Joenzy: Piranha, lol. that terrorized me sumptin' fierce when i was a kid.
i thought every pond had pirhanna in it after i saw that movie!
You like those Kenneth Anger freak out films?
i gots a mad collection of cool film.
køpper: Hey, how come none of your blog entries at TunaTwo have titles? They all show up in my RSS reader as (title unknown)!
You should title your entries!
Joenzy: cool. no, my luck didn't continue. but thanx anyway. i may be wrong about that - tho. glad you dig the Reatards, Bedroom disaters rocks harder than Amadeus!
Blast Off! Festival: 
More info on the way soon!!!
Traitor Vic → Joenzy: Kenneth Anger ROCKS! What a freak...
I recall stumbling upon Hollywood Babylon when I was, like, 16 and thinking it was the most marvelous thing I'd ever come into contact with. My copy was, of course, stolen during my college years.
Traitor Vic → Joenzy: The Greenville Comp has band names. I think I had to fold the piece of paper to fit it into the sleeve and they may be so far across the page that they're difficult to match up, but they're supposed to be there. I can shoot 'em to you if they're not. I'm ... moreThe Greenville Comp has band names. I think I had to fold the piece of paper to fit it into the sleeve and they may be so far across the page that they're difficult to match up, but they're supposed to be there. I can shoot 'em to you if they're not. I'm way diggin' on this Reatard stuff! Yummy!!!
Joenzy: Piranha, lol. that terrorized me sumptin' fierce when i was a kid.
i thought every pond had pirhanna in it after i saw that movie!
You like those Kenneth Anger freak out films?
i gots a mad collection of cool film.

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Personal Information
First Name
Last Name
October 15, 1961
In My House
Personal Details
I'm older'n dirt.
Favorite Music
The kind that causes my eardrums to vibrate
Favorite Movies
Russ Myer, Black Devil Doll from Hell, Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead (The Original), Yellow Sunshine, The Hills Have Eyes (The Original), Piranha and Piranha II.