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    • February 8, 2011 5:50 PM CST
    • DISTORSIONI is an Italian web magazine that covers music and all-round sounds, books and movies. The magazine includes different sections, each dedicated to a specific kind of music, among which are garage, punk, rock'n'roll, sixties, psych, lo-fi, etc., where you can find reviews, insights, title selections, articles, all completed with links to websites and videos related to the topics covered.


    • February 8, 2011 5:06 PM CST
    • Hey, Captain Galaxy!


      Bei uns im Süden gibt's zweidreivier coole Bands, unter anderem nämlich uns. Hör mal auf unsrer Seite rein. Ansonsten kann ich noch die Tübinger Los Franco Neros empfehlen (, bzw. auf verweisen, da finden sich neben anderem Kram auch ein paar nette Garage-Bands.


      Beste Grüße, Doc Sanchez

    • February 5, 2011 10:16 PM CST
    • Bei meiner Suche im www habe ich erschreckend wenige deustche Bands gefunden, die in Richtung Garage, 60s und Trash unterwegs sind. Postet doch mal eure Kapellen, Ideen und hörenswertes Material!

      Wie soll man ein Konzert veranstalten, wenn alle coolen Bands von so weit herkommen, dass man sie mit einem Gig nicht vernünftig entlohnen kann? Also Ihr Deutschländer, meldet euch!

    • February 3, 2011 1:03 PM CST
    • come check our page and download our shows , contact us if you search a rock'n'roll radio show in france to play you !   cheers !



    • January 28, 2011 8:00 AM CST
    • Nice! Hell yeah mate!


      I think our music would fit nicely live..

    • January 27, 2011 8:39 AM CST
    • Hey 'Dandelion Seed',

      Dig the sounds! If you play any where in the South East (Suffolk, Cambridgeshire or London) let us know because we would be up for a gig or two.

      All the best
      Gary (Long Bone Trio)

    • January 25, 2011 10:33 AM CST
    • My band The Dandelion Seeds are very interested to tour in UK next summer.

      So we need to get contact to some bands to play with us. We have not yet decided witch towns we are gonna visit  so if you're in a band or know about some goodshit band in your town please let us know!


      You can download our new fresh EP "Good Times with The Dandelion Seeds" 



      alright mates. cheeeers.....


    • January 26, 2011 12:59 PM CST
    • hell yeah. please folks come back to myspace !!!!!!


      but this is much smarter than I suggested so thanks man..

      i will check this out..

    • January 25, 2011 11:40 AM CST
    • My band The Dandelion Seeds are very interested to tour in UK next summer.

      So we need to get contact to some bands to play with us. We have not yet decided witch towns we are gonna visit  so if you're in a band or know about some goodshit band in your town please let us know!


      You can download our new fresh EP "Good Times with The Dandelion Seeds" 




    • January 21, 2011 11:32 AM CST
    • This ain't in Amsterdam but in Utrecht (which is like 1/2 hour train ride). The ACU is a punk bar where they organize all kinds of nights. One of them is Out of Sight which only plays 50s 60s garage rock and ska. They also have a garage punk surf night called Dead Beat Society.

    • January 19, 2011 9:47 AM CST
    • Should Come out Weekly on Sundays Central Europe Time 7pm to 8pm via Live Stream

      Or streamly on the Radiohomepage



      Swiss German Comments doe.


      Garage 60's 80's and newer stuff, some Rackabilly, R 'n' B,  Punk


      Dig it.


      Dani Acid

    • January 10, 2011 9:14 AM CST
    • And of course, it's "Switzerland" with a "t".

    • January 10, 2011 9:13 AM CST
    • Hi there!


      Now, after we've slept for weeks now, me and my little band would love to do some gigs again in the upcoming weeks and months. So: Does anybody has interest in us playing around southern Germany/northern Swizerland/western Austria/eastern France?


      Just thought asking here would be a nice little idea...


      Cheers, Doc Sanchez

    • January 10, 2011 8:35 AM CST
    • Today is a sad day ! Francis Ashtones died  by a stray bullet of an mother fucker hunter while he drove the van in the highway. They came back from a concert in Marseille !

    • January 7, 2011 2:25 PM CST
    • Wednesday January 12 at Festaal Kreuzberg (with 22-PISTEPIRKKO) will find Helsinki's fabulous Them Bird Things making their German debut. Their sophomore album, "Wildlike Wonder," will be released in Germany, France, Benelux and the UK in March. You can listen to it at - the songs were written by legendary '60s American frat rockers, Steve Blodgett & Mike Brassard of Mike & The Ravens - except for an unreleased song by Jake Holmes (most famous for writing "Dazed & Confused"), who allowed the Finnish quintet to record his marvelous 1968 gem "Marionette"...

    • January 7, 2011 1:46 PM CST
    • merci les gars... ça m'aide beaucoup ! :)

    • January 6, 2011 11:34 AM CST
    • ya moyen de trouver les albums des dogs dans le coin ?

    • January 6, 2011 8:03 AM CST
    • Les francais ont la petite bite et les punks sont pas bon coups !

      Est ce phrase correcte je demandais ?




    • January 3, 2011 11:35 AM CST
    • Dements Tragiques are a little late...from 1986, but their sound is buzzsaw-aggro like a pissed off Buzzcocks on speed? Really great and the heavy drum sound really propels this 7" at 100 Mile-per-hour speed. Here is a link to the best site on the net for French punk info and it has a sound clip for the 7":




      Whaou ! Great collection ! Lot of this one are not easy to find !!!

      I don't know "dements  tragiques" !!?! What sound ?


      Thanks for your message, cheers !!


      Chris D


      Greg McDeath said:

      Yeah...I think most Oi sucks for those reasons, but at  least the French stuff was the best of that genre. Here are some of my favorite French punk records: ASPHALT JUNGLE 2nd 7", LES CADAVRES, LES CAFARDS, DEPRESSION, 84 FLESH, ELECTRONAZE, ELECTROCHOC, GUILTY RAZORS, KAMBRONES, OX, STILLERS, SEX-A-PILE, STARSHOOTER 1st 7", WARM GUN, and the amazing DEMENTS TRAGIQUES!

      I have a lot more stuff. After the U.S. and U.K., French punk is probably my next biggest collection. I like all of the stuff at least minimally. I have yet to hear a French group that I think is without all merit.


      Cheers, Greg

      Chris Damned said:

      "Chaos en france " was a little "too much" with this "street punk" sounds and a political soul not very "cool" (in the 80's oï+punk =fuckin' fachism tendance) but it was a good "photo" of this french punk era...

      Today, listen TV killers (on US label Dead beat records) are the real french punk thing for me.

      Greg McDeath said:

      I met the singer of LES CAFARDS (Bruno) in Paris 1986 and was hooked on finding more French punk. I bought the "Chaos en France" LP compilation at the New Rose store in Paris on the same trip. I collect early and rare French punk. Some of the best non-U.S. punk in existence! Great stuff...French punk and Oi are tops!

    • January 3, 2011 10:15 AM CST
    • Yeah...I think most Oi sucks for those reasons, but at  least the French stuff was the best of that genre. Here are some of my favorite French punk records: ASPHALT JUNGLE 2nd 7", LES CADAVRES, LES CAFARDS, DEPRESSION, 84 FLESH, ELECTRONAZE, ELECTROCHOC, GUILTY RAZORS, KAMBRONES, OX, STILLERS, SEX-A-PILE, STARSHOOTER 1st 7", WARM GUN, and the amazing DEMENTS TRAGIQUES!

      I have a lot more stuff. After the U.S. and U.K., French punk is probably my next biggest collection. I like all of the stuff at least minimally. I have yet to hear a French group that I think is without all merit.


      Cheers, Greg

      Chris Damned said:

      "Chaos en france " was a little "too much" with this "street punk" sounds and a political soul not very "cool" (in the 80's oï+punk =fuckin' fachism tendance) but it was a good "photo" of this french punk era...

      Today, listen TV killers (on US label Dead beat records) are the real french punk thing for me.

      Greg McDeath said:

      I met the singer of LES CAFARDS (Bruno) in Paris 1986 and was hooked on finding more French punk. I bought the "Chaos en France" LP compilation at the New Rose store in Paris on the same trip. I collect early and rare French punk. Some of the best non-U.S. punk in existence! Great stuff...French punk and Oi are tops!

    • January 1, 2011 10:45 PM CST
    • I met the singer of LES CAFARDS (Bruno) in Paris 1986 and was hooked on finding more French punk. I bought the "Chaos en France" LP compilation at the New Rose store in Paris on the same trip. I collect early and rare French punk. Some of the best non-U.S. punk in existence! Great stuff...French punk and Oi are tops!