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  • Untitled title

    Not to mention Chris Montez , The Gaunga Dyns , Charlie Gracie , Johnny Echols , Cyril Jordan , Eve and The EXILES , Deke Dickerson , an all too short appearance by Ty Wagner , and The Sloths (EVEN IF THE SINGERS' HILARIOUS PROP COMIC SCHTICK WENT OVER SOME PEOPLES'HEADS...) and more Soulsingers who...
  • Gypie Mayo ( Dr. Feelgood , Yardbirds.) Dies at 62.

    While certain sick bastards wager on Wilko Johnson's date of departure , it was he who announced  , today , that Gypie Mayo , his replacement in Dr. Feelgood , died suddenly and of as yet - undisclosed causes. Mayo's work with The Feelgoods remains underrated , to this day. IT'S TRUE THAT IT'S ...
  • Bobby "Bootsey X" Mulrooney Dies.

    Bobby Mulrooney , aka Bootsey X , aka Bobby Beyond was THERE . I don't mean that he caught a few good shows or sang in a couple of bands , I MEAN , WHEN IT COMES TO DETROIT HIGH - ENERGY ROCK'N'ROLL , HE WAS ALL IN IT. HE WAS THROUGH WITH IT BEFORE THE REST OF 'EM LEARNED WHAT TO DO WITH IT.........
  • Bugs Henderson Dies.

     I JUST SAW , ON Eggman's post , that Bugs Henderson , former Mouse and The Traps Guitarist , and longtime popular Blues Guitarist/Singer on the Dallas club circuit , passed away recently. I have no information , as of yet. I was briefly in touch with Henderson when he was raising funds and staging ...
  • Lee Dorman Dies at Age 70.

    Lee Dorman , original Iron Butterfly Bassist , who played on their first four albums , and a Live LP , up until their breakup , returning to play in many , legitimate , versions of the band (Several touring bands used the name , sometimes with no original or even mk 2 or 3 lineup members , before th...
  • Eddie Bertrand Dies at 67.

    Eddie Bertrand , Lead Guitarist for the early Surf/Instrumental groups , Eddie and The Showmen and The Bel - Airs , just passed away at the age of 67. There is'nt much more info at the time. Bertrand played Lead Guitar on hits like "Mr. Moto" and "Squad Car" (Still covered , in bitchen form , by Los...
  • Jjoe South wins a long , hard damned fight.

    Could we have a moment of silence , y'all , for Joe South........ Hush ....Hush .....Got a suthin' lil' gurl stays on mah mind ! No doubt about it , she looks so FINE . She got lovin' like quicksand , and it only took one touch of her hand , no doubt about it , now I'm in too deep. I CAN'T EAT , CH'...
  • Charlie Feathers Ascension Day , 14 th Anniversary.

    Tex Edwards reminded me , and a lot of people (There's no grass growing under his feet. Except , maybe , when he's working in his garden.) that yesterday , August 28 , WAS THE ANNIVERSARY of Charlie Feathers' death (1998.).  It was my sad priveledge to be the very last person to interview Charlie , ...
  • Phyllis Diller kicked your ass until the age of 95.

    Hey , long before not particularly funny comediennes like Rosie O'Donnel and Rosanne Barr came along ,  Phyllis Diller made a career out of her own percieved unattractiveness. Only difference is , she was aggressive AND funny. Coming on like a cross between a crazy cat lady and a drop-in at a psyche...
  • Andy Griffith Lives.

        Andy Griffith . It's like losing Johnny Cash or James Brown....What do you add to such a legacy. ONLY THAT HE SEEMED TO MAKE BEING HILARIOUS SEEM EFFORTLESS. Well , I'm not laughing , now , but , I will be. Reruns are eternal.  You just have to wade thru 1000 "Rosanne"s to get to one "Andy Griff...