Both Ian Hunter and Michael Monroe play a fair selection of tunes from previous bands if the recent boots are anything to go by. Monroe's band sound awesome.
Both Ian Hunter and Michael Monroe play a fair selection of tunes from previous bands if the recent boots are anything to go by. Monroe's band sound awesome.
ian Hunter ....hahaha...wife wouldnt let me name any of my kids ian or I named my podcast after him..or them..whatever...brilliant...just brilliant
Yeah I'd like to see him do a follow up.
We flew over from ireland for the Mott reuinion gigs - brilliant stuff so it was!
I have that book. It was very good.
phil hope said:
I too am a big fan of Hunter I reckon he has written some of the best songs about rock n roll ever.
If you get chance grab a copy of his book diary of a rock n roll star its a great read.
I too am a big fan of Hunter I reckon he has written some of the best songs about rock n roll ever.
If you get chance grab a copy of his book diary of a rock n roll star its a great read.
Check his tour schedule. He may be coming to your town, or at least to one close enough to drive to.
Scott "Deluxe" Drake said:
I'm a big fan of Ian Hunter and Mott the Hoople...AND I like Cleveland.
But I live in Portland, OR so I won't be at the show.
Carry on....
Columbus is the home town of one of my all time favorite bands, Manda and the Marbles:)
trashman said:
I'd rather give props to the One Way Streets from Zanesville (close to Columbus), but I thought I could get a laugh out of you Mike
I'm a big fan of Ian Hunter and Mott the Hoople...AND I like Cleveland.
But I live in Portland, OR so I won't be at the show.
Carry on....
the rock is coming back believe me son
Oh, Okay... you're referring to vintage stuff.
Well first of all, in the 60's it was new – not vintage, but certainly not cheap... and nowadays, equipment from the 80's is considered vintage :)... so the surviving axes/amps (they haven't exactly multiplied) from the 60's are actually halfway antiques. I guess prices will reflect that.
yeah it just annoys me ,im 14 and english so all the good stuff is eithe too expensive or in america
great record..
Yeah I have it on New Rose CD
I prefer Miami and The Las Vegas Story, but this album is still a great The Gun Club album.
Does anybody know why this album has different covers?
I have the original Ruby release. Worn to shit from playing constantly! I luv that record.
ahh also that.. " This is the song where you use the cowbell asshole" fuckers..
British Glam
Thanks for the replies, Gents. I'm thinking that The Pistols were definitely inspired by The Ramones, but the more Sweet I listen to, well, it's like the guitar style is pure Pistols or rather, reverse that......
I think it was the Ramones and it might be documented in "End of the Century"
As much as people would like to believe that the Ramones kickstarted a whole movement when they played the Roundhouse in 1976, I think British Glam was more an influence on the Pistols than anything American except maybe a few like the New York Dolls and the Modern Lovers. British Mod played a big part in their sound as well.
Were The Pistols Influenced More By American Punk Or British Glam?
nameless 6ts japanese guitar...most probably a teisco...
The Gories
ok i think i know the setups,
dan: '64 fender jaguar into a vox ac30,
mick: nameless '60s japanese guitar into a silvertone amp,
if you can improve correct or add to this or know any lyrics, chords and tabs for the lead parts please comment. ta :)
"What A Way To Die" is a cover version of the Pleasure Seekers. Here's the lyrics.
any one got any info on their gear?
i know guitars include a framus apollo in the early days and since then include a vox phantom and occasionaly a fender jaguar but what about amps, pedals, keys?
also any chords, tabs or lyrics (what a way to die would be much appreciated)
thanks :)