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  • Zombies Rise from Dead, Record New Album.

    It's not a full reunion, but hell, when you write a tune an anthem like "Time of the Season," who are we to judge? The Zombies are reuniting to do a full album, 50 years since the band's founding by Rod Argent in 1961. The project is reportedly '2/3rds complete," and even though not every member is ...
  • Can Anyone Tell Me More about the Prime Movers?

    I did some research and got a little bit about the Prime Movers, enough to post a short summary of their story over at my other blog. But if anyone has more info, if they still do shows, and if they ever go outside of Boston, that'd be great. I'd love to see them down in NYC sometime. Electric Comic...
  • "Basic Blues Magoos" found at a thrift store; Amazing find!

    I was out in Greenpoint, waiting for a train to come in, when I stumble into a thrift place to break from the cold. This place just so happened to have a record selection, so I decide to thumb through a bit. 30 minutes after combing through obscure-as-all-fuck Krautrock bullshit and goth-metal-post-...
  • Livin' in Brooklyn? Dig the Black Lips? Good news!

    There's a secret Black Lips show going on in Greenpoint, at a place called the Shank! Details be over here: