preoccupied with their image.

    • July 14, 2012 7:34 PM CDT
    • I was digging through some old vinyl and reminiscing on the 80's garage revival.  Voxx records put out some great stuff during that time.  Some of my favorites are:

      Gravedigger V - All Black and Hairy

      Pandoras - It's About Time

      Dwarves - Horror Stories

      Miracle Workers - Inside Out

      Stomachmouths - Wild Trip

      Anyway, any old timers up here?  What were you digging on?

    • July 15, 2012 8:15 AM CDT

    • Yes!  A Hohner copy of the horrible Steinberger bass.  Extremely uncool.  
      Hafensabine♥ said:

      What about this baby?

    • July 14, 2012 1:20 PM CDT
    • What about this baby?

    • July 15, 2012 6:59 AM CDT
    • While we're on the subject of more than one bass...

      When a band has more than one bassist, or drummer, I'll be damned if I can tell the difference. Either live or on record. It still sounds the same to me.

      There is one Melvins CD I have where the sound is noticeably fatter with the additional bass/drums in the mix, but with everybody else, it doesn't really change the sound much. So you have two bass players? May as well have stuck to just one for all the good it did...


    • July 15, 2012 1:08 AM CDT
    • YOW ! I saw Deke Dickerson lead seven or eight stand up bass players , together , once. It was painful. that was the idea. Actually , your concept reminds me of a friend's band in Denton , Texas called Charred. They usually played customized guitars (Using TV parts instead of strings , for example.) , but , they'd also stage public performances , encouraging anyone that was handy to beat out a rhythm on pieces of metal. One time , they got about 50 people beating out a rhythm on the sides of a house !
      jason cook said:

      I was in a band back in the 90's called Headbutt. We had four bassists and four drummers playing lumps of metal broken cymbals and floor toms. We put out several singles and a few lps. Now that was insane!


    • July 15, 2012 1:03 AM CDT
    • Do you mean like the instrument used on Hugo Montenegro's soundtrack work ? That CAN more than compensate for the lack of a bass. I've heardit done.
      Wipeout! said:

      Hate to sound like I'm swingin' fer both teams but my current garage-slop band, the Get Wets, started out as just bass, organ & drums (NO guitars allowed)...we wailed & the bassist often usta fuzz out this sound (as did the organ-pounder) to now, same band but different instrumentation: baritone sax, baritone guitar & drums (NO bass no mo') sounds mighty trashy in a how-low-can-ya-go sorta low-end-bop but not a bassist to be found...even tho in a perfect party world I'd love to have a bass (& combo-organ fer that matter) back in the mix we really don't miss 'em...

      Last Night said:

      What about a bariton guitar ?

    • July 15, 2012 1:00 AM CDT
    • You're probably right , but , they seemed to have their guitars tuned funny to compensate (Not all 3 of them) , but , if you listen to them , live , on Beat! Beat ! Beat ! , they more than make up for the lack of bass.....They had their personalities , the underrated guitar mastery of one Eddy Grant , and the fact that they were probably the only English /Guayanese / Jamaican  outfit to hit the international charts, in their favor ....not to mention ,they were often anachronisms , and proud of it ("I Can See But You Don't Know " , the only Freakbeat single released in 1970 , barring The Troggs' "Feels Like A Woman".
      James Porter said:

      I think the Equals had to have had a bass player in the studio. That instrument was usually the loudest thing heard on their records.
      John Battles said:

      The Equals , three Guitars , no Bass....centuries before it was cool.


    • July 14, 2012 3:05 PM CDT
    • i actually sort of dislike bass...... i'm in a two piece guitar /drums band on purpose. i like to point out certain things (to whoever will listen) at our shows on the subject.  the bands we play with often are perfect example of what i dislike.  i see it all the time , awesome gritty, sincerely angry guitar intro for two measures. then the bass comes in and shmeers the  edges of the thing. in our band (because we have tried out many bass player that though they could "add" to it) we call it chopping the tops off. all the edgy- ness goes in the "wall of sound". sure, you went out and "saw" a band.... there were decibles thrown at you, but its all too comfortable to me. i like thin. maybe if i we making music to make people nod, and say what i nice young man i've become. but not while i'm in a garage rock band, and trying to stay good and angry.

