Okay. You know the cliched "desert Island record" scenario verbatum.
Yer shipwrecked or maybe holding down the last bit of earth uncomprimised by an end of the world
zombie takeover.
You were able to escape with a blowup doll guy or girl or both for you full on freaks.
You also managed to have an unlimited supply of Maker's Mark and PBR.
That's the main reason you are all alone. "Fuck people bring the Booze!!"
You also were able to bring with you your lovely musical slave, the i-POD.
One catch...
Your i-pod seems to have a glitch. A major one.
All of your records seem to be deleting in a frantic weepy haze of fear and deep down agony.
Then you notice you can only choose one record to save.
I don't know - this is make believe.
Maybe you Macguyver some B.S. together.
a bannana and stick of chewing gum and a monkey with a strike anywhere match seem
to work...
So, what record. Now, only one. Which one would you save?
Yer shipwrecked or maybe holding down the last bit of earth uncomprimised by an end of the world
zombie takeover.
You were able to escape with a blowup doll guy or girl or both for you full on freaks.
You also managed to have an unlimited supply of Maker's Mark and PBR.
That's the main reason you are all alone. "Fuck people bring the Booze!!"
You also were able to bring with you your lovely musical slave, the i-POD.
One catch...
Your i-pod seems to have a glitch. A major one.
All of your records seem to be deleting in a frantic weepy haze of fear and deep down agony.
Then you notice you can only choose one record to save.
I don't know - this is make believe.
Maybe you Macguyver some B.S. together.
a bannana and stick of chewing gum and a monkey with a strike anywhere match seem
to work...
So, what record. Now, only one. Which one would you save?