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    • November 19, 2011 3:15 AM CST
    • Try seeing how many different versions of A Christmas Carol you can watch.I love A Christmas Carol.

      The crappy decorations are the best part though. Christmas is the ugliest festival of the year and anyone who trys to make it tasteful is a fool. It's even uglier than Halloween and so my flat is going to be amassing more and more images of snowmen in hats and stuff to do with Father Christmas.

      I missed this when it came out last year. I really want to see this, if it's anything like as bad as Doomsday 2012 then it will be awesome. God bless christian nutters.


      I generally hate christmas music with a couple of exceptions.

    • November 18, 2011 10:40 PM CST
    • I was going to say>>> FEAR- Fuck Christmas, but you guys beat me to it.  I can't stand the shopping season and getting run over by baby strollers.  That's why I celebrate Halloween. I wish I could still get into it, but I just can't.

    • November 18, 2011 11:41 AM CST
    • Awesome! Cool to see you post this (wondering if somebody was going to)! Yeah, Lee Ving popped up in a couple of movies too...

      hayzeusofcool said:

      It might've been. Yeah, I thought it was Blondie for the longest time, but apparently it's a band called The Waitresses. It's okay, I used to really dig that song "Never Say Never", where the chorus is "I might like you better if we slept together," and for the longest time I thought it was Blondie also, until my mom(who was Ms. New Wave in the 80s)confirmed about year ago that it was Romeo Void, who apparently she saw open for the Bangles once in the 80s. But I also forgot, I really love Fear's "Fuck Christmas" as well. Haha whenever my folks would leave the house when I was about 13 or 14, I used to blast this song around the yuletide time. And I always loved Live...For The Record with all their asshole banter. And it was funny, I thought Lee Ving was like this really young dude in the 80s, until wikipedia became popularized, and I found out that he was in his 30s during the entire 80s Hardcore Punk era that he was apart of. It was kind of weird for me to think that there was Ian Mackaye who was 19 in 1981, and then there was Lee Ving who was 31 in 1981. And now people say punk is for kids! Haha Fuck Christmas.

      joey fuckup said:

      Wasn't this off one of those new wave/punk Christmas themed comps?

      joey fuckup said:

      I can't remember the last time I heard this song...Or have I? Hmmm, not sure, but I can definately hear Blondie in this. Honestly, had you not said it was the Waitresses, I would have guessed the other. Are there any others Xmas tunes you just gotta hear?

      hayzeusofcool said:

      I know people who absolutely hate this song, but I've always loved "Christmas Wrapping". It has such a good Postcards Record meets Blondie style: 

    • November 18, 2011 9:57 AM CST
    • It might've been. Yeah, I thought it was Blondie for the longest time, but apparently it's a band called The Waitresses. It's okay, I used to really dig that song "Never Say Never", where the chorus is "I might like you better if we slept together," and for the longest time I thought it was Blondie also, until my mom(who was Ms. New Wave in the 80s)confirmed about year ago that it was Romeo Void, who apparently she saw open for the Bangles once in the 80s. But I also forgot, I really love Fear's "Fuck Christmas" as well. Haha whenever my folks would leave the house when I was about 13 or 14, I used to blast this song around the yuletide time. And I always loved Live...For The Record with all their asshole banter. And it was funny, I thought Lee Ving was like this really young dude in the 80s, until wikipedia became popularized, and I found out that he was in his 30s during the entire 80s Hardcore Punk era that he was apart of. It was kind of weird for me to think that there was Ian Mackaye who was 19 in 1981, and then there was Lee Ving who was 31 in 1981. And now people say punk is for kids! Haha Fuck Christmas.

      joey fuckup said:

      Wasn't this off one of those new wave/punk Christmas themed comps?

      joey fuckup said:

      I can't remember the last time I heard this song...Or have I? Hmmm, not sure, but I can definately hear Blondie in this. Honestly, had you not said it was the Waitresses, I would have guessed the other. Are there any others Xmas tunes you just gotta hear?

      hayzeusofcool said:

      I know people who absolutely hate this song, but I've always loved "Christmas Wrapping". It has such a good Postcards Record meets Blondie style: 

    • November 18, 2011 9:11 AM CST
    • Yeah man, I totally agree with you on early '70's Xmas artwork being the "golden age" (since I was born in '70). I especially love the decorations from back then, like the large plastic statuettes that lit up, and the fat, gaudy bulbs you put on your tree. Thanks for posting these LP covers! And definately let me know about those tunes! Appreciate it!

      trashman said:

      I posted a few other pics for the ones I have. If I can't find the links I'll put them up on mediafire myself.  I'll get back to you
      I love early 1970s artwork for xmas - seemed like the golden time for xmas decorations
      joey fuckup said:

      WOW! I would love to frame this album just so I could hang it up for the Christmas holiday! I would definately buy this on disc so I could have it on my ipod! Hey, do you have the links to find these mp3s???




    • November 18, 2011 8:40 AM CST
    • I posted a few other pics for the ones I have. If I can't find the links I'll put them up on mediafire myself.  I'll get back to you
      I love early 1970s artwork for xmas - seemed like the golden time for xmas decorations
      joey fuckup said:

      WOW! I would love to frame this album just so I could hang it up for the Christmas holiday! I would definately buy this on disc so I could have it on my ipod! Hey, do you have the links to find these mp3s???




    • November 18, 2011 7:48 AM CST
    • Wasn't this off one of those new wave/punk Christmas themed comps?

      joey fuckup said:

      I can't remember the last time I heard this song...Or have I? Hmmm, not sure, but I can definately hear Blondie in this. Honestly, had you not said it was the Waitresses, I would have guessed the other. Are there any others Xmas tunes you just gotta hear?

      hayzeusofcool said:

      I know people who absolutely hate this song, but I've always loved "Christmas Wrapping". It has such a good Postcards Record meets Blondie style: 

    • November 18, 2011 6:57 AM CST
    • I can't remember the last time I heard this song...Or have I? Hmmm, not sure, but I can definately hear Blondie in this. Honestly, had you not said it was the Waitresses, I would have guessed the other. Are there any others Xmas tunes you just gotta hear?

      hayzeusofcool said:

      I know people who absolutely hate this song, but I've always loved "Christmas Wrapping". It has such a good Postcards Record meets Blondie style: 

    • November 17, 2011 11:41 PM CST
    • I know people who absolutely hate this song, but I've always loved "Christmas Wrapping". It has such a good Postcards Record meets Blondie style: 

    • November 17, 2011 7:50 PM CST
    • While this may be on a tangent, the best Christmas was when my mum threw up after a bottle of wine. It was so unexpected, which made it great. I hope there is a suprise this year. Anyway, what do I love and hate about the Winter Solstice?



      1. Presents after Christmas day.
      2. Something unusual as a present
      3. Watching a late film or comedy with the family
      4. A lie in on Christmas morning
      5. Seeing Lilli, my cat, having a whale of a time (she loves Christmas)


      1. Crap telly (Christmas soaps, like the latest punch up in Eastenders)
      2. Not really pushing the boat out and having crocodile or panda for Christmas dinner. I always ask mum and dad for stuff like that.
      3. The anticlimax
      4. Those adverts for the January sales and summer holidays on Christmas eve onwards.


    • November 17, 2011 6:15 PM CST
    • WOW! I would love to frame this album just so I could hang it up for the Christmas holiday! I would definately buy this on disc so I could have it on my ipod! Hey, do you have the links to find these mp3s???

      trashman said:

      ^yes, Colonel Saunders xmas albums.  Listened to the annualy on the oversized record player as a kid and recently found the .mp3s of them online.  Hillarious that the Colonel had xmas compilations so the novelty remains to play them.  When I found them online my dad's eyes almost fell out of their sockets.  Just traditional songs but seeing that album cover is just too funny.  The chipmunks always get played (gotta teach the newphews the classics).  Robert Goulet is always a must.   But not much on the pop culture side; its about getting back to the tradition.

      But these are a few of my favourite things.


    • November 17, 2011 5:48 PM CST
    • ^yes, Colonel Saunders xmas albums.  Listened to the annualy on the oversized record player as a kid and recently found the .mp3s of them online.  Hillarious that the Colonel had xmas compilations so the novelty remains to play them.  When I found them online my dad's eyes almost fell out of their sockets.  Just traditional songs but seeing that album cover is just too funny.  The chipmunks always get played (gotta teach the newphews the classics).  Robert Goulet is always a must.   But not much on the pop culture side; its about getting back to the tradition.

      But these are a few of my favourite things.


    • November 17, 2011 5:07 PM CST
    • So on Christmas Eve, while at your parent's house, do you guys check out any holiday themed movies or TV specials? Any disc you want to throw on to get you in the mood?

      trashman said:


      1) Parents still feeling like they have to break their bank account for me at xmas time (I'm too old for that)

      2) Getting a gift from someone you didn't expect and feeling guilty you don't have something for them

      3) Emergency regifting to give that surprise gifter something in return and remove the guilty feeling

      4) Waiting for the organic egg nog brands to hit the shelves



      1) going to parents house and sleeping in my childhood bedroom on Xmas eve night - lights in the window and all.  Still sort of magical.

      2) my mistletoe belt buckle

      3) xmas cheer

      4) snow (but not too much of it)

    • November 17, 2011 4:48 PM CST
    • Hate:

      1) Parents still feeling like they have to break their bank account for me at xmas time (I'm too old for that)

      2) Getting a gift from someone you didn't expect and feeling guilty you don't have something for them

      3) Emergency regifting to give that surprise gifter something in return and remove the guilty feeling

      4) Waiting for the organic egg nog brands to hit the shelves



      1) going to parents house and sleeping in my childhood bedroom on Xmas eve night - lights in the window and all.  Still sort of magical.

      2) my mistletoe belt buckle

      3) xmas cheer

      4) snow (but not too much of it)

    • November 16, 2011 2:11 PM CST
    • Yeah, the wife and I exchange only one gift as well, and make it all about our kids. My wife is total "Ms. Christmas" and practically decorates throughout the whole house! You guys would friggin' puke...As for the Salvation Army, well, Kopper has given us a real reason to punch those annoying bell-ringing bastards!

      kopper said:

      We're not religious by ANY stretch of the imagination (in fact, I consider myself an atheist), but we do the Xmas/Santa thing for the kids. Put up a tree and all that because it's fun for them. Our gift exchange is kept to a minimum, though. Like, my wife and I exchange ONE gift. And the rest of our family just gets presents for the kids. The rest of it is just getting together and having a big meal and watching "A Christmas Story" on TV. But I do hate all of the hoopla surrounding the holiday and how earlier it's starting these days. I just try to ignore it as much as possible, like I do with about 90% of the rest of annoying popular culture.

      Joey mentioned the Salvation Army, and I wanted to add that there are MUCH better charitable organizations to donate money (such as the National Coalition for the Homeless or your local foodbank). DON'T give to the Salvation Army. It's run by an evangelical church and won't assist everyone—only those they deem sufficiently worthy (they are vehemently anti-gay, for example).

    • November 16, 2011 12:44 PM CST
    • We're not religious by ANY stretch of the imagination (in fact, I consider myself an atheist), but we do the Xmas/Santa thing for the kids. Put up a tree and all that because it's fun for them. Our gift exchange is kept to a minimum, though. Like, my wife and I exchange ONE gift. And the rest of our family just gets presents for the kids. The rest of it is just getting together and having a big meal and watching "A Christmas Story" on TV. But I do hate all of the hoopla surrounding the holiday and how earlier it's starting these days. I just try to ignore it as much as possible, like I do with about 90% of the rest of annoying popular culture.

      Joey mentioned the Salvation Army, and I wanted to add that there are MUCH better charitable organizations to donate money (such as the National Coalition for the Homeless or your local foodbank). DON'T give to the Salvation Army. It's run by an evangelical church and won't assist everyone—only those they deem sufficiently worthy (they are vehemently anti-gay, for example).

    • November 16, 2011 11:45 AM CST
    • Christmas parade already??? Jeez, we don't have ours here in this town 'til around the first weekend of December! Getting drunk on some seasonal ale, perhaps?

      Mardy Pune said:

      I hate all the consumerist bullshit that goes with the silly season. We had the Xmas parade over the weekend, its half way through November, it just makes no sense to me. Yesterday I walked through town and there were Xmas songs playing in shops I walked past. What the fuck?!? I also hate it when people say its the time for peace and goodwill towards all mankind, why do we only do that on Jesus' Birthday and not all year round? Surely Jesus would have wanted that, well maybe, I don't know, I'm not a Christian.

      I do like that people are generally more civil towards each other, I like getting really drunk and playing loud music cause all the neighbours have gone away, I like lying like a starfish in the driveway with my dog on Xmas day afternoon in the sun, I love the flowering Pohutukawa trees, I like eating shitloads of meat and I love making the drunken "I love you" phone call to my better half!

    • November 18, 2011 7:36 PM CST
    • OK, my latest additions to my collection:

      "HoDad Makin' the Scene With A Six-Pack"

      And two of the "Frantics":

      "Frantic Banana"...

      ...and the dude from "Frantic Cats" set:

      What's irking the piss out of me, though, is that the store employees keep putting these "non-peel" price stickers on the packaging! So, I'm considering taking these guys out of their packaging, that way they're easier to display AND I can see the trading cards that came with them. But, as a collector, do I really want to remove them? What do you guys think?

    • November 16, 2011 6:56 AM CST
    • Yes, I've always loved your logo pic on here! And, note to self: pick up that autobio! Hey, you wouldn't happen to have a picture gallery somewhere of your collection, do you? Would love to see it! Speaking of happy hunting, I think I'm heading out soon to grab up some more of the newer figurines, along with some Silly Surfers...

      Howie Pyro said:

      i have one of the biggest weird-oh, nutty mad, rat fink collections around (i even wrote big daddy roth's autobiography with him "confessions of a rat fink"  in the early 90's)...hawk just bought up a bunch of other sorta related model companies from the 60's and 70's (like the lindy loonies series)...check 'em out here:

      the old stuff is getting very expensive in the last decade, but bargains still turn up...happy can see my logo pic is a reworking of a weird-ohs design...

    • November 18, 2011 5:39 PM CST

      Paul Collins, garagepunk sticker and me....Paul is wearing the ultra suave 905's (Brampton powerpop combo) T-shirt.

    • November 18, 2011 2:51 PM CST
    • thanks! 

    • November 17, 2011 6:26 AM CST
    • Me visiting Link Wray in Copenhagen in august 2009 


    • November 17, 2011 12:54 AM CST
    • Post pictures of yourself with musicians you've met or just plain concert photos. 

    • November 17, 2011 9:49 AM CST
    • Yes!!  Blickenstaff is the man!

    • November 16, 2011 5:13 PM CST
    • Yes... very confused...

      Mardy Pune said:

      yeah, I do remember that discussion. A bit of a painful conclusion after all that work!

      I'm going to download this and have a look at it: Android SDK

      I'm not making any promises though, I'll probably end up more confused than I already am after looking at it!