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    • October 4, 2008 11:00 AM CDT
    • Uh, too bad. I think you should ask about it in "Requests, Trading, and show lists" section at the Zomb forums. I didn't get the Cavestomp gig, too...

    • October 4, 2008 4:29 AM CDT
    • i use m torrent, signed in at zomb but i get a message, torrent removed from could always upload the torrent on btjunkie(noregistration required) for us all to have...does anyone have by the way the american show at cavestomp?

    • October 2, 2008 9:03 AM CDT
    • yessss me too. Goddammit, you were very lucky for the flight! Okay, but I booked too late of course. Dunno how I am supposed to work the next days now...

    • October 1, 2008 6:17 PM CDT
    • you gotta go!

    • September 21, 2008 2:22 PM CDT
    • Yesss we go tooooo .. !!

    • September 9, 2008 10:04 PM CDT
    • see ya there! actually, it reminds me- we're only in valencia for the mummies so we have two spare tickets for sat. night for anyone interested.

    • September 9, 2008 2:54 PM CDT
    • you are very lucky! i'd like to go :(

    • September 2, 2008 3:55 PM CDT
    • Yes Marta it is great! I've checked some good places/Shops to go on the Funtastic website I think is gonna be a super weekend! MartaV said:

      So you're going to the Funtastic :D That sounds great.
      I've lived in Valencia for 5 years just beside Dracula shop. The owner makes the Funtastic Dracula festival.She's great! Hope you'll have a good time here :)

    • September 2, 2008 7:47 AM CDT
    • Quite a few of us. Check out the previous post under the same discussion!

    • September 23, 2008 9:40 AM CDT
    • thanks man!
      Have you got his email? I tryed to contact him on this space but I don't know if he check my message!

    • September 23, 2008 8:15 AM CDT
    • hi guys,

      For the Netherlands...
      you are looking for clubs / bookers or you are looking for an agent that can book that part of the tour...? Dandy Dave - the man behind the primitive festival - he can help for sure.


