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    • October 26, 2010 9:20 PM CDT
    • i tend to agree and yep; it's pretty funny too. my guess is steve also would agree but hey, he's gotta make a living too

    • October 26, 2010 8:54 PM CDT
    • In Keith Richards new autobiography "Life", he takes a shot at Bruce Springsteen. " If there was anything better around, he'd still be working the bars of New Jersey". I'm interested in seeing if Little Steven comments on the remark, considering the major idol worship his station (Underground Garage) has for The Stones.

    • October 26, 2010 2:50 PM CDT
    • Yes, I know I'm a little late asking about this, but what did everyone here think of the "Children of Nuggets" boxed set? It was released in late 2005, and it was a compilation of songs by garage bands of the 70s, 80s and 90s. Did you feel it was a good representation of contemporary garage rock, or did you feel it missed the mark in any way?

      I liked it, but keep in mind that I was still fairly new to garage rock at that time. Hell, I'm still trying to learn more about it. It was quite a revelation for me to notice that most of the songs included in the boxed set were recorded and released back when I was in high school, during a time when I was wasting my life away on hard and classic rock (Yes, laugh if you must).

      BTW, I wish "Get My Way" and "I'll Wait" by the Cynics had been included. "Baby, What's Wrong" made it into the set, and while it's a great song, the other two I just mentioned are my all time favorites.

    • October 26, 2010 1:56 PM CDT
    • I don't know if it was a Twin or a Princeton, I couldn't get a good look. Nothing super big.

    • October 26, 2010 12:43 PM CDT
    • Curious to hear what some other people might suggest to be the best garage or punk bands of recent times? Mostly I stay listening to older bands but it's good to know about the current ones to keep up with the good live acts when they come around if you like going out to concerts.  

    • October 26, 2010 12:10 PM CDT
    • tell er its the fastest, loudest way to beauty

    • October 26, 2010 10:46 AM CDT
    • I always associate it with sex and freaky sensations....they get the picture right away :):)

    • October 26, 2010 9:51 AM CDT
    • What about sonic spunk?

    • October 26, 2010 8:05 AM CDT
    • It's bad music for bad people. It's punk that wants to party. It's the sound of awesome.

      I'd just give 'em a copy of Never Been Caught or something and tell them to get the hell outta my house.

    • October 26, 2010 7:59 AM CDT
    • Three cords and the truth!

    • October 25, 2010 9:38 PM CDT
    • I don't know how to describe what it sounds like, but it smells like sex.

      Actually, I ran into this same sort of conversation with a coworker, and I finally just told him it was rock and roll that sounds like it gives even less of a shit than it usually gives.

    • October 25, 2010 5:35 PM CDT
    • RocknRoll at its primitive best. Don't tell her. Show her. More fun that way.

    • October 25, 2010 5:29 PM CDT
    • simple you just don't haha. it's like describing color to a blind person

    • October 25, 2010 5:18 PM CDT
    • Tell her to watch the shootout scene in Taxi Driver with the volume muted, whilst listening to Surfin' Bird really loudly. That should get her in the mood for enlightenment, either way it can't hurt.

      "Classic rock"?...That's a real shame.

    • October 25, 2010 3:14 PM CDT
    • "if the kids don't hate it, it ain't Rock 'n' Roll...."

    • October 25, 2010 1:38 PM CDT
    • A:
      1 - Garage - Sounds like early/60s Rolling Stones or The Who.
      2 - Punk - Sounds like early/60s Rolling Stones or The Who LPs played on a cheap stereo on 45 instead of 33. That usually gets them to shut up.

      Why are you talking to "those people?" (Just kidding but not really.)

    • October 26, 2010 12:01 AM CDT
    • I know this is never a very popular pick when talking about the stones, and I love exile and the rest as much as everyone else, but Miss You will make me dance like a damn fool.

    • October 25, 2010 11:53 PM CDT
    • In my own recording experiences, I don't know that I've ever tried to make something sound crappier, but I have run into a lot of situations where I just wasn't all that concerned with waiting until I could get into a studio, and I wanted to get the song down. Once I had recorded on whatever equipment I had available, I realized the song had enough of a drive and power that I didn't really have a need to rerecord it later. And I've had studio recordings that have actually lost a great deal of raw power when compared to the 4 track demos. But that's probably as much due to lack of ability in a studio as anything else. And pretty much my entire rock and roll life has been strictly for kicks, so when you introduce a desire to actually make something of yourself, lol, these fidelty issues might come into play.

      That being said, I think it's all pretty subjective. There's plenty of great bands that I can't even imagine the Steely Dan version of, Guitar Wolf being one. All I ask from a recording is that I can hear the individual instruments, but past that, I'm looking more at the song itself than any particular fidelity.

      I guess what I'm trying to say is that it's not so much that I enjoy lo-fi recordings, it's that it doesn't cause me to judge the recording one way or the other. Lo-fi is something that I tend to treat like a extra grungy guitar sound or distorted drums or anything else you play around with when recording to try to make a unique sound.

    • October 25, 2010 10:20 PM CDT
    • That's funny that you should say that, I read elsewhere on a guitar snob type forum that the Tuxedo was one of the better ones. Could be a dud I guess. How much did the jupiter set you back? I've been looking at those for a while. I've spent too much on amps lately though.

      Dose said:

      I owned a Airline Tuxedo replica and after a year of trying to teak & set it up I ended up donating it to the Girls Rock program. Never could get it to feel right. Just got a vintage Silvertone Jupiter that is the bomb, light weight, campy, nice feedback, great feel.

    • October 25, 2010 2:50 PM CDT
    • I owned a Airline Tuxedo replica and after a year of trying to teak & set it up I ended up donating it to the Girls Rock program. Never could get it to feel right. Just got a vintage Silvertone Jupiter that is the bomb, light weight, campy, nice feedback, great feel.

    • October 25, 2010 4:13 PM CDT
    • Definite not-so-closeted metal fan here. I still rock Black Sabbath, Saint Vitus, and old Monster Magnet regularly. And Slayer... "Reign In Blood" has been in my possession in one format or another for almost 25 years now, cripes. I still crank it on my iPod every time I vacuum the house. "Reborn" is one of the most savage tunes ever!

      I'm also not too up to speed on more current stuff (um, no pun intended), although one of the more recent band I like is The Lord Weird Slough Feg, a great metallic rock band out of the San Francisco area.

      Also still fond of some of that metal/punk stuff. Discharge and Amebix come to mind, and Dr. Know did some great stuff - "This Island Earth" is one of my favorite records of any genre, ever. Although I have to concur with Count Brockula, the crossover thing sucked big time for live shows. I was going to punk shows in the SF Bay Area during the mid '80s and got to see the meathead invasion up close and personal. Ugh.

      And thanks to Don Sanchez for starting this thread... I'm raising my bottle of Guinness Extra Stout in a toast to all of the people in The Hideout - and everywhere else - who don't limit themselves to one form of music. There is good stuff in almost every genre, you just have to find it! *clink*

    • October 25, 2010 1:31 PM CDT
    • dancing is fun dancing is great



    • October 25, 2010 1:26 PM CDT
    • I saw them open for 5678s recently. I wouldn't be pissed off to see them again.

    • October 25, 2010 1:18 PM CDT
    • See them if you get a chance.