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  • Topic: What was THE record that got you hot for garage rock 'n' roll?

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    • January 7, 2011 12:57 AM CST
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      "Louie Louie"
      I was in 6th grade, 1965.
      Yes, I thought it contained secret dirty lyrics. Months later I'd hear the siren cal of "96 Tears" and "Dirty Water" and "Wooly Bully," though I liked "JuJu Hand" more. (I saw Sam the Sham & The Pharaohs at Springlake Amusesment Park in Oklahoma City during this period.)
      "Double Shot of My Baby's Love" by The Swingin' Medallions was around that time. "Psychotic Reaction" came a little later
    • January 6, 2011 2:10 PM CST
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      Thanks Dave. For some reason I never bought the record, although a couple of mates had it. Downloaded "Cold Turkey" and "Too much to Dream Last Night" off iTunes recently though. Looking forward to hearing the definitive answer after all these years! Cheers.

      Dave Improbable said:
      hey BonzoB,

      There's no doubt in my mind that they are one and the same band. In fact, if I remember correctly, the song credits for the last tune "Just Call Me Sky," obviously fake-live, during which "Naz" introduces the rest of the band, actually go to members of The Damned. I'll dig around in my records to double check and let you know for sure when I find it. It might take a while though ; my records are in terrible order.


      BonzoB said:
      Dave re-The Damned/Naz Nomad & The Nightmares. Around the time Give Daddy the Knife came out I was working as a hack on my local newspaper and was lucky enough to interview Rat Scabies as the Damned were gigging in town later that week. In great trepidation I asked him what the deal was with Naz Nomad as I had heard the album and the strong rumours. His response: "Never 'eard of the geezer!" Call me naive but since then, even though Naz's vocals are a ringer for Dave Vanian's I have always had my doubts that both bands are one and the same...Of course there a million contractural and showbiz reasons why the Rat might not let the cat out of the bag to some local newspaper guy but...Anyone out there with a definitive answer?

      Dave Improbable said:

      That's a tough one, but I think I have to credit The Damned as Naz Nomad and The Nighmares, who put out a fake 60's psych film soundtrack called "Give Daddy The Knife , Cindy" of great garage covers: "Action Woman,"" She Lied,"" I Can Only Give You Everything" to name a few. I soon sought out the originals. Hearing The Shadows of Knight's "Dark Side,"  B-side of Gloria, on the quarter juke-box at the diner near my school was also pretty magical (yeah, I don't care if that sounds corny.)


    • January 6, 2011 8:08 AM CST
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      Get Action by Teengenerate, or Beach Bums Must Die by Thee Headcoats got me into "garage punk". As for punk, in general, it was Marquee Moon.
    • January 5, 2011 11:42 PM CST
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      hey BonzoB,

      There's no doubt in my mind that they are one and the same band. In fact, if I remember correctly, the song credits for the last tune "Just Call Me Sky," obviously fake-live, during which "Naz" introduces the rest of the band, actually go to members of The Damned. I'll dig around in my records to double check and let you know for sure when I find it. It might take a while though ; my records are in terrible order.


      BonzoB said:
      Dave re-The Damned/Naz Nomad & The Nightmares. Around the time Give Daddy the Knife came out I was working as a hack on my local newspaper and was lucky enough to interview Rat Scabies as the Damned were gigging in town later that week. In great trepidation I asked him what the deal was with Naz Nomad as I had heard the album and the strong rumours. His response: "Never 'eard of the geezer!" Call me naive but since then, even though Naz's vocals are a ringer for Dave Vanian's I have always had my doubts that both bands are one and the same...Of course there a million contractural and showbiz reasons why the Rat might not let the cat out of the bag to some local newspaper guy but...Anyone out there with a definitive answer?

      Dave Improbable said:

      That's a tough one, but I think I have to credit The Damned as Naz Nomad and The Nighmares, who put out a fake 60's psych film soundtrack called "Give Daddy The Knife , Cindy" of great garage covers: "Action Woman,"" She Lied,"" I Can Only Give You Everything" to name a few. I soon sought out the originals. Hearing The Shadows of Knight's "Dark Side,"  B-side of Gloria, on the quarter juke-box at the diner near my school was also pretty magical (yeah, I don't care if that sounds corny.)


