Hullo, y'all. I registered on GaragePunk Hideout many months ago, then stupidly forgot about it. Since then I''ve discovered possibly the coolest anti-FaceBook around! Seriously, this thing is flat-out amazing. It's nice to finally get off the deserted island and find my people!
Am 43 years old (still above ground and taking nourishment), living in the hairiest armpit on the planet, Cleveland. Well, maybe Youngstown is hairier.
I was a Beatles fan as a child (thanks to that 70s two-fer "Rock and Roll Music", the one with the stoopid thumbs on the edges), then a hardcore Kinks fan, then scored the Pretty's American debut LP at a Chicago record show for a buck (complete with simulated stereo...oof), and then all bets were off.
A few additional life-changers: The Who Sings My Generation, Pink Floyd's Piper at the Gates of Dawn, Pebbles Vols. 1, 2 and 3, Searching In the Wilderness V/A LP, and those early Bam-Caruso comps.
I was splitting my time between 60s garage and 70s punk, complete with mohawk and ungrounded outlook. Scoured used record stores and flea markets, played in bands, scoured used record stores and flea markets, mmmmmm...GIRLS...evolved into an all-world class clown...did I mention scouring used rec- uhhh, never mind.
Had a couple 60s garage rock radio shows, one at Northern Illinois University in the mid-80s, then an early mid-life crisis extravaganza at CASE for a few years up through '08.
To this day I'm still trying to re-capture the amazing BUZZ I got upon hearing "All Day and All of the Night" for the first time. Have been succesful in that regard, though the highs are getting fewer and further between. Dammit.
I haven't met you yet, but I consider you a good friend. Here's wishing all of you one-chord wonders much love and laughter! (And the rest? Bite me.)