Bon Von Wheelie of the Tacoma, Washington garage-rock band Girl Trouble has been maintaining a great website over the years where she calls out certain promoters or production companies on their pay-to-play scams. While the design of the site doesn't make it easy on the eyes to peruse, it does contain tons of valuable information warning bands of these shysters. Check it out:
One particular shyster, Gorilla Productions, even went so far as to sue the band over what the site says about their operation. It's a lawsuit filed to bully her into taking it down. So she's fighting it. You can see the details of that here:
And here is Never Pay to Play's page on Gorilla Productions pay-to-play scam:
Bon told me that they still haven't gotten a ruling on this lawsuit. They still might be able to haul them into Ohio court. In Wash state this ruling takes about 30 days. In Ohio, it's almost been a year. Nobody can figure it out. She has spent thousands of dollars of her own money in lawyers and pretty much has nothing to show for it. Meanwhile, Gorilla is operating freely all over the US, including Seattle, and she can't even send an email to somebody in Ohio for fear it will further connect them. So they just wait.
Hopefully she will win (she should), but it sucks that she's had to spend over $13k in lawyers feeds in order to fight these greedy bastards. Her website is very beneficial to bands everywhere in warning them of the dangers of this kind of crap, and I've used it myself in the past when warning local bands of a similar scam that popped up here in St. Louis several years ago.