    • September 23, 2008 5:04 AM CDT
    • Cheerz! We're LOVE BOAT, from Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy (feat. two Rippers' members), www. We have a 7"out for Shake Your Ass Records ( www. syarecords. it ) and we're going to promote our debut album, out on Alien Snatch Records (http://www. aliensnatch. de/) in November 08. We'll be on tour in november and december, we are looking for some gigs in Germany/Holland/Beligium and France. Could you help us ? this is the tour plan 6..11 GRAVIGLIA (AR) ITA 7..11 XM - BOLOGNA ITA 8..11 TAUN - FIDENZA (PR) ITA 9..11 TBC - BERGANTINO (MT) ITA 10..11 TBC - MERANO (BZ) ITA 11..11 TBC - INSBRUCK - AUT 12..11 WASSENBURG - GER 13..11 59 TO 1 - MUNCHEN - GER 14..11 15..11 GRONINGEN - CROWBAR 16..11 17..11 18..11 19..11 20..11 21..11 WHITE TRASH - BERLIN - GER 22..11 BEAT CLUB - HAMBURG - GER 23..11 24..11 25..11 + R'N'R ADVENTURE KIDS 26..11 + R'N'R ADVENTURE KIDS 27..11 28..11 MARIABERG - RORSCHACH 29..11 FRANCE 30..11 FRANCE 1..12 FRANCE 2..12 FRANCE 4..12 ITALY 5..12 ITALY 6..12 SALSOMAGGIORE Let us know, thanx Ciao BIO Love Boat formed on summer 2006 during the first edition of Here I Stay Festival at the Sleepwalkers Club in Guspini, Sardinia. The three men band has an atypical set composed by acoustic guitar, electric guitar, minimal drum kit and three voices. The guys were filmed into Sleepwalkers Club’s bathroom playing their first original song called “ You know I really want you” during an acoustic live-set. Although Love Boat was born as a kind of joke, strumming occasionally and so on, the curiosity around the band and some crazy shows in other toilettes during 2006 and the first half of 2007, drove the band to wrote a bunch of new songs with the same minimal and offhand spirit and began to play live shows. Crew’s reactions and excitement to the Love Boat’s shows convinced the guys to record, on September 2007, a bunch of songs at the Outside Inside Studios in Montebelluna with the help of their friends Matteo Bordin (The Mojomatics) and Emanuele Baratto (Movie Star Junkies). They recorded 15 songs (13 originals and 2 covers) with some songs composed in the studio too. In those days Love Boat played for the first time out of Sardinia during their first tour. They got good feedback about Italy’s shows too so that their recordings came to the ears of Beppe and Barbara De Matteis of Shake Your Ass Records, a label who produced bands like Black Lips and Brimstone Howl, brought out The Mojomatics , The Rippers and Possessed By Paul James and at the moment put out lots of amazing records. The label decided to produce Love Boat’s 2-songs debut 7”e.p. LOVE BOAT SONG/DON’T ASK ME WHY. It came out on December 2007 and at the same time Love Boat started their 2nd Italian tour. The 7” had very good reviews, so Berlin’s Alien Snatch Records (one of the most interesting European garage/punk/r’n’r labels) contacted Love Boat. When Daniel (the boss) had the sessions in his hands he was hot for it and decided to put out a LP on condition that the band recorded(or could record) other songs to complete an ideal tracklist of the album. So in June 2008 Love Boat came back to Outside Inside Studio and they recorded other 10 original songs trying to obtain the same groove of the first sessions. The LP will be out in autumn 2008 and at the same time they will be touring Europe. REVIEWS Haha, ich hatte ja beinahe schon mit einer Coverversion des Titeltracks der TV-Serie "Love Boat" gerechnet, aber die Italiener verschonen mich damit zum Glück. Stattdessen gibt es zwei wuderbar poppige Garagennummern zu hören, die nicht von ungefähr an die Landsleute von den Mojomatics erinnern, da Mojomatt nämlich auch an der Produktion beteiligt war. Man nehme noch eine Prise eingängiger Black Lips oder auch The Kinks und fertig ist eine wirklich schöne Single, auf der mir speziell der A-Seiten-Song kaum noch aus dem Kopf geht. Hit! (9) (http://www. smashintransistors. blogspot. com/) English Super infectious Italian powerpop with some rootsy flavors. Damn, these two short ditties will make even the grumpiest fuckers smile like mongoloids chasing an ice cream truck! (Jens - http://www. lowcut. dk/) * * * * * * * * * * * * "Dun-Da-Da-Da-Da! LOVE! Exciting and new!" What?!?! This isn't Jack Jones nor the lounge orchestra that backed him up?!?! Set for adventure? A mind on a new romance?!! This love boat song is a KK&BBQ version of a riff borrowed from Melanie's "Look What They've Done They've Done To My Song" sauteed in an iron pan of a paticular tripped mushroom and red wine over a campfire at a folky and total boozed sing-a-long sleepover. Flip the record over and they've got a rooster doing a dance on a high voltage wire. "Ooh La La La/Ooh La La La" abounds! (http://www. smashintransistors. blogspot. com/) * * * * * * * * * * * * Three Italian kids go way back to the heart-on-sleeve country R&B twang of Carl Perkins or Jerry Lee Lewis, then let it tear out with some bright, up-front cheer. I'd liken it to a more obvious, but very effective, take on the way the Goodnight Loving is developing their sound: with roots firmly in place, starry-eyed and reverent to their ideas and the history that precludes them. Pretty exciting, and stuck with me after a few listens. (Doug Mosurock - www. dustedmagazine. com) * * * * * * * * * * * * I have come to the conclusion that I will order every 7" that Shake Your Ass releases. Each single is packaged in a thin semi-glossy sleeve that I seem to enjoy more then the standard cardboard slip covers. The releases are either in color or hand numbered and typically limited to a low number. Most importantly, the records all make you shake your ass. Hidden behind the wonderful cover art is garage rock with a slight hint of pop, dirty and raw but still catchy as hell. Love Boats first single is probably the best 7" I have heard in a few months. The 1st track is called Love Boat Song and carries an infectious chorus over background oh la la vocals and a "can't help but clap along" beat. The twangy and simple guitar licks fit perfectly over all of this. This song is so catchy it seems perfect for use as an ipod commercial. Considering its a 7? only release that would be a very entertaining choice. The b side, Don't Ask Me Why, is another garage pop gem that really shows off how tight the band is for having such a loose feel to them. (...) I am eagerly awaiting news of further releases from Love Boat. (http://www. limitededitionvinyl. com) Spanish Vecinos de los Rippers, este trio de Sardinia (Italia) han tenido un debut sorprendente, de la mano del recomendable sello Shake Your Ass, las dos canciones que aqui puedes encontrar son una delicatessen de rock and roll y pop, una mezcla de Buddy Holly con los Belmons, King Khan y BBQ, Jonathan Ritchman y Skeletons, y no puedo evitar encontrarlos irresistibles en ese “Love Boat Song” tan simple y directo como mágico mientras que con “Don..t Ask me Why” dejan los sonidos country y se centran en el rock and roll acústico con punteos electricos, dos temas de esos que hacen que afrontes un nuevo día con otra cara. No dejes de visitar su pagina para escucharlos y disfrutar de nuevas canciones mientras esperamos nuevas entregas vinilicas de los italianos que directamente va a las lista de buscados. (Oscarkotj - Kick Out The Jams blogzine) Italian Se fai rock strimpellando un paio di chitarre e pestando su una batteria, devi preoccuparti soltanto di una cosa: di riuscire a incanalare in quel quattro quarti accelerato che immancabilmente diventa la tua lingua madre più energie possibili. Nessuna frivolezza insomma, nessun vagheggiamento, nessun effetto speciale che non sia un riff veloce o uno stacco improvviso: solo punk ante litteram, garage vecchio stile e tonnellate di personalità a colmare i vuoti strumentali. Se nasci a Detroit, poi, e hai qualche buona idea, magari vendi anche una vagonata di dischi. Se la tua terra d'origine invece è la Sardegna e sei al primo 45 giri – si, avete capito bene, che il Signore dei dischi li benedica! – sei sulla buona strada per guadagnarti, oltre al rispetto di addetti ai lavori e pubblico, un posto in prima fila per il "best of" del 2008. Che non sarebbe poco, considerata la giovane età dei Nostri. È sufficiente ascoltarli una volta, questi Love Boat, per innamorarsene, canticchiando sui coretti bubble-gum di "Love Boat Song" o lasciandosi conquistare dallo scapicollare ritmico e le voci sgraziate di "Don't Ask Me Why": anticipazioni gustose di un esordio sulla lunga distanza – ma chiamiamolo con il suo vero nome: LP – che speriamo possa vedere la luce quanto prima. (Federico Zampighi - Il Mucchio) VIDEOS http://www. youtube. com/watch?v=su6DJF2_QXI http://www. youtube. com/watch?v=lxOjZlRr_eM http://www. youtube. com/watch?v=9n76jDNIPi

    • September 16, 2008 1:35 PM CDT
    • Hi,

      I'm going to Copenhagen on October 31st for the Graham Day & The Gaolers gig in Stengade 30.
      Does anyone have any tips for hotels near the venue (staggering distance if possible). I'll also be staying the following nights, so any tips for clubs, gigs, record shops etc would also be appreciated.

    • September 16, 2008 1:31 PM CDT
    • Check out Wowsville record, by Schlesisches Tor U-Bahn station. There is also a good record shop directly opposite the Oscar Wilde pub at Oranienburger Str U-Bahn station.

      For events, get yourself a copy of Zitty magazine when you arrive, that'll list all you need to know but White Trash Fast Food and Kaffe Burger near Rosa Luxemburg U-Bahn are probably a good bet.

    • September 3, 2008 5:29 AM CDT
    • I'll be in Berlin a few day for Christmas, I'd like to know where to buy vinyl records, cool flea markets, clothes or whatever..


    • September 14, 2008 6:24 AM CDT
    • hello.
      i'll be in london from 20 oct. till 2 Nov.
      do you know any good vinyl shops or any record fair?
      also do you know any places to listen 60's music?
      thanks for your help......

    • September 10, 2008 7:36 AM CDT
    • check out our tunes and drop us a line if yer interested!

    • September 10, 2008 7:31 AM CDT
    • anyone interested in the London area, drop us a line!

    • September 9, 2008 3:07 PM CDT
    • In case anyone else here didn't mention this yet, I just discovered a cool band called the Gurus, who are from Barcelona.

    • September 9, 2008 2:48 PM CDT
    • ask for the BAR ANTONIO, good food and good music

    • September 9, 2008 1:27 PM CDT
    • Hey, I just saw I gave the wrong website for the Rockabilly festival! That was the last year's. This year's is Afternoon shows are free (at the pool area of a hotel), and friday thre's the Neanderthals. And it's not one hour by train, but 35-40 minutes. Awright.

    • September 8, 2008 3:43 AM CDT
    • Thank you.

    • September 2, 2008 8:19 AM CDT
    • the best record shop in paris has to be Born Bad. they're actually here on the hideout so you can check it out.

    • September 7, 2008 4:23 AM CDT
    • We don't play that often.Sometimes it seems there's some sorta garage punk conspiracy against us. Or maybe we're paranoid. Or crap. but that's not too likely. Make up yer own minds, people! details at

    • September 5, 2008 4:52 AM CDT
    • Hi there, just post here if you are looking for a garage band which is searching for gigs in GER, so that they can contact you!
      Actually i am looking for bands for 2009 for Schleswig-Holstein/GER...let me hear from you!