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  • Topic: Earplugs. What? EARPLUGS!!!

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    • December 6, 2011 3:58 AM CST
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      After the last ten years of non-stop playing I'm starting to get a (very very occassional) bit of ringing from nowhere so I guess it's time to protect the ol' lug holes. Can anyone recommend some decent earplugs (not too pricey though). I can't use the bog standard, kind-of-like-reiforced-cotton-wool ones. I sing and play the guitar and when I use the cheap ones all I can hear is the voice inside my head when singing. Any advice would be great.


    • December 26, 2011 8:24 AM CST
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      Thanks for all the advice. We're not playing for another month or so, so plenty of time to get them checked properly. Cheers again folks.

    • December 16, 2011 3:42 AM CST
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      Your hearing can be affected by a lot of things. Do you smoke cigarettes or pot? Chances are your ear canals aren't draining properly. Had a really bad head cold lately? Your sinuses might still be really fucked up. There's environmental factors too, mold spores in the air can fuck up ear canals, allergies to animals, swimming all the time can cause issues. I get a lot of ear problems, I've had glue ear in my right ear for twenty odd years. I got a burst ear drum in my right ear a couple of months ago from a massive ear infection, It's only just coming right. Sometimes I get tinnitus so bad in my right ear I can't hear anything for a couple of seconds, if you can imagine what incredibly loud annoying feedback is like then your half way there. 

      You want my advice? Don't fuck around, get it checked for medical shit and buy some good quality earplugs to try to minimize any long term serious damage.

    • December 11, 2011 9:30 AM CST
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      The fitted “musicians” ear plug work well.  Get a filter at about -15db.  Anymore and you may as well be using foam plugs.

    • December 6, 2011 11:27 AM CST
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      It's not anywhere near constant. Just flew in and out the other day (blood pressure is perfick though) and made me think about all the battering I've given my ears over the last decade. Cheers for the tips though.

    • December 6, 2011 9:27 AM CST
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      they just drown out the music too much

      Mine don't, they just lower the volume

    • December 6, 2011 9:22 AM CST
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      That constant ringing in your ears is called tinnitus and I have it, too. It started a few years ago and really bothers me when it's especially quiet (like lying in bed at night). I can't stand wearing ear plugs at shows... they just drown out the music too much. I wear them anyway (too late, obviously), but lately I just don't go see live bands as much as I used to. Having kids kinda gets in the way of that, too.


      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • December 6, 2011 7:49 AM CST
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      Make sure it's actually due to noise exposure, and not high blood pressure or something! The occasional ringing out of nowhere is a tip-off...

    • December 6, 2011 7:22 AM CST
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      Depends a bit on the noise you make I guess but I think -15 to -20 dB does the trick. In any case you'll need to consult with one of those specialist. They'll test your hearing, see what they're needed for and once decided they'll fill your ears with Goo to make a mold for a perfect fit....

    • December 6, 2011 7:09 AM CST
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      Thanks. What filter would you recommend? Am kindda new to this side of things.

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