WFMU is always good for underground/garage tunes. They're streaming online 24/7.
Gotta mention CHIRP Radio from my new hometown of Chicago as well. Awesome independent radio.
WFMU is always good for underground/garage tunes. They're streaming online 24/7.
Gotta mention CHIRP Radio from my new hometown of Chicago as well. Awesome independent radio.
you can pick this up on your internetradioreceiver (or smartphone)!
24/7 Garage Surf Soul!
I can't stand your typical "modern rock" stations. Those are everywhere and play the worst possible mainstream rock crap imaginable. "Modern rock" (which used to be called "alternative rock") has come to mean really awful bands like Limp Bizkit, Korn, Red Hot Chili Peppers, 311, Staind, Blink 182... do I have to go on?) There's one in St. Louis called The Point. ("Everything Alternative" my ass... like they would ever play the Dirtbombs or Nobunny!) Those are also commercial stations. It's just another cookie-cutter format like all the rest. On the other hand, 90.3 KUSF is the University of San Francisco's station, a commercial-free, non-profit college station. BIG difference. Most of those stations (college/public radio that you find on the left side of the dial in the U.S.) either have a very loose format (meaning that each DJ is allowed to choose at least part of what they play) or they're set up like WFMU in NYC or KDHX in STL where each DJ hosts a different show (usually two or three hours long) and therefore gets to program his/her show with whatever music they want.
I would think that, with the history of all things "garage" and "primitive" and with the success of satellite radio stations like Little Steven's Underground Garage channel on Sirius/XM, that we might start seeing some 24/7 garage/punk/rock'n'roll commercial stations. But I still think that genre is just too much a niche genre to attract a large enough listener base in any one city. Once you create a commercial station you have to start playing by those rules, meaning market share becomes really important for attracting advertisers. I just don't see it ever happening on terrestrial (traditional) radio, meaning AM or FM. That's why we have to stick to streaming Internet radio and podcasts.
Don't forget to also check out the Zines & Radio Shows group here on the Hideout for some good radio shows and podcasts to check out (outside of the GPPN).
Kidango said:
well of course it doesnt have to be strictly garage rock, but just some modern rock n roll stations would be cool. But hey ill check out that rock 'n soul station!
I know there was a san fransisco station 90.3 ksuf that played stuff like nobunny, the staggers, and th e strange boys, but for some reason i cant find the station on my radio, ah well..
do not forget about wonderful garagepunk ning podcasts as well!
well of course it doesnt have to be strictly garage rock, but just some modern rock n roll stations would be cool. But hey ill check out that rock 'n soul station!
I know there was a san fransisco station 90.3 ksuf that played stuff like nobunny, the staggers, and th e strange boys, but for some reason i cant find the station on my radio, ah well..
I don't know of any stations that play nothing but garage rock... no terrestrial broadcast stations, anyway. Lots of stations have specific shows that feature garage and trashy punk/rock'n'roll, though.
My favorite Internet station, though, is WFMU's Rock 'n' Soul Ichiban. I have a wifi radio (which I HIGHLY recommend if you have wireless Internet at your home) and have that station on almost all the time. I can seriously listen to it 24/7. Of course, you can also program it to stream podcast feeds, too, and I have the GaragePunk Podcasts on it, too.
Hello boys and girls! I was wondering if anyone knew about any sweet radio stations coming out of the san fransisco bay area to find some cool new music. Also for everyone else, why not talk about your favorite station in your town?
For any glam rock fans who are old enough to remember did you respond to Quiet Riot's cover of Slade's "Cum On Feel The Noize"? When I first heard the Quiet Riot version, I thought it was the greatest song ever (keep in mind, I was 15 at the time). I had never even heard of Slade at the time, so I had no idea it was a cover.
Speaking of 80s hair metal bands covering glam songs, what did you think of Great White's cover of Ian Hunter's "Once Bitten, Twice Shy"? Again, I didn't know it was a cover when I first heard it. Another example is Motley Crue's version of Brownsville Station's "Smoking in the Boys' Room."