    • July 13, 2012 2:15 PM CDT
    • Hate to sound like I'm swingin' fer both teams but my current garage-slop band, the Get Wets, started out as just bass, organ & drums (NO guitars allowed)...we wailed & the bassist often usta fuzz out this sound (as did the organ-pounder) to now, same band but different instrumentation: baritone sax, baritone guitar & drums (NO bass no mo') sounds mighty trashy in a how-low-can-ya-go sorta low-end-bop but not a bassist to be found...even tho in a perfect party world I'd love to have a bass (& combo-organ fer that matter) back in the mix we really don't miss 'em...

      Last Night said:

      What about a bariton guitar ?

    • July 15, 2012 6:14 AM CDT
    • Wobbly Lamps from the UK. Check their new single here

    • July 15, 2012 1:10 AM CDT
    • Not at all. There's some really good ones , depends on what era you're most interested in. Some people have no preference.

      G. Wood said:

      Thanks, John.

    • July 14, 2012 7:57 PM CDT
    • Thanks, John.

    • July 14, 2012 6:00 PM CDT
    • TWO OF THE EARLIEST , AND MOST INFLUENTIAL BOOTS WERE "Live'R' Than You'll Ever Be" ,"European Tour 1969"(Both '69. Close enough.) , I'll try to think of some others , But this LP , LIVE IN PERTH , AUSTRALIA , 1973, only came out a few years ago.
       I FOUND IT FOR ABOUT $13 OR 15 , AND i KNOW i'VE SEEN IT MORE THAN ONCE , BUT , i DON'T KNOW HOW MANY WERE PRESSED , OFFHAND.  I'm sure whoever it is is asking that price because Keef signed it. If he did . I'm just sayin'. I don't know.
      G. Wood said:

      How about this one? Apparently it's rare, I've found only one copy listed for sale anywhere, and it was some crazy figure over $1000--but that one was signed by Keef. I found this one at an estate sale a few months ago. Any info about rarity or desirability appreciated.

      BPG said:
      What are some good 70's boots to look for?

    • July 14, 2012 7:52 PM CDT
    • Apparently this has been out for years but I wasn't aware of it until recently. I haven't been able to come across any mention of the book here. I was just wondering if this book is worth reading. Also any suggestions for any other Detroit rock-centric books (beyond books about only The MC5 or only The Stooges).

    • July 14, 2012 4:04 PM CDT
    • Playlist 07/14/12

      Iggy & the Stooges  Search and Destroy 
      MC5  Tonight 
      Bullet LaVolta  Detroit Rock City 
      MacFadden's Parachute  Hometown 
      Chesterfield Kings  Trip Through Tomorrow 
      Movements  Deserted Town 
      Nevermores  Lilly's 11th 
      Off!  Wiped Out 
      Plasmatics  Butcher Baby 
      Gore Gore Girls  Hunt You Down 
      Spider Fever  Don't Let Deth Get In The Way 
      Swinging Iggies  Lady Gaga 
      Pygmies  Don't Care About You 
      Knights of Fuzz  Genny 
      Northside Garage  Leave Me Alone 
      Priests  House of Wax 
      Bloody Hollies  Good Night Sleep Tight 
      St. Phillip's Escalator  Fears The Face on Dawn 
      Rocket From The Tombs  I Sell Soul 
      Dead Boys  Son of Sam 
      D Generation  No Way Out 
      Devo  Smart Patrol/Mr. DNA 
      Ty Seagall Band  The Bag I'm In 
      Molting Vultures  Cool Right Down 
      Stupidity  This Love Is For Real 
      Electric Mess  He Looks Like A Psycho 
      Feedtime  Rock n roll 
      Love Battery  See Your Mind 
      Boom Boom Box  White Chocolate 
      Bourbon Scum  Rumble 
      Ace  Whisper Explosion 
      Blasted Canyons  Glass on Your Pillow 
      Godfathers  Gone to Texas 

    • July 14, 2012 8:41 AM CDT
    • I will be on the air and the web Saturday July 14th from 1:00-3:00PM EST.  You can listen on 89.7 WITR-FM in Rochester, NY or steaming live at .

