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    • September 26, 2011 3:38 PM CDT
    • Aldyth , Actually , I think it's pretty cool that you did remember that.

      Aldyth Beltane said:

      Oddly, Conan *did* appear in the Spider-Man title Marvel Team-Up, in which Conan was somehow magically transported to modern New York.  MTU had some of the most improbably crossovers imaginable.

      (I am oddly disturbed that I recall this particular bit of trivia.)

      joey fuckup said:

      With Spiderman being the THE flagship character for Marvel, I think the only comic book series he didn't appear in was "Conan the Barbarian". He crossed paths with everybody, and I think back in the '70's (for the most part), Spiderman had 5 different titled series. I read a rumor some time back that a fourth Spiderman movie would involve Morbius, and Blade would appear in it as well. Apparently Marvel was interested in breathing life back into the Blade franchise. There was even an industry insider joke that Wesley Snipes would portray him again because he needed the money. (Referring to his tax evasion troubles). Snipes has said that he has no desire to play Blade again, citing his displeasure with filming "Blade: Trinity". I do know that at one time, he was being considered to play Black Panther for the big screen.

    • September 26, 2011 2:35 PM CDT
    • Joey , I almost forgot The Electric Company stuff...I thought it was cool , just because it was Spiderman. I dug the Spidey theme song they had , when IT WAS SUNG BY SOME GUY TRYING TO SOUND LIKE DR. JOHN , not the kid's chorus.  I heard Morgan Freeman still gets pissed if people sing "Easy Reader , That's My Name.." to him.

      Retraction (From earlier) : I did see the second "Spiderman" movie , but only part of it. When I heard Willem DaFoe was going to play The Green Goblin , I thought , perfect ! paint his face green , and he's good to go ! But , of course ,they had to go and bury his face in appliances , to where he was barely recognizeable.

      With or without supervillains , Spiderman was always "Realistic" , because he had day -to - day problems.

      joey fuckup said:

      Yeah, Rod and John, I used to watch that '70's "Spiderman" show religiously, and I loved it. To me, it was a lot better than "Spidey Super Stories" on the "Electric Company" TV series (haha). But Rod, I had to agree, the plots were boring, it was just thrilling seeing him in true action (for the era that is). I had watched an interview with Stan Lee regarding that Spiderman series, and he said that CBS wouldn't allow him to introduce any supervillains from the comics because they wanted the series to be as realistic as possible (?!?!?!?!?!). I guess CBS could invision a guy getting bit by a radioactive spider and becoming superhero, but they couldn't imagine characters like the Green Goblin, Doc Ock, or the Sandman. So the "villains" of the series were boring stereotypes like the mob, bank robbers, mad scientists, etc. One of the great things about the Spiderman comics were the villains, naturally, so it's no wonder the series didn't last long.

      Rockin Rod Strychnine said:
      I was well aware of the Spider-Man show from the 70s because I was always wondering when the next episode was going to be but even as a 10 year old, I thought it was lame.  No Super-Villains, Spider-Man (or his stunt man) couldn't swing out from a building any further than 10 feet, and the plots were boring.  I felt the Toby McGuire movie was finally the Spider-Man I always loved from the comics even if some of the details were changed.

    • September 26, 2011 2:28 PM CDT
    • IDON MINE , You are so right ! I just love seeing what people can do when straddled with a virtually nonexistent budget . They had to use their imaginations ! And that , my friends , is what comic books are all about. Suspension of disbelief.

      IDON MINE said:

      Rip off super Hero movies are the best!

      I love that Mexican Bat Girl flic you metioned, well worth the watching ...and watching again.


      John Battles said:

       It depends. I like the old serials of the 30's and 40's - Batman (Hilarious) , Spy Smasher , Captain Marvel , Flash Gordon , etc. I still like the '66 Batman movie. There's a seldom - seen R- Rated 70's sex comedy , "Hot Times" , featuring Archie and his gang (Without permisson , of course.)....I used  to see it on primitive cable. Wish I'd bought it when I had the chance. The early 90's Captain America and Fantastic Four movies are a riot. I liked the new Captain America movie , actually , but , it's about the only one I've watched since the '88 "Batman" movie. Love "Ghost World" , and , yes , I consider "Eightball" and "Lloyd Llewellyn" comic books , not "Graphic novels".  But , lately , I've been digging some of the Turkish unauthorized Western Superhero films , like "Killink" (Better known as Kriminal or Killing , actually a Super - villain , from Italy , I believe ...). But he FIGHTS a Captain Marvel - inspired (Rippped off.) superhero , alternately known as Flying Man or Superhero (Real original , eh.). There's many others like these (Turkey is exempt from international copyright law , or so I've read.) , but , the ultimate is generally agreed upon as "Three Mighty Men". It's about the evil Spiderman , a sadistic crime boss , bumping off any and all rival gangsters and informants who stand in the way of his planned worldwide countierfitting ring. Captain America and Santo are called to Istanbul to fight the evil Spiderman , who does'nt climb walls , but can actually reproduce himself . If killed , he mysteriously reappears !     The South Indian Superman is hilarious , but , of course ,it's 3 1/2 hours long and loaded with romantic musical numbers. In Mexico , Santo , Blue Demon , Mil Mascaras , etc. , have filled the superhero void in the movies , but they did do a "Bat Girl" flick , the title heroine wears a bikini , cape and mask made of material similar to Adam West's costume on TV. Her "Batmobile" leaves a lot to be desired , but , might I say , she does'nt.

    • September 26, 2011 12:46 PM CDT
    • As dumb as "Spidey Super Stories" was, I actually got a kick out of that but that started when I was 6 and at least the bad guy in the story would have a costume.   That's hilarious about the "realism" comment.  During 1977 through 1979, all the Spider-Man and Hulk comics would have on the cover "Marvel's TV Sensation!"  But while the heroes in the comics were fighting characters like the White Dragon and the Abomination,  The TV characters were fighting the Mob, Bank Robbers and Mad Scientists (Spider-Man), or Cattle Rustlers and conspiritors (the Hulk).  My favorite comic story while the TV show was running was where Spider-Man met a new character that Curt Connors accidently creates called the Iguana.  Can you imagine THAT on the 1977 TV show?


    • September 26, 2011 11:15 AM CDT
    • Yeah, Rod and John, I used to watch that '70's "Spiderman" show religiously, and I loved it. To me, it was a lot better than "Spidey Super Stories" on the "Electric Company" TV series (haha). But Rod, I had to agree, the plots were boring, it was just thrilling seeing him in true action (for the era that is). I had watched an interview with Stan Lee regarding that Spiderman series, and he said that CBS wouldn't allow him to introduce any supervillains from the comics because they wanted the series to be as realistic as possible (?!?!?!?!?!). I guess CBS could invision a guy getting bit by a radioactive spider and becoming superhero, but they couldn't imagine characters like the Green Goblin, Doc Ock, or the Sandman. So the "villains" of the series were boring stereotypes like the mob, bank robbers, mad scientists, etc. One of the great things about the Spiderman comics were the villains, naturally, so it's no wonder the series didn't last long.

      Rockin Rod Strychnine said:

      I was well aware of the Spider-Man show from the 70s because I was always wondering when the next episode was going to be but even as a 10 year old, I thought it was lame.  No Super-Villains, Spider-Man (or his stunt man) couldn't swing out from a building any further than 10 feet, and the plots were boring.  I felt the Toby McGuire movie was finally the Spider-Man I always loved from the comics even if some of the details were changed.

    • September 26, 2011 3:49 AM CDT
    • Rip off super Hero movies are the best!

      I love that Mexican Bat Girl flic you metioned, well worth the watching ...and watching again.


      John Battles said:

       It depends. I like the old serials of the 30's and 40's - Batman (Hilarious) , Spy Smasher , Captain Marvel , Flash Gordon , etc. I still like the '66 Batman movie. There's a seldom - seen R- Rated 70's sex comedy , "Hot Times" , featuring Archie and his gang (Without permisson , of course.)....I used  to see it on primitive cable. Wish I'd bought it when I had the chance. The early 90's Captain America and Fantastic Four movies are a riot. I liked the new Captain America movie , actually , but , it's about the only one I've watched since the '88 "Batman" movie. Love "Ghost World" , and , yes , I consider "Eightball" and "Lloyd Llewellyn" comic books , not "Graphic novels".  But , lately , I've been digging some of the Turkish unauthorized Western Superhero films , like "Killink" (Better known as Kriminal or Killing , actually a Super - villain , from Italy , I believe ...). But he FIGHTS a Captain Marvel - inspired (Rippped off.) superhero , alternately known as Flying Man or Superhero (Real original , eh.). There's many others like these (Turkey is exempt from international copyright law , or so I've read.) , but , the ultimate is generally agreed upon as "Three Mighty Men". It's about the evil Spiderman , a sadistic crime boss , bumping off any and all rival gangsters and informants who stand in the way of his planned worldwide countierfitting ring. Captain America and Santo are called to Istanbul to fight the evil Spiderman , who does'nt climb walls , but can actually reproduce himself . If killed , he mysteriously reappears !     The South Indian Superman is hilarious , but , of course ,it's 3 1/2 hours long and loaded with romantic musical numbers. In Mexico , Santo , Blue Demon , Mil Mascaras , etc. , have filled the superhero void in the movies , but they did do a "Bat Girl" flick , the title heroine wears a bikini , cape and mask made of material similar to Adam West's costume on TV. Her "Batmobile" leaves a lot to be desired , but , might I say , she does'nt.

    • September 26, 2011 12:22 AM CDT
    • The Saturday morning relevent issue shows.  Yeah, those were funny when you look back on them.  I really liked Shazam for a moment too just because of the comic but I couldn't figure out why they never had stories set in the city.  I guess it was cheaper to film out in the mountains and beaches than in the city but I thought that's what sets were for.   The 30s and 40s serials they'd show after school or sometimes before were a lot more entertaining.  I did like the 70s Doctor Strange movie even if it did look a little cheap but it seemed more like a comic book rather than a cop show with a guy in a costume, or painted green.

    • September 25, 2011 9:38 PM CDT
    • Rockin' Rod ,    That's pretty good , I guess you remember the show better a lot than I do , and I was probably 13....I don't remember the plots being particularly engaging , either , but , at the time I was glad the show even existed.        In hindsight , it seemed more like an extended pilot. These other pilots (Dr. Strange , Captain America , Wonder Woman #1.) did'nt seem to have enough to build a show from , but , at the time , I was glad to see they tried.
      The problem was , a lot of these shows had to be "Socially relevant" , instead of focusing on the action. Remember "ShaZZZZZZZam!"? As a kid of about 10 , I liked it , but that was mainly because Captain Marvel was my favorite superhero at the time. But , even then , I felt like I'd been gyped , because there was so little action , and , as you pointed out about the "Spiderman" show , no supervillains....Maybe I'd like the "Spiderman" movie , now that the hype's died down (It took me a year or two to watch "Batman" , because I felt like I'd already seen it. Plus , Warner Bros. were bullying local stores that sold "Batman" buttons that were made years before  , and a club that I was doing ads for at the time , but that's another story.). I just have this aversion to CGI. I don't mind a little , but , with movies like "Van Helsing" , that's almost all there is.
      Rockin Rod Strychnine said:

      I was well aware of the Spider-Man show from the 70s because I was always wondering when the next episode was going to be but even as a 10 year old, I thought it was lame.  No Super-Villains, Spider-Man (or his stunt man) couldn't swing out from a building any further than 10 feet, and the plots were boring.  I felt the Toby McGuire movie was finally the Spider-Man I always loved from the comics even if some of the details were changed.

