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    • January 4, 2012 2:32 PM CST
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      That's true. Good Artists borrow. Great Artists STEAL.  But , I think Mitchhz is just trying to get a feel for where these songs originated , and add what he already knows . There are , of course , obvious and less obvious sources that go into writing a song. If you've ever written a song of your own , chances are , it was inspired , or blatantly ripped off from , something else.
      Sam Sinister said:

      "The Crusher" from Off The Bone was originally by The Novas.

      I don't really know why you're counting a lot of these as originals of the Cramps' songs. Borrowing a riff or a beat or the "feel" of a song doesn't really count for much in this type of music (punk, garage, rockabilly, etc.), in my opinion. Everyone is derivative of everyone else, it's part of the appeal. ;)

    • January 4, 2012 2:11 PM CST
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      Yeah well perhaps I souldn't have used the word 'originals'. There are no originals, there's always something that's come before! See for example this page about Misirlou: There was even a better one with videos embedded that I found some months ago but I can't find it any longer.

      The legacy of the Rivingtons is huge. Papa-Oo-Mow-Mow (or Mama-Oo-Mow-Mow which is even better) and The Bird's the Word have inspired hundreds of fantastic songs, some of them little known like Surfin' Bird by Wade Curtiss or Papa-Oo-Mao-Mao by the Deviants.

      But what I like is suddenly discovering that a song I was so familiar with had in fact an 'oroginal'. For example, I was so delighted when I finally got to hear the 'original' version of Tainted Love (Gloria Jones) or I Want Candy by the Strangeloves and not Bow-Wow-Wow...

    • January 3, 2012 11:39 AM CST
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      There's a Cramps newsgroup on Yahoo that probably has some kind of wiki that answers many of your questions. Here's a link to join the group, which is called staysick

      They've also recently released an LP of live Cramps stuff that is HIGHLY recommended...called Trash Is Neat.

    • January 2, 2012 6:22 PM CST
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      The way you're doing this, you may as well add "Smokestack Lightning" to "Primitive," since that's obviously what The Groupies were ripping off, and The Rivingtons' "Papa-Oom-Mow-Mow" and "The Bird's the Word," as well as The Flames' "The Bird," to "Surfin' Bird."

    • January 2, 2012 6:20 PM CST
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      "The Crusher" from Off The Bone was originally by The Novas.

      I don't really know why you're counting a lot of these as originals of the Cramps' songs. Borrowing a riff or a beat or the "feel" of a song doesn't really count for much in this type of music (punk, garage, rockabilly, etc.), in my opinion. Everyone is derivative of everyone else, it's part of the appeal. ;)

    • January 2, 2012 2:57 PM CST
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      Of course, I know that the Cramps did write their own material! Or some of it! But part of their legacy is the discovery of a whole new world. So thanks for the tips, I'll continue my exploration. The Cramps had impeccable taste!

      Off the Bone (1983)

      Human Fly: yes people say it's Green Mosquito by the Tune Rockers but I'm not convinced. I find Kick Out by surf band The Safaris (on Wail on the Beach compilation) sounds much more like Human Fly !

      The Way I Walk: Jack Scott

      Domino: Roy Orbison

      Surfin' Bird: The Trashmen

      Lonesome Town: Ricky Nelson



      Drug Train: Bill Allen, Please Give Me Something

      Love Me: The Phantom

      I Can't Hardly Stand It: Charlie Feathers

      (Goo Goo Muck)

      She Said: Hasil Adkins

      (The Crusher)

      Save It: Mel Robbins

      New Kind of Kicks: The Sonics, He's Waiting

      Smell of Female (1983 mini-LP)

      Thee Most Exalted Potentate of Love: ?

      You Got Good Taste: ?

      Call of the Wighat: ?

      Faster Pussycat: The Boss Tweeds, soundtrack to Faster Pussycat Kill Kill

      Ain't Nuthin but a Gorehound: ?

      Psychotic Reaction: The Count V

      1985 maxi single

      Can Your Pussy do the Dog: Del Raney's Umbrellas, Can Your Hossie Do the Dog (for the title only?)

      Blue Moon Baby: Dave Diddle Day

      Georgia Lee Brown: Jackie Lee Cochran

      1986 maxi single

      What's Inside a Girl: ?

      Get Off the Road: R Lewis Band

      Give Me a Woman: Andy Starr

    • January 1, 2012 4:14 PM CST
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      Hi , Mitchhz.....Believe it or not , friends , The Cramps did write their own material , too....Especially from their third album on (The only obvious "Lift" on "A Date With Elvis " I can remember is Dr. John (Mac  Rebenack's) "Storm Warning" as the template for "Cornfed Dames " , BUT , i'D HAVE TO GO BACK AND LOOK OVER  tHE OTHER RECORDS To give you any clues , if , indeed I have a clue "Well , everything is FINE , but I can't find my mind".

      When Lux was still , physically , with us , he said these comps , and unconfirmed connections between their songs and others was getting a bit silly....

      Fo example , it's widely believed that "Human Fly " was lifted from "The Green Mosquito"(Tune Rockers?) , only because it has a similar insect sound ....Ivy said that somebody told her their song reminded them of the other , and she decided , well , I guess I need to find a copy , because I've never heard it !

      I can't trace any of the other songs the lord taught us to anywhere else....Except , "I'm Cramped" was based directly on "Bust Out" by The Busters. Also , a minor detail , The Cramps' version of "Tear it Up" was based on Charlie Feathers' arrangement .