    • July 14, 2012 12:10 PM CDT
    • Show #382: "The Eggman Collection #116" playlist:

      Santana - "All The Love Of The Universe"
      The McCoys - "Hell/Genesis Through A Window"
      Napoleon XIV - "Bats In My Belfry"
      The Others - "I Can't Stand This Love, Goodbye"
      Concrete Rubber Band - "Risen Savior"
      The Byrds - "Moog Raga"
      Pink Fairies - "Never Never Land"
      The Plagues - "To Wander"
      The Chimes - "Once In Awhile"
      Majority One - "Depths Of My Mind"
      Neu! - "Lila Engel"
      Hunger - "Workshop"
      Jacks - "Ii Ko Da Ne"
      It's A Beautiful Day - "The Dolphins"
      Ars Nova - "And How Am I To Know"
      The Mirage - "Lonely Highway"
      The Champs - "Twenty Thousand Leagues"
      The Goodies - "The Dum Dum Ditty"
      Groep 1850 - "I Know (La Pensee)"
      The Six Deep - "Girl, It's Over"
      The Association - "Silent Song Thru The Land"
      The Pretty Things - "The Sun [unmixed version]"
      Eric Burdon & The Animals - "Ring Of Fire"
      Curtiss Maldoon - "Long Long Time"
      Steve Gillette - "Back On The Street Again"
      Agnes Strange - "Failure"
      Bee Gees - "Lemons Never Forget"
      The Kinks - "Second-Hand Car Spiv"
      Suicide - "Che"
      Love - "Laughing Stock"
      The Bell Notes - "Old Spanish Town"
      The New York Rock & Roll Ensemble - "You Know Just What It's Like"
      The Insect Trust - "Walking On Nails"
      Andy Kim - "I'll Be Loving You"
      Pale Fire - "Eye Girl"
      Can - "Animal Waves"

      Click here to stream this show now:
      or to download:

      ***To stream The Metaphysical Circus live via the web click this link: ... to listen to past shows, view playlists and more, fan the show by "liking it" on facebook: ... 6748511750
      Live every Friday night at 10pm to 1am EST on WSCA-LP 106.1 FM, Portsmouth Community Radio!


    • July 13, 2012 2:48 PM CDT
    • Show #382: "The Eggman Collection #116"

      Every 3 weeks I do a series of shows called The Eggman Collection which is a big potpourri of every song I've ever liked in my life...EVER! It's literally a huge mixing bowl full of songs written onto tiny pieces of paper. Over 15,000 songs that I've been compiling for the past 20-plus years of my life. Every song I've ever liked has gone into this bowl, and every three weeks I draw them out one-by-one and play them for you in no particular order. A mix of everything and anything I like, no matter what genre, era, style or year of release...if I like it, then I'll play it! No repeats of the same song ever! Tune in tonight (Friday) at 10pm EST for the 116th installment of The Eggman Collection and hear bands and artists like: Santana, The McCoys, Napoleon XIV, The Others, Concrete Rubber Band, Pink Fairies, Majority One, Neu!, Hunger, Ars Nova, The Champs, Groep 1850, The Pretty Things, Curtiss Maldoon, Agnes Strange, Suicide, Love, The New York Rock & Roll Ensemble, Pale Fire, Can, and many others!!

      ***To stream The Metaphysical Circus live via the web click this link: ... to listen to past shows, view playlists and more, fan the show by "liking it" on facebook: ... 6748511750
      Live every Friday night at 10pm to 1am EST on WSCA-LP 106.1 FM, Portsmouth Community Radio!

      Watch my playlist unravel before your eyes LIVE here:


    • July 14, 2012 12:02 PM CDT
    • Killer footage!

    • July 14, 2012 2:53 AM CDT
    • Does anyone know if Radio Heartbeat is still putting out records, I haven't seen anything of there's in a store in FOREVER and their shopping cart system is down on their website. Plus I heard form a friend that they had folded, which means that that those awesome 20/20 and Ambulance albums wont see the light of day, any thoughts on this or is it just a stupid rumor?

    • July 13, 2012 5:20 PM CDT
    • Radio What Wave Playlist for July 12/2012

      1. Cub...Here Comes The Summer....from the Undertones tribute LP, oddly named, Here Comes The Summer on Munster Records 1995.

