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    • July 20, 2010 7:43 AM CDT
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      My apologies if this has already been discussed (did a search, though, and couldn't find anything). Is anyone else using
    • July 3, 2012 7:20 AM CDT
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      Just added a bunch more of you! (And, oh my, what great taste you all have. Of course.)

    • June 30, 2012 8:20 AM CDT
    • Untitled

      I just checked, I don't seem to be signed up, but some of my music is on there.

    • June 11, 2012 4:04 AM CDT
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      Hello, I am a real intensive LastFm user...over the years I've discovered tons of good music and the website really works well.

      I really want to scrobble everything I listen :-)

      Anyway here I am with my personal profile:

      and with the profile of The Mighties:

      In Italy is not even free, I've to pay 3 euros for month, but it worths the money for sure.


    • June 9, 2012 5:25 AM CDT
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      errr.....If I have a suggestion......

      If we all tag our bands with a similar tag (Say "Garagepunk"), and then we log on to LastFM now and again, go into the "Tags" menu, select "Garagepunk", and "Play Garagepunk tag radio".....we will get played a selection of music from the bands that use that tag, if we all do this, we also gain a lot of new listeners (which means LastFM promote you more)..........AND it should create "Similar Artists" links that ARE actually similar to our bands...(we had this problem as well, and I think it happens were you have a low number of (LastFM) listeners....the LastFM software automatically assumes you are similar to the other stuff your listeners listen to....if you have a low number of listeners, even one listener  playing you by mistake can throw the whole thing out)....

      Worth a try?



    • June 8, 2012 11:10 PM CDT
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      YES I am on it. Captain Higgins. See ya.

    • June 8, 2012 10:28 PM CDT
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      Not quite as retarded as claiming we're "stealing" from bands by playing their music on our podcasts or that we're "stealing" their songs by selecting them to be on the Hideout Comp Series, is it, Zoe? I mean, seriously, are YOU fucking for real?

      Zoe von Doll said:

      @Justin and @Sam, Last Fm is FREE, so why you are complaining about it at all is retarded.  Let alone things like photos of band lineup.  Are you fucking for real?  No one can "tag" their "stuff" as being "similar" to yours.

      Sam Sinister said:

      @Justin - It doesn't really work like that, the similar artists are determined by people's listening habits, and how they tag bands/songs. You basically have to find people on there who listen to bands that YOU think your band sounds like, and add them as friends, then ask them to listen to and tag your band. It's a huge pain in the ass.

      As far as the photos go, I think you're pretty much screwed. is all Wiki-based, so anyone can add whatever they want and it seems like there's very little moderation going on over there. 

      Justin Scarred said: is currently the bane of my existence. The site is cool and the features are cool, but the similar artists for our band is all jacked and there's no way to fix it. Pretty frustrating, also frustrating to get them to delete the pictures when your lineup changes and stuff. 

      I guess it's my fault for ignoring for the last four years. We used to be on a super extra-punk label and I guess a lot of bands who wanted to be on that label tagged their stuff as being similar to ours and it's not at all. Just as an example listen to this song and then click on any of the "similar artists" - apples to oranges.


      Anyone else have their band's stuff up there? Have you ever had this problem? Right now we're trying to get our street team to "scrobble" so that this gets fixed, but they don't say how often they re-set the "similar artists" thingy


      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • December 3, 2011 10:47 AM CST
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    • December 3, 2011 10:39 AM CST
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      Done sir!

      Gringo Starr said:

      @Wipeout: It would be cool if you connected The Jackets to your group. Let me know, Flo!

    • December 3, 2011 9:08 AM CST
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      For me Last is just another promotional tool for my band. I do notice that if you are listed there you get quite a lot of mentions on other sites. So, having said that, please check out, add or 'scrobble' my band The Jackets -

      @Wipeout: It would be cool if you connected The Jackets to your group. Let me know, Flo!

    • December 2, 2011 11:22 AM CST
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      Been on Last for a while.

      Never used it because of the lack of connectivity with my Zune stuff. Their network was rival and fairly decent but MS gave up on it, now on Spotify, not nearly as interesting but works. And now with the Spotify Apps being added, I will probably use Last a bit more.

      If your on Spotify, add me: 123400347

    • December 1, 2011 3:34 PM CST
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      Have the same issue with my band's similar artists havin' nothin' in common with my band, but I read somewhere on the FAQ that they "review" each artist's similar artist selections and make updates/changes as their algorithms see fit every 3-4 there's a glimmer of hope there fer improvement I suppose... not sure what to tell ya about the lame tags being attached to yer band, welcome to the wild west internets...

      Justin Scarred said: is currently the bane of my existence. The site is cool and the features are cool, but the similar artists for our band is all jacked and there's no way to fix it. Pretty frustrating, also frustrating to get them to delete the pictures when your lineup changes and stuff. 

      I guess it's my fault for ignoring for the last four years. We used to be on a super extra-punk label and I guess a lot of bands who wanted to be on that label tagged their stuff as being similar to ours and it's not at all. Just as an example listen to this song and then click on any of the "similar artists" - apples to oranges.


      Anyone else have their band's stuff up there? Have you ever had this problem? Right now we're trying to get our street team to "scrobble" so that this gets fixed, but they don't say how often they re-set the "similar artists" thingy

    • November 29, 2011 11:18 PM CST
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      @Justin - It doesn't really work like that, the similar artists are determined by people's listening habits, and how they tag bands/songs. You basically have to find people on there who listen to bands that YOU think your band sounds like, and add them as friends, then ask them to listen to and tag your band. It's a huge pain in the ass.

      As far as the photos go, I think you're pretty much screwed. is all Wiki-based, so anyone can add whatever they want and it seems like there's very little moderation going on over there. 

      Justin Scarred said: is currently the bane of my existence. The site is cool and the features are cool, but the similar artists for our band is all jacked and there's no way to fix it. Pretty frustrating, also frustrating to get them to delete the pictures when your lineup changes and stuff. 

      I guess it's my fault for ignoring for the last four years. We used to be on a super extra-punk label and I guess a lot of bands who wanted to be on that label tagged their stuff as being similar to ours and it's not at all. Just as an example listen to this song and then click on any of the "similar artists" - apples to oranges.


      Anyone else have their band's stuff up there? Have you ever had this problem? Right now we're trying to get our street team to "scrobble" so that this gets fixed, but they don't say how often they re-set the "similar artists" thingy

    • November 26, 2011 2:20 PM CST
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      I'm amazed that my musical compatibility with nearly everybody else who's posted so far is either "very high" or "super."

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