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  • postage from outter space

    just found sumthin' more to look at, while surfin the web: (click the picture to see a whole gallery)
  • Mother of all Garage-Punk Streams

    No, this one's not on, but it's been around for a looong time, delivering an incredible 24/7-Stream of amazingly exquisite psyched-out Garagemusic: BEYOND THE BEAT GENERATION archives and publishes the entire, long forgotten 'wild' musical gem...
  • Documentary: Kanehsatake 270 Years of Resistance

    Another important piece of american history, far too little known: Kanehsatake is a Mohawk community on the shore of the Lake of Two Mountains in southwestern Quebec, Canada, near Montreal. Its recent political history has been troubled. In 1990, the nearby town of Oka attempted to construct an ext...
  • The Weather Underground

    "Keep a clean nose Watch the plain clothes You don't need a weather man To know which way the wind blows" Bob Dylan "Subterranean Homesick Blues" "Freaks are revolutionaries and revolutionaries are freaks." Bernardine Dohrn, The Weather Underground A great documentary from 2002, telling the story...
  • the psychedelic art of old Sci-Fi-Book-covers

    Well who knows if Horror fits in with Punkrock ... but the covers of "Weird Tales" allways intrigued me. Guess I stumbled upon them for the first time, after having read all those H.P. Lovecraft - Books, when I was a kid. ... and off course there were lots of other publications too (amazing storie...
  • finally a new movie I liked: Låt den rätte komma in

    yeah ... we bernese folks are slow, I know. So it's no wonder, that it took so long untill I stumbled over this movie. I like swedish/norwegian/finnish storytelling anyways. at least when it comes to movies, since I'm reading too little lately. So, here's a flick I just saw, that freaked me out. The...

    I was blind, now .... I've seen something on TV, hahaha. Some months ago I was on my way to falling asleep, had the TV-sleep-timer set for 30min, and zapped around to find a tv-station cozy enough falling asleep to ... when suddenly i stumbled upon a documentary on Arte ... that stole my sleep fore...
  • What would Rock'n'Roll be without good poster-art?

    ... I remember ripping posters off walls since I'm a kid, not for destruction, but trying to peel them off in one piece, to hang up in my pad. Poster-Art is such an inspiring thing, at least when you have good artists doing them. From where I come from (Switzerland), we have this amazing guy Dirk B...
  • Elections ?
