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    • October 4, 2011 2:16 AM CDT
    • I discovered recently that one of my favorite anime series (next to Cowboy Bebop and Samurai Champloo) is streaming legally on YouTube. FLCL is amazing from both a technical and storytelling standpoint...mainly because it's kinda weird.

      You have the choice of dubbed or subtitled episodes!

      I didn't notice if anyone mentioned the films of Seijun Suzuki. He's definitely worth checking out. I can recommend Branded to Kill, Tokyo Drifter, and Gate of Flesh.

      I'd also check out Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt (it's streaming legally at Crunchyroll). It's very silly and dirty.

    • October 3, 2011 7:57 AM CDT
    •  You could try "Kamikaze  Girls"......Death Note has been made as both live action and anime versions...I like the live action better.....if you like gay-samurai-murder-buddy flicks, there is always "Gahato" (I may have spelt that might have two "T"s)........anything by Akira Kurosawa (I like "Kagemusha"....but its a bit "epic").....


      Hope you find something you like



      Mina said:

      Whoever recommended me Death Note,I am forever grateful. Though it wasn't anime,which I didn't mind.. I watched both 1 and 2.I loved it!


      Makes me crave for more Japanese movies! :)

    • October 4, 2011 2:25 AM CDT
    • This is one of my favorite things on YouTube. Online wrestling pundit Joe Gagne reviews pro wrestling video games, be they of the arcade or home console variety. Personally, these vids bring back a lot of memories. Here they are in reverse order via a YouTube search.

    • October 4, 2011 2:21 AM CDT
    • "The Contenders - Series 7", it uses a "fake documentary" style to tell the story in a pretty unusual way, worth seeing if you never have.. 


      That's real :)





    • October 3, 2011 12:33 PM CDT
    • "The Thing (from another world)", the original not the Carpenter remake, is one of my all time favourites and the original "Solaris" (the Russian one) is good (if very influenced by "2001").


      also, if you ever get the chance, try a film called "The Contenders - Series 7", it uses a "fake documentary" style to tell the story in a pretty unusual way, worth seeing if you never have.. 

    • October 4, 2011 12:12 AM CDT
    • Bubblicious! A pic from yesterday's Long Beach Motorama. Great to see The Beatnik Bandit, Mysterion and the Orbitron all in the same room. Also with them but not pictured, Roth's Tweedy Pie T-Bucket


    • October 3, 2011 2:55 PM CDT
    • THE WHOLE SERIES:):):)!!!!

    • October 2, 2011 5:37 AM CDT

    • October 3, 2011 11:41 AM CDT
    • Great article! Got this on dvd, along with "Vanishing Point" and "Dirty Mary Crazy Larry"...will go and promote this piece over on Facebook, Mal.

    • October 3, 2011 8:04 AM CDT
    • ...'Two Lane Blacktop' is a Great film, gotta agree with Kent on "Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry" as well....

    • October 3, 2011 6:00 AM CDT
    • Ok another reason how this threads from Obmama are ridiculous is that he allows inuits in Alaska and northern Canada to hunt whales because it in their tradition....


      and for you whale friends. the type of whales icelanders are hunting minkes(Balaenoptera acutorostrata) and fins (Balaenoptera physalus) are not in extinction risk ..


      and the dude talkin shit about disel spraying in the sea.. very much out of context...

    • October 1, 2011 5:16 PM CDT
    • Yep, fair comment, and that's probably one of the hardest facts about war, that the innocent's are always the ones that suffer the most.

      I guess what I'm trying to say is; using an animal, a whale in this case, as a bargaining point to try to get a change in US foreign policy is a pointless waste of time.

      Mike Humsgreen said:

      Um that is a point.... What with 7 billion people on Earth and with most of them living in LEDCs the USA sure can encourage taking out a few of them for shits n giggles. As for the 'easier' of the two well  whales might be big slow moving targets with no knowledge of how automatic weapons work. But then when US forces use an unmanned drone to kill half a dozen people at a wedding in Afganistan then to support that point it could give them at least an hour warning so that they have enough time to call their comrades and attempt to mount an attack on the base that is seeking their death. Don't forget whales can go underwater which people can't do and Iceland has no submarines!

      Mardy Pune said:

      I honestly can't see how shooting people and hunting whales are comparable. One on hand a person can pick up a weapon to defend themselves if they want too, and on the other hand, a whale is a big slow moving target with no way of defending themselves against the faster more brutal weapons that man uses.


      As far as the argument goes that the whale hunt is sustainable, well... The boats that are used to hunt the whales in a sustainable way are powered by diesel. Is the use of fossil fuels sustainable? No. Therefore the whale hunt is not sustainable.

    • October 2, 2011 5:20 PM CDT
    • Great prank! I checked immediately if the post was made on April 1st. :)

    • October 1, 2011 8:00 PM CDT
    • If a star is given to manson.

      Whats next?  Gacy, Dahmer, Bundy, etc........