    • September 25, 2011 8:59 PM CDT
    • I was well aware of the Spider-Man show from the 70s because I was always wondering when the next episode was going to be but even as a 10 year old, I thought it was lame.  No Super-Villains, Spider-Man (or his stunt man) couldn't swing out from a building any further than 10 feet, and the plots were boring.  I felt the Toby McGuire movie was finally the Spider-Man I always loved from the comics even if some of the details were changed.

    • September 25, 2011 7:49 PM CDT
    • Joey , What you say is true. The "Marvel Universe Ground Zero" begins here, and , there's some subtle references to related and unrelated Marvel characters. They did change the storyline , here and there , in terms of what happened to The Cap , and a surrounding character or two. I never saw any of those other movies because I loathe CGI. I realize there are times when it's the best , or only , option , but , don't make it the entire film, Actors and Animators and SFX people who use their hands , well , they all have to eat ,  too.....This one , by comparison , used less CGI. " Bat - Chica" IS a bit of a cult film , now , tho' I never read much about it , just saw a few pics and the great poster(Mexican lobby cards and posters RULE...Mexican postres , too. ). I just lucked into a copy. Never saw the Italian Spiderman , but I''ve seen some footage on You Tube , not the whole movie. Most people don't know there was a Spiderman TV show in the late 70's , briefly. At least they had a real stuntman (Fred Waugh , I think his name was) doing the shit work , and not a computer. I used to "Marvel" at him , literally climbing the side of The Empire State Building , and other death - defying stunts.

    • September 24, 2011 11:18 PM CDT
    • I'd like to see that "Bat Girl" movie you're talking about, it's kinda gathered a cult following I think. I haven't had a chance to see the latest "Captain America" film yet, but at this point, guess it's going to have to be on dvd. I understand there's quite some Marvel Comics history in it, since this film is basically "ground zero" for the Marvel Universe being planned out in future films. Speaking of foreign low budget superhero flicks, ever caught "Italian Spiderman"? That's pretty damn funny, and meant to be extra campy on purpose. They have the film split up in episodes over on You Tube.

      John Battles said:

       It depends. I like the old serials of the 30's and 40's - Batman (Hilarious) , Spy Smasher , Captain Marvel , Flash Gordon , etc. I still like the '66 Batman movie. There's a seldom - seen R- Rated 70's sex comedy , "Hot Times" , featuring Archie and his gang (Without permisson , of course.)....I used  to see it on primitive cable. Wish I'd bought it when I had the chance. The early 90's Captain America and Fantastic Four movies are a riot. I liked the new Captain America movie , actually , but , it's about the only one I've watched since the '88 "Batman" movie. Love "Ghost World" , and , yes , I consider "Eightball" and "Lloyd Llewellyn" comic books , not "Graphic novels".  But , lately , I've been digging some of the Turkish unauthorized Western Superhero films , like "Killink" (Better known as Kriminal or Killing , actually a Super - villain , from Italy , I believe ...). But he FIGHTS a Captain Marvel - inspired (Rippped off.) superhero , alternately known as Flying Man or Superhero (Real original , eh.). There's many others like these (Turkey is exempt from international copyright law , or so I've read.) , but , the ultimate is generally agreed upon as "Three Mighty Men". It's about the evil Spiderman , a sadistic crime boss , bumping off any and all rival gangsters and informants who stand in the way of his planned worldwide countierfitting ring. Captain America and Santo are called to Istanbul to fight the evil Spiderman , who does'nt climb walls , but can actually reproduce himself . If killed , he mysteriously reappears !     The South Indian Superman is hilarious , but , of course ,it's 3 1/2 hours long and loaded with romantic musical numbers. In Mexico , Santo , Blue Demon , Mil Mascaras , etc. , have filled the superhero void in the movies , but they did do a "Bat Girl" flick , the title heroine wears a bikini , cape and mask made of material similar to Adam West's costume on TV. Her "Batmobile" leaves a lot to be desired , but , might I say , she does'nt.