      2. Shangri-Las....Great Big Kiss....1964 girl group fun.

      3. Photoroman... Pourquoi...Montreal combo single from earlier this year.

      4. Persian Claws...Mysterious Mystery...from a demo they sent us, north eastern US combo who sometimes make it up to Montreal

      5. Alcohollys...Girls Night...from their CD, entitled EP. Local combo who are playing tonight at Call The Office.

      6. Terminal Wallys....Heartache...from The New Old School CD from 2007. They are playing with The Alcohollys at Call The Office.

      7. Johnny Terrien and the Bad Lieutenants...Eyes...from their latest 7".

      8. The Diodes...City Of The Dead...from the Action/Reaction CD on Bongobeat Records.

      9. Weirdonia...1960's Antique Clock...from their Freaks CD. Windsor Ontario based 2 piece.

      10. Bloodshot Bill...Out The Door...from his latest 7" on Transistor 66 Records outta Winnipeg.

      11. Astronuts...In Orbit...from the cassette Let's Splash Down With The Astronuts. Released in 1993, The Astronuts were from Montreal and might contain former Gruesomes, Ray Condo's Goners and a Cryptic, but then again, maybe not.

      12. Wilko Johnson...Casting My Spell...from a 1981 single on Nighthawk Records. Wilko says that there is a documentary out on him. If anyone can post a link to it, that would be great. For those that don't know, Wilko Johnson was the original guitarist for UK pub rockers, Dr. Feelgood.

      13. A Bones...Drive In...from Smiles, Vibes and Harmony, A Tribute To Brian Wilson LP from 1990. This is on De Milo Records outta NYC and contains a ton of cool Beach Boy covers, including this next song....

      14. Billy Childish and Thee Headcoats....409

      15. Oily Birds...Love Me Till The Sun Shines...from a Radio WW broadcast from 4/29/10.

      16. Tenement 13...The Garden...demo from 7/22/83. Tenement 13 were really The Hippies (early 80's London combo) with a slightly different name.

      17. Budokan...The Right On Girl...from the Spin A Little Gold CD. Victoria BC based power poppers.

      18. Gerry Smith...Our Days Go By...aka Will The Circle...from a CD released in 2007. Gerry was in original Toronto punkers Tyranna and later, Naugahyde Five. This is his story of growing up and absorbing the rock'n'roll essence at a young age.

      19. Howlin' Wolf...Evil....1954 recording and the start of our blues set as there is a blues fest going on in London this weekend. All of these blues acts have a few things in common; they are all dead, none of them will be at this weekend's blues fest, all of them are fucking cool and all of them will rock harder than any act at the blues fest.

      20. King Biscuit Boy... Georgia Slop..from the Mouth Of Steel LP from 1984. Hamilton Ontario harp player that was highly regarded in the blues community.

      21. Hound Dog Taylor...Give Me Back My Wig...form his self titled 1971 LP on Alligator. The Cramps borrowed some of their early sounds from Hound Dog and The Houserockers as these Chicago-ites patented the 2 guitars, drums and no bass sound!

      22. Fred McDowell and Johnny Woods...Shake 'Em On Down...from the 1969 compilation LP, Memphis Swamp Jam. Double LP on Blue Thumb Records that was recorded at Ardent Studios, where Big Star recorded.

      23. Jason And The Scorchers...Absolutely Sweet Marie...from the double live CD Midnight Roads and Stages Seen. This goes out to Perry Bagges who passed away earlier the day this show aired. Next week we'll play some more Jason and The Scorchers.

      24. Dark Rags...Sun Shines...from the latest Lost In Tyme Compilation, #6.

      25. The Living Deadbeats...Hey Girl...from their self titled debut 12". We finally got to see this band live, and they live up to the hype and rock out as expected! They'll be back in London on Monday July 23rd with 44i, T.H.E. and The Alcohollys at Call The Office.

      26. Rock'n'Roll Monkey and The Robots...Too Fast...from the latest Garagepunk Hideout compilation CD, Supercharged Sounds.

      27. Fill Spectre...Commando....from the Scare Your Friends CD. This could be one of The Pow Wows doing solo stuff in his bedroom.

      28. The Hook Up...65 Has No Blues...from the Call Up The Devil CD...had to cut this one short as we ran outta time...

      Back again next week with more noise and 3 chord thunder...thanx for all the phone-ins, requests, emails, facebook messages and Heys!!!

      Here's a link to the podcasts which are up for one week only: