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    • January 22, 2012 10:58 PM CST
    • it's pretty scary seeing stuff like this happen. the US government was able to take down/restrict access to an entire site and its affiliated sites without SOPA or PIPA.

    • January 20, 2012 1:12 AM CST
    • I'm wondering if the New Zealand Government should be implicated in the money laundering charges. The guy bought 10 Million dollars worth of NZ Govt Bonds and made an undisclosed donation to the Canterbury Earthquake Fund to get his residency rubber stamped.

    • January 19, 2012 5:21 PM CST
    • I can't help but to be rooting for the hackers.

      You know the funny thing is, though megaupload may make money off its service, it's not doing the file sharing. I know this has been gone over a million times with Napster etc etc. But really, shouldn't they be going after the US Postal Service next? How many bootleg records, CDs and mix tapes have they allowed their users to share, and for some, profit from? At least with sites like this, the for profit bootlegger is cut out of the action.

    • January 22, 2012 9:53 PM CST
    • No, technically "Vanishing Point" is NOT a hick flick but why it was looped into the topic was because of its huge financial success it received in the Southern drive-in market. Car chase films were a big draw, regardless of where they were filmed or took place.

      Chris Henniker said:

      I've never heard of Hixploitation, let alone considered Vanishing Point a Hixplotation film.

    • January 21, 2012 8:19 PM CST
    • I've never heard of Hixploitation, let alone considered Vanishing Point a Hixplotation film.

    • January 22, 2012 12:45 PM CST
    • "The aim is to get kids who have been in care ready for independent living, but the kids are so indolent, violent, stupid and ignorant that Smith feels like he's helping create a generation of crooks and scroungers."

      The above quote hardly constitutes an ideal attitude for a care-system worker…

      Haven't read the book, but judging by his blog, W.Smith seems to have a very limited understanding of the underlying causes here, and his conclusions are half-baked at best… Comparing poverty in the UK to starving Africans shows a major lack of analytical powers.

      Less welfare and more police?… Wow, what a brilliantly simplistic solution!

    • January 21, 2012 9:45 PM CST
    • One of the best pieces of journalism I've read in years, this book really opened my eyes to the shambolic care system we have in this country. Winston Smith says a lot of the stuff he has to do is actually counter productive, as it exacerbated the problems they were designed to solve. The aim is to get kids who have been in care ready for independent living, but the kids are so indolent, violent, stupid and ignorant that Smith feels like he's helping create a generation of crooks and scroungers. He even vents spleen on the "service users" in a chapter on an annual survey:

      "Do the staff understand your needs?

      See, 'need' has a different meaning in here to the meaning it has outside....For instance, here are a few things I feel the residents need.

      Bianca needs not to have got pregnant, as she can't look after herself, never mind an infant.

      Kenny needs not to have knocked up his ex-girlfriend twice 'by accident' , and now that he has, he needs to man up and provide for the kid and the mother.

      Perry neeeds to stop smoking dope all day, as well as stealing; actually, this goes for quite a few of our residents.....

      A few need to be locked up."

      It's also bloody funny, even down to a Pol Pot joke:

      "What's your goal, Pol? Restarting civilisation at year zero? That's good. Now, how are we going to achieve your goal? Shall I put, 'Agrarian socialism achieved by relocating city-dwellers to collectivised forced-labour farms?' OK, excellent. Now let's have a look at your Housing Benefit claim."


      It's not a review, but a personal reccomendation.

    • January 21, 2012 8:23 AM CST
    • Thanks mate, yeah she's a blast to ride, got the pea shooter pipes on her, so her note is fantastic when you give her a bit of stick. Wow...your Dad's Trophy sounds the business ! Yeah, you should do it, give her a birthday, get her fired up. As they say 'They should be ridden, not hidden'.



    • January 21, 2012 5:23 AM CST
    • cool bike, i live only a few miles from where it was made, you dont see many like that any more.

      my dad has a 65 650 trophy virtually the same bike without the twin carbs and a drum brake on the front,  the sound it makes when you give it some stick defies description.

      he cant ride anymore due to a bad knee, i might get it on the road this year, blow the cobwebs out.

    • January 21, 2012 5:15 AM CST
    • Hmmm... you may want to be careful what you wish for.  SAMICHLAUS was a beer brewed by Hurlimann of Switzerland.  It made The Guinness Book Of World Records as the STRONGEST BEER in the world.  17% alc/vol.! WooHoo! I couldn't find it fast enough!  SO BAD!!!  and not in a funky hip-hop way.   It has been 'retired' according to the website.

      You sound determined though, so - use Champagne yeast if you can get it (much more powerful stuff), of course lots of sugar (dextrose ferments faster) and time. Unpasteurized honey also helps keep yeast alive, but don't boil it.  If you live in a colder climate you can make Eisboch (Ice Bock): Just before you would normally bottle it you place the batch outside in a bucket in sub-freezing temperatures and remove ice formations every day as they develop.  All you will be removing is water.  By spring you will have something EXTREMELY potent....but I couldn't finish that bottle of Samichlaus - so I wonder why you'd bother spending all that extra money and time.  It may be that Cider or Wine should be your next logical step.  The same Ice Bock method can also be used for either.  In the case of cider it is called 'Apple Jack'.  Good Luck!  Hope this helps.  Cheers!

    • January 21, 2012 4:21 AM CST
    • Nooooo joke :):):):)

    • January 21, 2012 4:19 AM CST
    • Cover of the book above:)

    • January 21, 2012 4:18 AM CST
    • This one is considered by many as the new absolute Bible of Heavy Metal today :):)!!!!



    • January 21, 2012 4:05 AM CST
    • Real nice one :):)

      Pat said:

      The HitchIker's guide to galaxy by Douglas Adams , my all time favorite !!

    • January 20, 2012 4:19 AM CST
    • Just read some reviews of I Lucifer online. Most people said it was an amazing read, some people whined that it was too whiny and overly laden with adjectives. I'm gonna give it a try. Thanks.

      Funhouse Skull said:

      I just finished an AMAZING book called "I, Lucifer" by Glen Duncan the premise of which is Lucifer is given an opportunity to rejoin the angelic host by living out life as a mortal. Naturally he pursues a lifestyle of epic debauchery...

      Pikini Death Ray said:

      Here are a few of my favourites (not really music related)

      The Grapes of Wrath - John Steinbeck

      Tales of Ordinary Madness - Charles Bukowski

      Pimp - Iceberg Slim

      Mama Black Widow - Iceberg Slim

      Dopefiend - Donald Goines

      Trainspotting - Irvine Welsh

      On the Road - Jack Kerouac

      If anybody has any suggestions for new reading material that would be great. Cheers.

    • January 19, 2012 8:08 PM CST
    • I just finished an AMAZING book called "I, Lucifer" by Glen Duncan the premise of which is Lucifer is given an opportunity to rejoin the angelic host by living out life as a mortal. Naturally he pursues a lifestyle of epic debauchery...

      Pikini Death Ray said:

      Here are a few of my favourites (not really music related)

      The Grapes of Wrath - John Steinbeck

      Tales of Ordinary Madness - Charles Bukowski

      Pimp - Iceberg Slim

      Mama Black Widow - Iceberg Slim

      Dopefiend - Donald Goines

      Trainspotting - Irvine Welsh

      On the Road - Jack Kerouac

      If anybody has any suggestions for new reading material that would be great. Cheers.

    • January 21, 2012 2:00 AM CST
    • That was fun!  The playing cards were amazing!

    • January 20, 2012 2:45 PM CST
    • Made this one recently for a show with Thee Cormans. 

    • January 20, 2012 2:43 AM CST
    • Can't wait to see the new one happen.

    • January 20, 2012 2:39 AM CST
    • Yeah, haha, looks like I got gripe on bar people :)

      kopper said:

      IDON, you're taking this a bit too personally, I think. Hmmm... ;)