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    • November 16, 2011 6:49 AM CST
    • Some of my work.

    • November 15, 2011 1:40 PM CST
    • Here's my newest piece. Fresh off the silkscreen press, still smoking. 


    • November 14, 2011 3:59 AM CST
    • Hi ! I have an illustration blog, mostly based up on Rock"n"Roll garage songs.

      If you wanna pick an eye :


      Cheers !

    • November 16, 2011 1:39 AM CST
    • i have one of the biggest weird-oh, nutty mad, rat fink collections around (i even wrote big daddy roth's autobiography with him "confessions of a rat fink"  in the early 90's)...hawk just bought up a bunch of other sorta related model companies from the 60's and 70's (like the lindy loonies series)...check 'em out here:

      the old stuff is getting very expensive in the last decade, but bargains still turn up...happy can see my logo pic is a reworking of a weird-ohs design...

    • November 12, 2011 5:10 PM CST
    • Really Love these!!!.............

    • November 12, 2011 7:49 AM CST
    • Here's "Leaky Boat Louie" (who I now have):

      Also "Digger":

      "Freddy Flameout":

      And "Endsville Eddie":

      This one I want the most, the flagship character for Podunk Holler:

      I don't have the patience to do model kits, but I think I'm going to have to attempt this one:

    • November 12, 2011 7:19 AM CST

    • Neat! Since I have gotten my hands on four of the "Weird-Ohs" figures (Leaky Boat Louie, Freddy Flameout, Digger, and Endsville Eddie), I'm eyeing the model kits too...And the trading cards...
      Bryan De Solis said:

      Love the Weird-ohs.I picked up a "Drag Hag" model kit a couple of months ago @ Forbidden Planet NYC.

    • November 12, 2011 7:15 AM CST

    • Ha! I really like this, thanks Steve! I didn't realize there was an album of these guys, too...Guess I'll be trying to collect as much of this stuff as well (besides Hawk's newer line of figurines). My wife picked up "Hodad" and a Silly Surfer girl for my daughter, and of course, she wanted to open her packages. Ah, 10 year olds, what do they know about collecting? Hahaha....
      swt said:

      Oh man, that's a chunk of my childhood there. Used to get dizzy with glue fumes putting together Weird-oh models (and the Big Daddy Roth line of funny monsters and the Aurora Monster film models)


      I had that album when it came out in the 60s. I think they only sold it in toy stores and hobby shops.


      Here's a Silly Surfers song  


    • November 12, 2011 2:26 AM CST
    • Love the Weird-ohs.I picked up a "Drag Hag" model kit a couple of months ago @ Forbidden Planet NYC.

    • November 11, 2011 9:52 PM CST
    • Oh man, that's a chunk of my childhood there. Used to get dizzy with glue fumes putting together Weird-oh models (and the Big Daddy Roth line of funny monsters and the Aurora Monster film models)


      I had that album when it came out in the 60s. I think they only sold it in toy stores and hobby shops.


      Here's a Silly Surfers song  


    • November 11, 2011 11:59 AM CST
    • Not sure how many of you Hideout members are aware (or care) about these kooky little toys, but they have been brought (back) out by Hawk Toys.

      What's not to love? Each character comes with a skateboard, that allows these cool little guys to stand on (it's magnetic) plus 5 trading cards. Well, that is if you really want to open the packages. Personally, I'd probably keep mine packaged (maybe pick up a duplicate to display by the computer?). I hadn't seen any of these around my city, but a friend tipped me off that they were being sold for the discounted price of $2.75 at an area close-out store (they retail roughly around $7)!

      There are not only the "Weird-Ohs" collection, but also the "Silly Surfers" (which the figures come packaged with a surfboard) and the "Frantics" collection which is more musically oriented. Plus, you can collect the trading cards (sorry, no stick gum included) and model kits.

      "Weird-Ohs" are nothing new, of course. These toys are being brought back to re-introduce fellow weirdo loving collectors to the artwork of Bill Campbell, who began creating these fun, grotesque hot-rod lovin' characters in 1963. Scores of merchandise followed in the wake including model kits, t-shirts, Halloween masks, collector trading cards, jigsaw puzzles, and more. To see a full line of what is available now, go here to the "Weird-Ohs" website:

      I'm getting my hands on as many as I can, as I've been bitten by the collecting bug. I'm sure many of you garageheads would love this sort of thing, so I'd thought I'd throw this out there. Now, as I start to collect these, I'm going to want to get my grubby claws on the harder to find classic line of toys and related collectibles. (Get a second job?)

      And I really want this record:

      I feel a collecting frenzy coming on:

      Look familiar, Podunkers?

      Looks like I'm going to be spending lots of time at my area flea market, not to mention e-bay...