    • January 5, 2011 8:20 PM CST
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      It's sad, I live in such a shitty radio market, I didn't even know who the hell the Clash was until "Combat Rock" came out!  No friggin' lie!!!  Of course I dug it, but then I had to dig deeper and buy such classics as "London Calling" and their self-titled debut release!
      Gareth Brown said:
      Hi - i'm new to The Hideout... very much enjoying all of your responses... For me it was listening to 'London Calling' by The Clash that first got me interested in all things punk/garage/r'n'r related!
    • January 5, 2011 5:23 PM CST
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      I think it was the Gruesomes "Tyrants of teen trash"
    • January 5, 2011 2:10 PM CST
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      Besides just oldies radio?  Coming across the Hang It Out to Dry Comp at an Indie Record Store....  that change my music taste..
    • January 5, 2011 1:48 PM CST
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      Yeah, zombies, UFOs and ladyboys. I think it's based on a true story.

      joey fuckup said:
      It's amazing what the Cramps have done for us!  Isn't "Wild Zero" that really wild exploitation/grindhouse-type flick that came out a few years back that had zombies, maybe?  I thought I had seen it advertised in the pages of "Videoscope" and "Rue Morgue"...

      electrocute your cock said:
      Off The Bone/Songs the Lord Taught Us. That's where I'm pinning the blame for all this. Before that I'd only heard MC5, The Stooges and a few songs here and there so I knew I'd like this stuff if I knew who the hell anyone was, but it's The Cramps who showed me the way. Guitar Wolf get an honourable mention for their appearance in Wild Zero.
    • January 5, 2011 1:35 PM CST
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      Dave re-The Damned/Naz Nomad & The Nightmares. Around the time Give Daddy the Knife came out I was working as a hack on my local newspaper and was lucky enough to interview Rat Scabies as the Damned were gigging in town later that week. In great trepidation I asked him what the deal was with Naz Nomad as I had heard the album and the strong rumours. His response: "Never 'eard of the geezer!" Call me naive but since then, even though Naz's vocals are a ringer for Dave Vanian's I have always had my doubts that both bands are one and the same...Of course there a million contractural and showbiz reasons why the Rat might not let the cat out of the bag to some local newspaper guy but...Anyone out there with a definitive answer?

      Dave Improbable said:

      That's a tough one, but I think I have to credit The Damned as Naz Nomad and The Nighmares, who put out a fake 60's psych film soundtrack called "Give Daddy The Knife , Cindy" of great garage covers: "Action Woman,"" She Lied,"" I Can Only Give You Everything" to name a few. I soon sought out the originals. Hearing The Shadows of Knight's "Dark Side,"  B-side of Gloria, on the quarter juke-box at the diner near my school was also pretty magical (yeah, I don't care if that sounds corny.)


    • January 5, 2011 12:59 PM CST
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      Hi - i'm new to The Hideout... very much enjoying all of your responses... For me it was listening to 'London Calling' by The Clash that first got me interested in all things punk/garage/r'n'r related!
    • January 5, 2011 10:26 AM CST
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      Mine would be Thee Mighty Caesars "Lie Dectector". Changed my life.
    • January 5, 2011 4:30 AM CST
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      I'll have to try and get my hands on that Damned LP, now that you mention it!
      Dave Improbable said:

      That's a tough one, but I think I have to credit The Damned as Naz Nomad and The Nighmares, who put out a fake 60's psych film soundtrack called "Give Daddy The Knife , Cindy" of great garage covers: "Action Woman,"" She Lied,"" I Can Only Give You Everything" to name a few. I soon sought out the originals. Hearing The Shadows of Knight's "Dark Side,"  B-side of Gloria, on the quarter juke-box at the diner near my school was also pretty magical (yeah, I don't care if that sounds corny.)


