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    • June 30, 2010 10:41 AM CDT
    • i will be there, but only friday... :(

    • June 30, 2010 9:15 AM CDT
    • Anyone here on the Hideout going to Festival Beat this weekend. I will be there from Thursday to Sunday. It would be cool to meet some people from the site and put some real life faces to names on a computer screen. Let me know!

      FESTIVAL BEAT XVIII-Battle of the Bands
      Salsomaggiore Terme(Parma)Italy
      1-2-3-4 Luglio 2010

    • June 30, 2010 6:03 AM CDT
    • 01/07 Bordeaux - Caserne Niel + Frustration + Cheveu + Yussef Jerusalem - Gratuit
      02/07 Bordeaux - Showcase at Ballroom Blitz shop - 19h30
      02/07 Bordeaux - Dj Set at El boqueron - 21h30
      03/07 Perigueux , enfin pas loin + The Sunmakers

      Si vous etes dans le coin , on peut boire des coups ensemble !!!


    • June 25, 2010 8:02 AM CDT
    • July 15 is now confirmed @Subway To Peter in Chemnitz!!

    • June 7, 2010 8:30 AM CDT
    • Don't miss The Jackets in Germany this July!!

      THE JACKETS - Featuring Gringo Starr (Sonic Nightmares)

      Jul 15 @Subway To Peter, Chemnitz - GERMANY

      Jul 16 2010 9:00P @Bassy Club Berlin, GERMANY

      Jul 17 2010 9:00P @Sonic Ballroom Köln, GERMANY

    • June 23, 2010 2:52 PM CDT
    • hAHAHA

    • June 23, 2010 9:15 AM CDT
    • (7" Swamp records 001) In alcune occasioni provare dolore fa provare piacere,non voglio scandagliare il vostro intimo alla ricerca di tendenze sado-masochistiche,ma più semplicemente tentare di descrivere la mie sensazioni all'ascolto di questo split fra i nipponoci Bat ed i britannici Atomic Suplex.
      Il dolore poi non è neppure specificatamente fisico ma,in un certo qual modo,spirituale in quanto suoni cosi' urticanti come quelli proposti da questi due pericolosi esempi di selvaggi garage-rockers feriscono l'anima,graffiano interiormente e fanno letteralmente godere i padiglioni auricolari di un orgasmo sfrenato.

      Ma andiamo con ordine cominciando dal terzetto proveniente dal paese del sol levante,i Bat propongono un assalto sonoro dissonante e furioso saturo di feedback,rock'n'roll all'ennesima potenza giudato da una voce femminile che può ricordare quella sublime di Penelope Houston,fra i pezzi proposti,entrambi apprezzabilissimi,ho preferito "Willie the wild one" nella quale si intravede,molto ma molto alla lontana,un barlume di melodia.
      Gli Atomic Suplex offrono invece un surf con tanto di fiati dalle venature vagamente latineggianti,un ibrido impazzito nel quale sembra di ascoltare i Cramps in pieno delirio lisergico che coverizzano i Ventures,per un pezzo come "Theme from atomic suplex" siano benedetti dagli dei del rock'n'roll.
      Il 7" in oggetto è,anche come feticcio,una vera e propria sciccheria a partire dall copertina per proseguire al vinile giallo per chiudersi con le foto delle bands:dei veri e propri reietti!
      Se proprio di competizione si doveva trattare,prendendo in prestito un'espressione tipicamente ippica,vincono gli Atomic suplex di un'incollatura.

      P.S.: Per chi non lo facesse già abitualmente (non sapete cosa vi perdete),l'invito è a scaricarvi ,su questo stesso sito alla voce podcast,le puntate de "I ragazzi del juke-box",un'ora del più grande rock'n'roll che essere umano abbia mai ascoltato.
      P.P.S: Nella puntata numero 9 di I Ragazzi del Jukebox potrete ascoltare sia i Bat che gli Atomic suplex,cosa volete di più dalla vita!


    • June 22, 2010 9:40 AM CDT
    • Hi everybody!


      This is my first post in garagepunk so first of all greetings for everyone.


      I was thinking that since there is a lot of people from different european countries in this forum, we could do a compilation of the best music festivals that are held during summer in our countries. The point is that I'm planning some trip to a festival but searchig for information in the internet I realize that tehre is quite difficuld to find minoritary festivals, there is only information about big festivals.


      I'm from the Basque Country, so I'll start the compilation with some of the greatest festivals on Spain:


      Azkena Rock Festival - Next weekend in Vitoria-Gasteiz (This is quite big, around 10.000 people or more)


      Aritzatxu Rock Free (This instead is really minoritary but free, and even if this year the bands are not very popular, in the past editions bands like Poison Idea, Nebula or so had plaied there)


      Resurrection Fest (Hardcore)


      In Festival (I couldn't find any official web site, but if anybody needs some information just ask me)


      Turbo Rock


      Well, I hope to have a lot of answers so I can arrange a great agenda for this summer.


      Thanks and sorry about my english!

    • June 16, 2010 9:32 AM CDT
    • Thee Gravemen's badly maintained hearse of trash is on its way to rockin' Finland for a weekend of diggin' and drinkin' stop by and buy em a minttu or two!

      here's where they's at....

      Friday 18 June - Klubi, Turku with Black Magic Six
      Saturday 19 June - Blues Trash Caberet, Bar Loose, Helsinik

    • June 12, 2010 3:55 AM CDT
    • Hello
      everyone, this year I will start preparing for my introduction to the
      university and it will  be a very depressed year.So my mother told me that i can go for vacation wherever i want in europe the period 15-30 august.
      wanted to go to Stockholm to see the stooges again, but firstly i can not get
      tickets and secondly the rest of the names make me sick.Does  anyone have something to suggest me?

    • June 7, 2010 7:41 AM CDT
    • Drop me a line at

    • June 2, 2010 3:33 PM CDT
    • Here's the Flyer of the Show!

    • June 2, 2010 3:30 PM CDT
    • Hey!
      Yeah i know the guys and the band. I booked them in my town, and I played for their c.c. meeting once, they're really nice guys! They did a really cool tour report about their U.S. tour that's been published in PowerGlide Mag.
      Cool and fun garage band!

    • May 26, 2010 7:12 AM CDT
    • Thank you, Nice to meet you, Cheerz, Daddy'O. FREDDI said:

      Hello Daddy O,welcome!
      Nice magazine.

    • May 24, 2010 8:13 PM CDT
    • Hello Daddy O,welcome!
      Nice magazine.

    • May 22, 2010 5:26 AM CDT
    • That's for sure!
      Thank you Michael.

    • May 26, 2010 7:24 AM CDT
    • wish i had that baby jean 45.