It's okay. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. For the record, I hate Zak Wylde too! lol!
Sorry I was flipping around. I don't hate The Fuzztones that much haha..
But I hate Zakk Wylde forsure.. ;P
When I was in the band, we were a good live band. I don't think the recordings ever caught us as good as we were as a live band. Which is a shame, because the recordings are what live on.We had a certain chemistry. Oddly enough, I always felt Rudi was the weakest link in that chemistry. Had he let us be, to create at the best of our own ability, I think the recordings would have been far superior. Had he let us contribute more to the songwriting, he would have had better songs. I just hope that some people understand, despite the image of the band, we were not all egotistical 60's Garage rock Purists.
Wow must have been tough ;-)
I dont mind the 'originals' so much and they had a few good tunes, but the covers perhaps should have been left alone.
Though I cant really talk I've butchered a few classics myself!
Why is this the final one?
Hot damn, I wanna go.
Going to be a BLAST!!
I can't stop reading articles and watching videos about last year. Kind of obsessed. Can't freaking wait.
It's a crime to take Ugly Things off the podwaves! This is a given. We need Mike back here!
You should definitely bring it back as a podcast. The podcast jukebox is the easiest way to check for new shows or find past ones when another listen is called for!
Back as a podcast would be great.
Who wants this show back? Mike stopped doing it when the show got the axe from Real Punk Radio earlier this year. I, for one, would love to see Mike continue on with what he was doing and just make it a podcast. Who's with me in trying to lure Mike back???
that is super cool man i love that baby blue color and the fender neck loos good on it :) i think that fang from the raiders did the same thing to his phantom iV but i'm not really a big fan of the raiders ha ha
John Carlucci said:
This is for Luke, who wanted to see some Phantom's...............Though not stock, this "Phantomcaster" is a historical piece of LA Rock N Roll history, for it belongs to Mike Palm, legendary guitar player in Socal Punk band, "Agent Orange". I took this photo backstage at their show Saturday night at The Galaxy Theatre in Santa Ana Ca
In addition to my Big Enchilada podcast, I do two local radio shows for Santa Fe Public Radio, KSFR.
One is a freeform weirdo radio show with lots of primitive rock 'n' roll, surf, psychedlic, R&B, raw soul, garage, punk, etc. I just posted about that over at the Zines & Radio Shows group.
The other, The Santa Fe Opry, is a hillbilly show -- lots of real country from the 20s through the 70s, rockabilly, country blues, Old Weird America, jug band, the more rocking side of alt country, insurgent country, XXX, plus a little Cajun, zydeco, Mexican music, etc.
It plays Friday nights, 10 pm to midnight Mountain Time. I don't archive the shows, but if you're online at that time, you can listen to the live stream HERE My playlists can be found on my blog HERE .
Here's my most recent playlist:
Check it out sometime. If you like my Big Enchilada hillbilly episodes, you'll like the SF Opry.
In addition to my Big Enchilada podcast, I do two local radio shows for Santa Fe Public Radio, KSFR.
One is a hillbilly show (I think I'll post about that one over in the Podunk Holler group). But on the other one, I mostly play the type of music that's the foundation of the Hideout -- primitive rock 'n' roll, surf, psychedlic, R&B, raw soul and of course, garage, punk, garagepunk -- you get the picture.
It's called Terrell's Sound World, and my tag is "the home of freeform weirdo radio." Yes, Sonic Youth fans, the title is a play off an old SY song title.
It plays Sunday nights, 10 pm to midnight Mountain Time.
I don't archive the shows, but if you're fucking around the internet at that time, you can listen to the live stream HERE
My playlists can be found on my blog HERE .
This week's show was my annual post-Labor Day show, where I played mainly union songs (and economic blues) with a pal who's an old labor history professor and activist. So there's not much in the way of GaragePunk. But I'll post the week before that as a more representative example of what I do.
I love that band. I saw them at Cavestomp in 97, plus I saw them a few other times in LA around the same time.