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  • Topic: Desert Island Record Hell

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    • January 16, 2009 1:28 PM CST
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      Okay. You know the cliched "desert Island record" scenario verbatum.
      Yer shipwrecked or maybe holding down the last bit of earth uncomprimised by an end of the world
      zombie takeover.

      You were able to escape with a blowup doll guy or girl or both for you full on freaks.
      You also managed to have an unlimited supply of Maker's Mark and PBR.
      That's the main reason you are all alone. "Fuck people bring the Booze!!"
      You also were able to bring with you your lovely musical slave, the i-POD.
      One catch...
      Your i-pod seems to have a glitch. A major one.
      All of your records seem to be deleting in a frantic weepy haze of fear and deep down agony.
      Then you notice you can only choose one record to save.
      I don't know - this is make believe.
      Maybe you Macguyver some B.S. together.
      a bannana and stick of chewing gum and a monkey with a strike anywhere match seem
      to work...

      So, what record. Now, only one. Which one would you save?
    • July 10, 2009 4:24 AM CDT
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      I agree with Kopper! This is the type of question to which All Answers are Incredibly Wrong, simply because none of us has ever faced anything even remotely similar to the situation described. And worrying about "A Record" (ANY RECORD) would be completely unimaginable at the moment about which we're speaking. Thank goodness we don't have to face THIS in reality.

      If pressed into it, though, I might could make a choice or two.

      If it was the Desert Island thing... Screw the iPod. Throw it into the lagoon. Grab Ginger and Maryanne by the hair and drag them into your hut. There's no electricity here. Your iPod is alive for the next... what? Two Hours? Maybe?

      Zombies are different, though. For one thing, they're not Intentionally Destructive of Anything Other Than Human Flesh, so Power Plants are going to continue to operate. Without an active, involved and ALIVE staff, however, a Coal Burning Power Plant won't last more than about 6 hours (maximum). If you're lucky enough to live within the range of a Nuclear Power Plant, you can probably count on it continuing to work for a few months. Regardless of how long it takes for it to die, You will want to stay the hell away from it for as long as, well..., EVER!

      I would probably choose The Rolling Stones' "Exiles on Main Street", which sounds horribly lame and "Rolling Stone Magazine Influenced", but is the only record I can think of that contains all of the variety that I would need to survive a Zombie Holocaust. It caught The Glimmer Twins at their most creative and most messed up moment. It Proves that You Can Do Great Art Under the Influence! Well... Okay. Maybe not that YOU can, but that Someone Could! It's raw without trying or pretending. It Rocks, It Grooves (which could come in handy if there are any surviving females or if there aren't and you become horrifically desperate), and It Twangs. It's not perfect, but then... Neither is living in a Secure Structure in which you are surrounded by Flesh Eating, Formerly Living Friends, Neighbors and Family Members.

      Lets face it. Zombies are Dead People. Dead People are made of Dead Flesh. Dead Flesh doesn't last forever. I figure I've got to spend a couple of months (at the most) listening to the same record over and over before the flies have chewed my mortal enemies to tiny bits. Then I can go to any record store I want and take anything I want (although, despite my Lifetime Supply of Makers Mark and Pabst Blue Ribbon, I'll probably just go to a Liquor Store instead)!

      Does this make me happy? Not really (Although the fact that I now have access to ALL THE LIQUOR IN THE WORLD certainly keeps me from becoming too despondent). Now I am left to spend the remainder of my days wondering when the next __________ (<--- Insert Band Name Here) record is coming out.
    • May 9, 2009 7:43 AM CDT
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      It'd definitely be between The Sonics "Here are the Sonics" or The Kingsmen "In Person"
    • May 8, 2009 8:42 PM CDT
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      I would have to let the ipod die.

      Gather up some coconuts and bamboo, carve up some palm stumps and build myself a castaways style one man band. Keep myself drunk and entertained.
    • May 8, 2009 6:43 PM CDT
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      Wild Thing - The Troggs (from Andover) - Easy! next question...
    • May 8, 2009 12:43 PM CDT
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      Real Kids - S/t.
    • May 7, 2009 12:33 PM CDT
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      Right on... Idon I still cannot decide what i'd listen to... i think i'd just make music instruments outta sea-life and go at it. IDON MINE said:
      Yeah, yeah, ....yeah, yeah that one too, and that, ok!

      Alla tha things here are sweet end times listening!

      The Sonics would have to work as the last refuge blow to take out a 1000 zombies attacking my sandwich stash - like they did eversince they were played first! That record is gone doin' what it does best.

      So then after the hordes have been shot/beat down I'll be sitting back enjoying a club with a turn at "BO DIDDLEY's ROCK'N'ROLL"!!! Over and over again.