    • November 16, 2011 1:18 AM CST
    • In my country, we had a christmas tree set up in late October. Well, it's pretty much the biggest mall around here, so it wasn't that much of a surprise, but it is bullshit, really.


      All I want for christmas is to get my present, eat up whatever is on the table and then get wasted... And then wait for the new year. THAT'S ALL!

    • November 16, 2011 1:11 AM CST
    • I hate all the consumerist bullshit that goes with the silly season. We had the Xmas parade over the weekend, its half way through November, it just makes no sense to me. Yesterday I walked through town and there were Xmas songs playing in shops I walked past. What the fuck?!? I also hate it when people say its the time for peace and goodwill towards all mankind, why do we only do that on Jesus' Birthday and not all year round? Surely Jesus would have wanted that, well maybe, I don't know, I'm not a Christian.

      I do like that people are generally more civil towards each other, I like getting really drunk and playing loud music cause all the neighbours have gone away, I like lying like a starfish in the driveway with my dog on Xmas day afternoon in the sun, I love the flowering Pohutukawa trees, I like eating shitloads of meat and I love making the drunken "I love you" phone call to my better half!

    • November 14, 2011 6:18 PM CST
    • Yep, it's that time of year again, or rather, it's already been that time for the Yuletide spirit the second Halloween was over. Or, depending on which retail shops you frequent, it started before the friggin' summer was over! And whether or not you do celebrate Christmas (or some form of), there are probably songs, movies, TV specials, etc. that seem to get you in the mood, good or bad. What's your favorite Xmas tune? Or hell, which one do you absolutely fucking hate? What pop cultural event or icon just makes you want to punch the first Salvation Army Santa you see? What do you consider essential listening or viewing to make it feel like Christmas to you? I'm curious to see what's traditional for you Hideout members...Is it overindulging on repeat viewings of "A Christmas Story" while concocting drinking games involving that spiked egg nog? Or is it rushing out to your local music store with a hammer and destroying every copy of "Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer"? To me, there's nothing that makes me want to sit by the woodstove, sipping seasonal ale and getting ready for the big night than this classic from the late, great Bob Clark (yes, the same filmmaker that gave you "A Christmas Story), "Black Christmas":

      And if I've gotta have some Christmas songs playing, this album is as good as any to get started on:

      So, let's see what you guys love OR hate!

    • November 14, 2011 6:28 PM CST
    • Currently there are about 25 bottles of Single Malt Scotch in my basement.  My favorites are Talisker 10 and 18 Year Old.  I like to call the 10 Year Old "smoke on the water."  It has the taste of smoke, peat and pepper.  The 18 Year Old is more tamed and refined.  Lagavulin is a another peaty favorite.


      If smooth is what you are looking for, you can not go wrong with any of the Highland Park (12, 15 or 18 Year Old).

    • November 13, 2011 2:18 PM CST
    • I SAW A SHOW ON HORROR MOVIE POSTERS FROM GHANA , RECENTLY....THE ARTWORK WAS SIMILAR TO THIS ,BUT WAY MORE OUTRAGEOUS....I'm only just now starting to see illustrations on movie posters again , instead of nondescript closeups of the stars. But , we have a  long way to go , until we gat back to the ART of the movie poster.....

      sleazy said:

    • November 13, 2011 10:12 AM CST
    • TV series.....I was 4 when I watched that :):):):)

      Mina said:

      Downloaden right now :)


      Which one did you mean? Movie of series?

    • November 12, 2011 4:25 PM CST
    • Both these pics look like they're from the TV version , Land of The Giants , But , i HAVE'NT SEEN THAT , OR THE MOVIE , VILLAGE OF THE GIANTS , IN CENTURIES.....

      Mina said:

      Downloaden right now :)


      Which one did you mean? Movie of series?

    • November 10, 2011 11:06 AM CST
    • Dude, what the hell are YOU smoking? The two best divisions in the NFL are clearly the NFC North and AFC North. The AFC South isn't even in the top two divisions in the AFC, let alone the NFL! "It's a pity that two AFC teams can't go to the Super Bowl???" What? Why?The best teams in the AFC are 6-2 right now, the best team in the NFC is 8-0! I take umbrage with these statements! Frankly, i'd like to see the Jets in the Super Bowl because, unlike the Ravens, Steelers, or Patriots, they are mostly all hype and would be an easier opponent for the Packers. That's all i got. Have a nice day!




      Alexander said:

      But I must say the best divisions in the Nfl are the AFC North and south.It`s apity that not two Afc teams could go to the super bowl.

    • November 10, 2011 11:05 AM CST
    • Oh god, how embarrassing.  Why would Nardwuar care about 1) football and 2) the Packers?  Duh.  But I do know some of your east coast pals, Eric and Maggie.  Altho haven't seen that girl in years.

      Fingers crossed for Sun. nite football.  Will be watching in the land of Ravens which should be interesting.