    • September 24, 2011 2:57 PM CDT
    •  It depends. I like the old serials of the 30's and 40's - Batman (Hilarious) , Spy Smasher , Captain Marvel , Flash Gordon , etc. I still like the '66 Batman movie. There's a seldom - seen R- Rated 70's sex comedy , "Hot Times" , featuring Archie and his gang (Without permisson , of course.)....I used  to see it on primitive cable. Wish I'd bought it when I had the chance. The early 90's Captain America and Fantastic Four movies are a riot. I liked the new Captain America movie , actually , but , it's about the only one I've watched since the '88 "Batman" movie. Love "Ghost World" , and , yes , I consider "Eightball" and "Lloyd Llewellyn" comic books , not "Graphic novels".  But , lately , I've been digging some of the Turkish unauthorized Western Superhero films , like "Killink" (Better known as Kriminal or Killing , actually a Super - villain , from Italy , I believe ...). But he FIGHTS a Captain Marvel - inspired (Rippped off.) superhero , alternately known as Flying Man or Superhero (Real original , eh.). There's many others like these (Turkey is exempt from international copyright law , or so I've read.) , but , the ultimate is generally agreed upon as "Three Mighty Men". It's about the evil Spiderman , a sadistic crime boss , bumping off any and all rival gangsters and informants who stand in the way of his planned worldwide countierfitting ring. Captain America and Santo are called to Istanbul to fight the evil Spiderman , who does'nt climb walls , but can actually reproduce himself . If killed , he mysteriously reappears !     The South Indian Superman is hilarious , but , of course ,it's 3 1/2 hours long and loaded with romantic musical numbers. In Mexico , Santo , Blue Demon , Mil Mascaras , etc. , have filled the superhero void in the movies , but they did do a "Bat Girl" flick , the title heroine wears a bikini , cape and mask made of material similar to Adam West's costume on TV. Her "Batmobile" leaves a lot to be desired , but , might I say , she does'nt.

    • September 26, 2011 2:23 PM CDT
    • If anyone here likes horror flix, here's one that will creep ya :):):)

    • September 26, 2011 1:16 PM CDT
    • Here's a movie I have always liked:):):)


    • September 26, 2011 1:11 PM CDT
    • Beyond the Valley of the Dolls!

    • September 26, 2011 12:13 PM CDT
    • If you like anime, "Death Note" is good spooky fun.

    • September 26, 2011 12:12 PM CDT
    • "The World's Fastest Indian", if you haven't seen it is AWESOME!

      "Zodiac is a great serial killer flick based on true events.

      And for good, schlocky fun, "Blacula" can't be beat!


    • September 26, 2011 11:18 AM CDT
    • I'm bored and i like to watch some good movies, new/old.. whatever. I like anime too, Strudio Ghibli is my fave.

    • September 26, 2011 1:08 PM CDT
    • I don't have much hope that it will really change anything, but it is nice to know that other people are pissed.  I think what we really need is a general strike ,don't go to work, don't buy anything ! Even a day or two.

    • September 26, 2011 10:39 AM CDT
    • Anybody have any opinion about the Wall Street protests?



      I'm surprised that I actually haven't heard more about this. I'm only starting to read about them and I'm trying to get info from as many sources as possible. It's kinda nuts, though, that they're saying that it looks like the protestors may not go away, but instead become a part of everyday life in Manhattan.

    • September 26, 2011 7:29 AM CDT
    • I have in the past, but my experience mostly sucked. Most of the people on there are just looking to hire the person who will accept the very least amount of money to execute their (typically) stupid, derivative ideas. I still do work for the one good client I met through Guru 6 years ago, so it wasn't all bad, I suppose.

    • September 26, 2011 7:15 AM CDT
    • Does anyone of you use websites like to find work? What's your experience with it?