    • January 5, 2011 4:30 AM CST
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      "Last Train To Clarksville" was definately my fave Monkees tune!  Would love to have had their car...
      Joseph M Kirk said:
      "Bird Dance Beat" was preferreed over "Surfin' Bird" but hey I was only 3 or 4 years old.  After the Trashmen, it was "Last Train To Clarksville" by the Monkees, and The Standells "Dirty Water" Lp was given to me when I was six.  It was a pure joy to stumble upon the Ramones and Blondie when I was 17.  I never really felt the need to listen to the radio, so I never really have.  That's a good thing since living in Philadelphia, radio station's are really lame.  And they remain that way even now except for some college stations.  And, yes I still listen to the Trashmen and the Monkees et al.
    • January 5, 2011 4:29 AM CST
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      I do have a local vintage store that deals in vinyl as well, but it's usually hit and miss with what they carry, although I did score a cool Turtles 45 the other day...

      Eargasm said:
      you can still get many major label garage 45's reasonably cheap, Joey..most record shows should have a dealer who has a selection of this stuff for $5 and under..
      Great thing is that with some diligence and perserverance you can still find many rare gems in the wild..
    • January 4, 2011 11:40 PM CST
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      That's a tough one, but I think I have to credit The Damned as Naz Nomad and The Nighmares, who put out a fake 60's psych film soundtrack called "Give Daddy The Knife , Cindy" of great garage covers: "Action Woman,"" She Lied,"" I Can Only Give You Everything" to name a few. I soon sought out the originals. Hearing The Shadows of Knight's "Dark Side,"  B-side of Gloria, on the quarter juke-box at the diner near my school was also pretty magical (yeah, I don't care if that sounds corny.)


    • January 4, 2011 10:43 PM CST
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      "Bird Dance Beat" was preferreed over "Surfin' Bird" but hey I was only 3 or 4 years old.  After the Trashmen, it was "Last Train To Clarksville" by the Monkees, and The Standells "Dirty Water" Lp was given to me when I was six.  It was a pure joy to stumble upon the Ramones and Blondie when I was 17.  I never really felt the need to listen to the radio, so I never really have.  That's a good thing since living in Philadelphia, radio station's are really lame.  And they remain that way even now except for some college stations.  And, yes I still listen to the Trashmen and the Monkees et al.
    • January 4, 2011 9:11 PM CST
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      you can still get many major label garage 45's reasonably cheap, Joey..most record shows should have a dealer who has a selection of this stuff for $5 and under..
      Great thing is that with some diligence and perserverance you can still find many rare gems in the wild..
    • January 4, 2011 5:35 PM CST
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      Yes, I too dig the Animals!  They were one of the reasons I would listen to oldies radio, because it was a given they would be played!  Oldies stations now only seem to want to play tons of disco and contemporary '70's tunes...The one we had here in Roanoke, VA basically forgot about the '50's-mid '60's stuff, and then only played the Top 40 hits of the late '60's, and all of the '70's....
      km said:

      There was a Foundation skate video called "Art Bars: Subtitles and Seagulls" that came out in like, 2001 and the soundtrack was awesome.  My favorite song on there was from some old  band I had never heard of called the Outsiders doing Filthy Rich, and I really loved their style, but never dug too deep to find more cause I didn't realize there was a whole genre out there.


      I always craved more of what I called "raw, heavy oldies" but didn't make the connection that there would be more where that came from.  I was a big fan of the Animals and Link Wray too, that was the closest I really got to it before I discovered this website and really cracked it open.


    • January 4, 2011 5:17 PM CST
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      There was a Foundation skate video called "Art Bars: Subtitles and Seagulls" that came out in like, 2001 and the soundtrack was awesome.  My favorite song on there was from some old  band I had never heard of called the Outsiders doing Filthy Rich, and I really loved their style, but never dug too deep to find more cause I didn't realize there was a whole genre out there.


      I always craved more of what I called "raw, heavy oldies" but didn't make the connection that there would be more where that came from.  I was a big fan of the Animals and Link Wray too, that was the closest I really got to it before I discovered this website and really cracked it open.


