Strange Jason of 6ftplusLatest episode of 6ftplus, featuring music by The Tranceplants, Las Bombillas, Zombina and the Skeletones and more. Plus, Heather Buckley's Oddscurities, The Monstermatt Minute and Kraig Khaos's Killer Kuts.
Strange Jason returns in time to celebrate Gravedigger's Local 16's 6th birthday. With music from Sparky and the Deadbillys, Concrete Blonde, The Tranceplants
Some weirdo who puts out the show over at and has been writing for for the last five years.
Favorite Music
surf, rock, The Ghastly Ones, The Mullet Monster Mafia, The Evil Streaks, Thee Icepicks, Daikaiju, Kill...Baby, Kill.
Favorite Movies
Repo Man, Sid and Nancy, Brazil, Frankenstein, Terror Vision,
Other Hobbies/Interests
Audio & Visual production, horror comics
The Grim Imperials
Pilgrims, Primates, and Pantophobs. . .
Got-sum brand new sonic eye candy for yer viewing pleasure.
Big chunk of thanx to 6topher for his time and talents!
As ever,
Meadowlark Grim