      That is until a play of SPRINGEY coming from some cavern raises another horde - like it did eversince. I'll have to launch the NEW BOMB TURKS NIGHTMARE SCENARIO at them right before it is deleted and sit my four down in some loud peace finally, watching the red settle over the ruins.

      "BOOM! MO' FO's"
    • May 7, 2009 4:26 AM CDT
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      Yeah, yeah, ....yeah, yeah that one too, and that, ok! Alla tha things here are sweet end times listening! The Sonics would have to work as the last refuge blow to take out a 1000 zombies attacking my sandwich stash - like they did eversince they were played first! That record is gone doin' what it does best. So then after the hordes have been shot/beat down I'll be sitting back enjoying a club with a turn at "BO DIDDLEY's ROCK'N'ROLL"!!! Over and over again. That is until a play of SPRINGEY coming from some cavern raises another horde - like it did eversince. I'll have to launch the NEW BOMB TURKS NIGHTMARE SCENARIO at them right before it is deleted and sit my four down in some loud peace finally, watching the red settle over the ruins. "BOOM! MO' FO's"

      Here for the stir

    • February 17, 2009 6:25 PM CST
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      Gun Club - Miami
      I lived in Fredericton New Brunwsick, with my girlfriend ( now wife ) while she attended school. I listened to that record every day.... and if Fredericton ain't all but a desert island, I don't know what is.
    • February 17, 2009 10:15 AM CST
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      The Electronic Hole album - raw, droning, hypnotizing and chock-full of fuzz - but housed in a an Electric Ladyland cover (you know which one).
    • February 16, 2009 6:08 PM CST
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      "living on an island" by status quo(but don't ask me how it got there,ok!!!)

      then with all the empty bottles i've emptied,i'd be writing a thousand messages for each and lobbing them back in the sea..
      the quo song will drive me to a permanent alcoholic daze,and drive me to drink and write even faster than ever!

      what would happen first?
      would i die of alcoholic poisoning,exhaustion,or be saved?
      only smarties have the answer.
    • February 15, 2009 9:51 PM CST
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      i said the witch the first time but maybe it would be concrete sea by terry jacks. i'd then kill myself after hearing too many times
    • February 15, 2009 11:46 AM CST
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      <<Cream Puff War>> Dang straight. The Dead's first album was downright garagey! But Christ, I'm way too fickle to think of one desert isle record. Maybe the first Nuggets box set? Sam the Sham's SECOND ALBUM, the one with "Ju Ju Hand" and "The Gypsy" ? Las Vegas Grind Vol. 1? STAY SICK by The Cramps? THE CRAMPS GRACE THE NM CAPITOL NEWSROOM
    • January 23, 2009 6:06 PM CST
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      Maybe something by the Macc Lads so I'll at least die laughing....
    • January 23, 2009 6:49 AM CST
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      M.O.T.O would help some...
    • January 22, 2009 8:42 PM CST
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      Shake Revard said:
      I've been reading his Heart of Rock & Soul:1001 Greatest Singles this week. Pretty good stuff, although I don't get the Springsteen worship.
      Fuck Springsteen... Man, the bar that I call home (the Whig) in Cola-town has this gang o' Springsteen-luvers that swing by the bar ever-now-and-again, put $20 in the jukebox, and force the rest o' us to listen to not only hours worth of torturous "Boss" tunes, but also them collectively screamin' out all the fuckin' lyrix.....aaaahhhh.....then I always have to play a few cuts off the Nuggets box (yeah, the bar has Nuggets on the juke!) just to get my sanity back. P.s. same bar has the Sonics on the juke (thanx to yers truly)
    • January 22, 2009 7:19 PM CST
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      the witch
    • January 22, 2009 5:40 PM CST
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      I've been reading his Heart of Rock & Soul:1001 Greatest Singles this week. Pretty good stuff, although I don't get the Springsteen worship. Wipeout! said:
      Shake Revard said:
      Shake Revard said:
      >Ooh, good choice on the Richard Berry. A while back, I picked up his Have Love Will Travel and Yama Yama! comps. Brialliant stuff!
      Your "Louie Louie" comment reminds me of the night I spent at your place after Thee Crucials' Cola-Town show. Hungover/tipsy but unable to sleep, I got up after three hours of sleep and started reading your copy of Louie Louiseby Dick Peterson of the Kingsmen. I read about half of it. I recently ordered it and finished the other half. What a great read!