    • January 4, 2011 11:34 AM CST
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      It's amazing what the Cramps have done for us!  Isn't "Wild Zero" that really wild exploitation/grindhouse-type flick that came out a few years back that had zombies, maybe?  I thought I had seen it advertised in the pages of "Videoscope" and "Rue Morgue"...

      electrocute your cock said:
      Off The Bone/Songs the Lord Taught Us. That's where I'm pinning the blame for all this. Before that I'd only heard MC5, The Stooges and a few songs here and there so I knew I'd like this stuff if I knew who the hell anyone was, but it's The Cramps who showed me the way. Guitar Wolf get an honourable mention for their appearance in Wild Zero.
    • January 4, 2011 11:31 AM CST
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      "Action Woman", for me, hands down, is probably one of my all time fave garage rockin' tunes...the Litter version, that is...
      Dan said:
      I think it was Pebbles Vol 1, sometime around 1990 - that skip in 'Action Woman' won me over straight away. Beaver Patrol, Potato Chip, 1-2-5, Going All The Way, etc...
    • January 4, 2011 11:30 AM CST
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      It's amazing how much the Cramps have turned us onto so much great music, that otherwise, some of us had no idea existed!
      BonzoB said:

      I was a punk, and followed the line back. Clash, Pistols to Stooges, MC5, and then connections from there.THE one that truly hooked me had to Off the Bone by The Cramps. It took me a long time to track down the originals of their covers, but when I did Rockabilly Psychosis and the Garage Disease Vol 1 made another leap. For those who don't know it the record combined classics by The Trashmen, Sonics, Novas, Hazil Adkins, Legendary Stardust Cowboy etc, with tracks by The Cramps, Panther Burns, Jimmy Dickinson, Gun Club, and UK psychobilly pioneers Meteors, Guana Batz, Sting Rays and Milkshakes...The sleeve was a brilliant cartoon comic book cover, with the whole thing allegedly recorded in "Monstereo". The total package just rocked...After that my world exploded and like the Universe it continues to expand...I feel an honourable mention must also go the The Fuzztones Lysergic Emanations. First hearing for a load more garage covers that need tracked down.

    • January 4, 2011 11:29 AM CST
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      Yeah, tunes with that organ really turned me on!  Plus that punky sneer you hear in the vocals of other tunes...Sadly, most oldies stations nowadays only play Motown and the top hits from back in the day, which does include some great gems, but overlooks way too many...

      Jeremy Hall said:
      That's easy. Surfin' Bird. When I first heard it as a kid in the 70's, I thought it was the best thing ever. It took a while to attach the sound to other records and find those records as a teen (oh to have had the internet). I'll also say 96 tears, because even as a kid I recognized that there were "oldies", and then there was strange shit on the radio that sounded like 96 tears.
    • January 4, 2011 11:13 AM CST
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      That's easy. Surfin' Bird. When I first heard it as a kid in the 70's, I thought it was the best thing ever. It took a while to attach the sound to other records and find those records as a teen (oh to have had the internet). I'll also say 96 tears, because even as a kid I recognized that there were "oldies", and then there was strange shit on the radio that sounded like 96 tears.
    • January 4, 2011 6:01 AM CST
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      I was a punk, and followed the line back. Clash, Pistols to Stooges, MC5, and then connections from there.THE one that truly hooked me had to Off the Bone by The Cramps. It took me a long time to track down the originals of their covers, but when I did Rockabilly Psychosis and the Garage Disease Vol 1 made another leap. For those who don't know it the record combined classics by The Trashmen, Sonics, Novas, Hazil Adkins, Legendary Stardust Cowboy etc, with tracks by The Cramps, Panther Burns, Jimmy Dickinson, Gun Club, and UK psychobilly pioneers Meteors, Guana Batz, Sting Rays and Milkshakes...The sleeve was a brilliant cartoon comic book cover, with the whole thing allegedly recorded in "Monstereo". The total package just rocked...After that my world exploded and like the Universe it continues to expand...I feel an honourable mention must also go the The Fuzztones Lysergic Emanations. First hearing for a load more garage covers that need tracked down.

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