      "Jungle Hop" by The Cramps was a direct cover of "Jungle Hop" by Kip Tyler....Most of the Psychedelic Jungle songs , besides the ones you mentioned , don't bring anything to mind (which is a prerequisite to being a Cramps fan , don't bring anything to mind.), though "Beautiful Gardens" reminds me a bit of "Bertha Lou" by Dorsey Burnette , "Jungle Fever" , by The Playboys ( Yet another Peter Gunnish instro that could've influenced this , "I Can't Find My Mind" , and/or others , and , possibly ,  neither. It also originally reminded me of a heavier take on"Oh , Pretty Woman" , succeeding where Van Halen failed , but , moreso the beat.... They're playing in keys known only to them . There is NO band in the world exactly like The Cramps , and that's because.....The Way I Walk(Jack Scott) , and you can take it from there......

    • January 1, 2012 12:46 PM CST
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      A lot of those tunes were originals, though, and credited as such (Mystery Train, Zombie Dance, The Mad Daddy, I'm Cramped, Voodoo Idol, Caveman, etc.). "TV Set" is an original, with a nod to Don & the Galaxies' "Sundown" as is "The Natives Are Restless," influenced by Jerry Warren's "Rompin" and Kai Ray's "I Want Some of That"... but you're pretty much covered on the rest.


      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • September 28, 2013 8:05 AM CDT
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      What's Inside A Girl lyrics: "The King of Siam sent a telegram sayin', Wop bop a loop a lop a lop boom bam"

      Who signs the song w/ this same phrase on LAIF vol 14?? There's no artist info. The song is hilarious story about this guitar playing kid who becomes a big star.

    • January 9, 2014 3:06 PM CST
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      i HAVE A friend who used to work for The Cramps. He told me "Exotica" (sic. Sorry, I like "Fiends of Dope ISLAND" , but , don't play it often.)or"Taboo', is that it? ,my friend gave me a rundown of some of the songs , before the record was released. He said "Taboo" was an out and out remake of Rumble , with lyrics. I did'nt but that , once I heard it....Besides , I'm sure that's been done several times (The Suicide Twins "Coming Down Slow" , for one.). Anyway , Taboo was a cover , right? It's embarrassing , I know, but , when Lux died , I did'nt listen to their later stuff , much.

      Of course , as covers go , they also did "Hang Up" by The Wailers on that LP , too.....

      THERE'S a video from San Fran Oct. 31 , late 90's or early oughts , of The Cramps doing "You're Gonna Miss Me". I know Lux was a huge Elevators fan , it's too bad , it seems , they never did the song in the studio....nor that barely any versions of "Hungry" by Paul Revere and The Raiders seem to have turned up . I THINK i HEARD ONE VERSION THAT WAS ALMOST UNLISTENABLE.


      Sorry if I brought this up , some people think "Saddle Up A bUZZ bUZZ" WAS LIFTED FROM "EVIL HOODOO" BY THE SEEDS. I DON'T BUY I T, THOUGH IT'S SIMILAR. Not any more than I would believe the same of "Misty Mountain Hop" , and , in spite of his own music , Robert Plant has great taste in music. I f you'd have put he and Lux in a room togethe r, they would have had much to talk about , outside of their own music.

    • January 9, 2014 3:29 PM CST
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      Has no one , including me, mentioned that "Garbageman" is widely believed to be lifted from , or at least , inspired by "Boss" by The Rumblers ?


      The "Smell of Female" show (Which incorrectly listed Kid Congo on second guitar , I guess , as a means of severence pay. Nick's Cousin , Mike Metoff , from The Pagans (Better known as Ike Knox at the time) replaced Kid for a short time , then was replaced by Click Mort for about a month (He turned up later in The Loafin' Hyenas with T. Tex Edwards of The Nervbreakers and Rob Ritter of Gun Club. Their record is recommended IF you can find it.)>


       SOURCES SAY THAT IT WAS METOFF ON GUITAR , THAT'S HIM IN THE PROMO VIDEO. . The gig was attended by two of my friends. One was only 13 at the time , her sister acted as guardian , and , well , that was her baptism by fire. THE OTHER GOT THERE BEFORE DOORS OPENED , SO HE WENT DOWN THE STREET TO A ROLLER RINK "WHERE THIS WOMAN CALLED "MADONNA" WAS SINGING , KARAOKE STYLE TO TAPED BACKING TRACKS. IT WAS AWFUL !! I WANTED TO BE WATCHING THE CRAMPS !!!" Which , of course , he did , after they opened the doors. I went to The Peppermint Lounge a year later. It looked really cool , just like on the back of that Cramps EP , BUT , IT WAS JUST THE OPPOSITE , THEY drove me out with Rap music , and ,  i ENDED UP AT dANCETERIA ,WHERE AT LEAST , THAT NIGHT , I COULD LISTEN TO PUNK ROCK , AND SEE THE "GARBAGEMAN" VIDEO FOR THE FIRST TIME......


      btw , nICK kNOX HAS BROKEN AN ALMOST 25 YEAR SILENCE BARRIER TO PLAY DRUMS ON A NEW CD BY CHEEZE BORGER AND TEH CLEVELAND STEAMERS (Get it?). He's on 3 or 4 songs. MikE HUDSON FROM tHE Pagans and John Morton from the electric eels ALSO TURN UP . iT'S A GOOD , MINIMALIST ROCK/PUNK effort that'll probably appeal to fans of teh first two Cramps LPs.


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