      Glad I had a part in spreadin' the LOUIE-fever...that book by Peterson is great and all (cool to read about the inside story, too bad Peterson's writing style was weak in the storytellin' department, imho), but Dave Marsh's book on LOUIE is my "desert island" choice of non-fiction books...
    • January 22, 2009 4:59 PM CST
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      Shake Revard said:
      Shake Revard said:
      >Ooh, good choice on the Richard Berry. A while back, I picked up his Have Love Will Travel and Yama Yama! comps. Brialliant stuff!
      Your "Louie Louie" comment reminds me of the night I spent at your place after Thee Crucials' Cola-Town show. Hungover/tipsy but unable to sleep, I got up after three hours of sleep and started reading your copy of Louie Louiseby Dick Peterson of the Kingsmen. I read about half of it. I recently ordered it and finished the other half. What a great read!
      Glad I had a part in spreadin' the LOUIE-fever...that book by Peterson is great and all (cool to read about the inside story, too bad Peterson's writing style was weak in the storytellin' department, imho), but Dave Marsh's book on LOUIE is my "desert island" choice of non-fiction books...
    • January 21, 2009 3:29 PM CST
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      Shake Revard said:
      Ok...I'll bite:
      Gino Washington Out of this World comp on Norton. This one's got everything... But I might change my mind in a bit. Hear Are the Sonics is giving me the evil eye for not picking it...
      As much as I dig Gino, Here are the Sonics is my tops ...but if I only had one 45 (yeah I ya gonna play a 45 on an island? fuck it!!!) it'd have to be the "original" Flip records 7'' of one late great Richard Berry and his opus, "LOUIE LOUIE" b/w "Rock, Rock, Rock" God, know I gots to go put that platter on....NOW!
    • January 21, 2009 7:31 AM CST
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      right on. nah, food will be taken care of this afternnoon. me an fellow "cave dwellers" are going to ambush a wooly mammoth later. i get to roll the stones this time... i was the bait last time and i gotta stop doing that. it's causing P.T.S.D. Lady, I'm stressed to the max - where did I put that Valarian root I dug up? Mad Mojo Marmalade said:
      Joenzy said:
      oh, julia?

      wtf is a troggie?

      how do i get rid of it?

      do i haveta listen to the G.D. to make it go away?

      is it life threatening?

      troggy=troglodyte=cave dweller=caveman
      it's in your blood, probably deep down to your soul already.
      you want cleansing? i want fire!
      life threatening? have we run out of food?
    • January 21, 2009 7:20 AM CST
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      Joenzy said:
      oh, julia?

      wtf is a troggie?

      how do i get rid of it?

      do i haveta listen to the G.D. to make it go away?

      is it life threatening?
      troggy=troglodyte=cave dweller=caveman it's in your blood, probably deep down to your soul already. you want cleansing? i want fire! life threatening? have we run out of food?
    • January 21, 2009 6:43 AM CST
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      oh, julia? wtf is a troggie? how do i get rid of it? do i haveta listen to the G.D. to make it go away? is it life threatening? *hugs* Mad Mojo Marmalade said:
      Joenzy said:
      Jerry Garcia - anything "grateful dead" related, so I could end myself right then and there...
      it's my suicide music...
      "oooh shades of grey."
      click - boom.

      There's always a GD hater (don't worry, you're not alone) amongst the troggies until they're reminded of what the early stuff sounded like (try Can't Come Down, Cream Puff War, King Bee or Smokestack). If you don't like them, you wouldn't have that on your playlist anyway so you're stuck with the rest of us. But, if you're going to do yourself in, guess it might as well be to their only hit song from the 80's.
    • January 21, 2009 6:31 AM CST
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      i think it is "touch of grey" not "shades of." nah, I'm definitley not a hater. but i have listened to the "dead" enough to not care for them. but i'll check out what you recommended when i go dwn to X records today. Ted's probably got that stuff lurking around somewhere... thanx. Mad Mojo Marmalade said:
      Joenzy said:
      Jerry Garcia - anything "grateful dead" related, so I could end myself right then and there...
      it's my suicide music...
      "oooh shades of grey."
      click - boom.

      There's always a GD hater (don't worry, you're not alone) amongst the troggies until they're reminded of what the early stuff sounded like (try Can't Come Down, Cream Puff War, King Bee or Smokestack). If you don't like them, you wouldn't have that on your playlist anyway so you're stuck with the rest of us. But, if you're going to do yourself in, guess it might as well be to their only hit song from the 80's.
    • January 20, 2009 11:35 PM CST
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      Joenzy said:
      Jerry Garcia - anything "grateful dead" related, so I could end myself right then and there...
      it's my suicide music...
      "oooh shades of grey."
      click - boom.
      There's always a GD hater (don't worry, you're not alone) amongst the troggies until they're reminded of what the early stuff sounded like (try Can't Come Down, Cream Puff War, King Bee or Smokestack). If you don't like them, you wouldn't have that on your playlist anyway so you're stuck with the rest of us. But, if you're going to do yourself in, guess it might as well be to their only hit song from the 80's.

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