Kill, Baby...Kill!
Kill, Baby...Kill! → Squirrel: Thank you. We will be jumping the boarder on Friday, April 29th. We are playing that night in Atlanta at Club 529 with Zruda.
køpper: Welcome to the Hideout! I'm Kopper and I started this network, so thanks for joining. To help you find your way around and get started, I highly encourage you to take a few minutes and please R... moreWelcome to the Hideout! I'm Kopper and I started this network, so thanks for joining. To help you find your way around and get started, I highly encourage you to take a few minutes and please READ THIS PAGE. It should go a long way in giving you a better idea of what all is available to you here. Hopefully you'll like what you find and keep coming back for more, because that's what it's all about. Cheers!
køpper: Hey, do you plan on submitting a song for our Hideout comp series? Check that discussion thread for more details. Then share an original with us on our moreHey, do you plan on submitting a song for our Hideout comp series? Check that discussion thread for more details. Then share an original with us on our SoundCloud drop box! Thanks.
køpper: By the way, you should put some music up on your page here, too.

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Personal Information
First Name
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April 5, 1975
Anniston, Alabama
Personal Details
The new ep, Sometimes They Come Back, is now available direct at ( as well as through CDbaby, Amazon, Interpunk, Itunes and many other retailers
New 7" due out in March 2012 on Knowhere Records
New full-length due in 2012 on Deep Eddy Records
…reverb obsessed hoodlums, hell-bent on destruction!
While their claims of being resurrected shine runners from late 50’s Alabama is a subject best left for debate among fans, what cannot be disputed is that when Kill, Baby…Kill! first unleashed their reverb-drenched madness to modern audiences in late 2010, the rock scene was never to be the same. Combining equal parts love for the instrumental rock of the early 1960’s and the drive-in horror culture of the 1950’s, Kill, Baby…Kill! deliver a brand of instrumental mayhem that is unmatched in the current music environment. Their live show is an audio and video assault that blurs the line between live performance and Hollywood horror.
2011 saw Kill, Baby…Kill! bring their music to the masses in full force. In one year they toured a total of 10,000 miles, amassing over 40 performances throughout the Southeast. May also saw the release of their first EP, entitled Sometimes They Come Back, with legendary Punk Rock front man Joe Queer handling production duties. In May of 2011 Kill, Baby…Kill! headlined the closing night of America’s largest Instrumental Music Festival, Instro Summit 2011 in Chapel Hill, NC. They also took part in the 4th annual Clarkston Surf Fest in Atlanta, GA.
2012 looks to be an even bigger year for the band. Taking January to break in a new lineup, Kill, Baby…Kill! will soon be hitting the road once again. Scheduling is already underway for an extended East Coast tour in May that will take the band to the Northeast, including DC, Boston and New York City. They have a new 7” EP scheduled for a March release on the Knowhere Records label. Kill, Baby…Kill! will be featured on two instrumental compilation albums this year, for both Deep Eddy Records and Double Crown Records. Plans are also in the works for a new full-length album by the end of 2012, to be released on Deep Eddy Records out of Austin, TX. Negotiations are also in place for a European record deal with details to be released soon. The track ‘Suppose the Doomsday Cults Were Right?’ from the previously mentioned EP will be included in the upcoming independent horror film, Gut Munchers, premiering in February 2012. Even more, Kill, Baby…Kill! w